12. In Glimpa,what are the 2main publicworks?1. In Limon,what featureprotectshouses fromflooding?9. What animalwas used forweapons,blankets andfood in Illia?26. Whatanimal dothey huntin Growki?10. In the citystate ofNada, whatdo they writeon?32. Where did thegold helmet andsilk pillow inLondonia's ancientmilitary barrackscome from?29. In SandmanCove, what areloaded withrocks in case ofattack?13. In Hunter'sexhibit on Zerore,what is an easyway to distinguisha person's socialclass?3. In Londonia,what did manyartisansspecialize inproducing?33. Whatgoods arebeing sold inthe Squashomarket?20. The civilizationof Atlantis issurrounded bywhat geographicalfeature?25. In Shambo,what did thegovernmentbuild to bringwater to thepeople?5. In Ymrlena,what did thegovernmentdo to supportthe economy?7. On whatriver isShambolocated?6. In Citta diSeleston, dideveryone live inthe same typesof housing?21. In Josh'sexhibit onZorer, in whatroom is thesacred textkept?4. What arethe 3 artifactsdisplayed fromAlbeny?27. On whatriver isHamsvillelocated?11. How manymarket stallsare shown inthe exhibit ofthe Shambomarketplace?2. In Charley'sexhibit for OmelHor EstadoDacidad, whatdid people writeon?14. In the StormValley exhibit,what is the jobof the fatherthat lives in thehouse?8. In Will's exhibit,what naturalresource wasused to producethe sword from MjiWa Amani?31. What do thestars on thebottom of thebowl fromGuacamolerepresent?28. Whatresources areused to buildhouses inSecal?22. In Mihir'scity-state, whoare the onlypeople allowedto use theGolden Sword?12. In Glimpa,what are the 2main publicworks?1. In Limon,what featureprotectshouses fromflooding?9. What animalwas used forweapons,blankets andfood in Illia?26. Whatanimal dothey huntin Growki?10. In the citystate ofNada, whatdo they writeon?32. Where did thegold helmet andsilk pillow inLondonia's ancientmilitary barrackscome from?29. In SandmanCove, what areloaded withrocks in case ofattack?13. In Hunter'sexhibit on Zerore,what is an easyway to distinguisha person's socialclass?3. In Londonia,what did manyartisansspecialize inproducing?33. Whatgoods arebeing sold inthe Squashomarket?20. The civilizationof Atlantis issurrounded bywhat geographicalfeature?25. In Shambo,what did thegovernmentbuild to bringwater to thepeople?5. In Ymrlena,what did thegovernmentdo to supportthe economy?7. On whatriver isShambolocated?6. In Citta diSeleston, dideveryone live inthe same typesof housing?21. In Josh'sexhibit onZorer, in whatroom is thesacred textkept?4. What arethe 3 artifactsdisplayed fromAlbeny?27. On whatriver isHamsvillelocated?11. How manymarket stallsare shown inthe exhibit ofthe Shambomarketplace?2. In Charley'sexhibit for OmelHor EstadoDacidad, whatdid people writeon?14. In the StormValley exhibit,what is the jobof the fatherthat lives in thehouse?8. In Will's exhibit,what naturalresource wasused to producethe sword from MjiWa Amani?31. What do thestars on thebottom of thebowl fromGuacamolerepresent?28. Whatresources areused to buildhouses inSecal?22. In Mihir'scity-state, whoare the onlypeople allowedto use theGolden Sword?

Museum Exhibit Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 12. In Glimpa, what are the 2 main public works?
  2. 1. In Limon, what feature protects houses from flooding?
  3. 9. What animal was used for weapons, blankets and food in Illia?
  4. 26. What animal do they hunt in Growki?
  5. 10. In the city state of Nada, what do they write on?
  6. 32. Where did the gold helmet and silk pillow in Londonia's ancient military barracks come from?
  7. 29. In Sandman Cove, what are loaded with rocks in case of attack?
  8. 13. In Hunter's exhibit on Zerore, what is an easy way to distinguish a person's social class?
  9. 3. In Londonia, what did many artisans specialize in producing?
  10. 33. What goods are being sold in the Squasho market?
  11. 20. The civilization of Atlantis is surrounded by what geographical feature?
  12. 25. In Shambo, what did the government build to bring water to the people?
  13. 5. In Ymrlena, what did the government do to support the economy?
  14. 7. On what river is Shambo located?
  15. 6. In Citta di Seleston, did everyone live in the same types of housing?
  16. 21. In Josh's exhibit on Zorer, in what room is the sacred text kept?
  17. 4. What are the 3 artifacts displayed from Albeny?
  18. 27. On what river is Hamsville located?
  19. 11. How many market stalls are shown in the exhibit of the Shambo marketplace?
  20. 2. In Charley's exhibit for Omel Hor Estado Dacidad, what did people write on?
  21. 14. In the Storm Valley exhibit, what is the job of the father that lives in the house?
  22. 8. In Will's exhibit, what natural resource was used to produce the sword from Mji Wa Amani?
  23. 31. What do the stars on the bottom of the bowl from Guacamole represent?
  24. 28. What resources are used to build houses in Secal?
  25. 22. In Mihir's city-state, who are the only people allowed to use the Golden Sword?