SolareclipseOccurs when theMoon passesdirectly between theSun and Earth andcasts a shadowover part of Earth.  IlluminateTo shine lighton an objectand make itvisibleFalseThere is no patternto the position ofthe moon, so it'simpossible topredict theupcoming moonphases.Free!NewmoonDuring whichphase(s) doesthe moon godark?  The sunlights upthe moonThe moonlights upbecause...TrueLight fromthe suntravels instraightlines.About1monthHow long doesit take to seethe full patternof moonphases?  ½ ofitHow much ofthe moon isalmost alwaysilluminated bythe sun?  FullmoonDuring whichphase of themoon does alunar eclipseoccur?  QuartermoonWhen one-halfof theilluminated sideof the Moonfaces Earth.  That is howlong it takesmoon toorbit earthWhy does ittake one monthto see the fullpattern of moonphases?  MoonphasesThe shape ofthe illuminatedpart of the moonas it appearsfrom Earth  Themoon’sorbit is atan angleWhy don'tlunar eclipsesoccur everymonth  LunareclipseThe blocking ofsunlight to themoon that occurswhen Earth isdirectly between thesun and the moon  The halffacingthe sunWhich half ofthe moon isilluminatedby the sun?OrbitThe nearly circularpath a small object(moon) travelsaround a largerobject (Earth)  SolareclipseOccurs when theMoon passesdirectly between theSun and Earth andcasts a shadowover part of Earth.  IlluminateTo shine lighton an objectand make itvisibleFalseThere is no patternto the position ofthe moon, so it'simpossible topredict theupcoming moonphases.Free!NewmoonDuring whichphase(s) doesthe moon godark?  The sunlights upthe moonThe moonlights upbecause...TrueLight fromthe suntravels instraightlines.About1monthHow long doesit take to seethe full patternof moonphases?  ½ ofitHow much ofthe moon isalmost alwaysilluminated bythe sun?  FullmoonDuring whichphase of themoon does alunar eclipseoccur?  QuartermoonWhen one-halfof theilluminated sideof the Moonfaces Earth.  That is howlong it takesmoon toorbit earthWhy does ittake one monthto see the fullpattern of moonphases?  MoonphasesThe shape ofthe illuminatedpart of the moonas it appearsfrom Earth  Themoon’sorbit is atan angleWhy don'tlunar eclipsesoccur everymonth  LunareclipseThe blocking ofsunlight to themoon that occurswhen Earth isdirectly between thesun and the moon  The halffacingthe sunWhich half ofthe moon isilluminatedby the sun?OrbitThe nearly circularpath a small object(moon) travelsaround a largerobject (Earth)  

Earth, Moon, & Sun - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth and casts a shadow over part of Earth.
    Solar eclipse
  2. To shine light on an object and make it visible
  3. There is no pattern to the position of the moon, so it's impossible to predict the upcoming moon phases.
  4. Free!
  5. During which phase(s) does the moon go dark?
    New moon
  6. The moon lights up because...
    The sun lights up the moon
  7. Light from the sun travels in straight lines.
  8. How long does it take to see the full pattern of moon phases?
    About 1 month
  9. How much of the moon is almost always illuminated by the sun?
    ½ of it
  10. During which phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse occur?
    Full moon
  11. When one-half of the illuminated side of the Moon faces Earth.
    Quarter moon
  12. Why does it take one month to see the full pattern of moon phases?
    That is how long it takes moon to orbit earth
  13. The shape of the illuminated part of the moon as it appears from Earth
    Moon phases
  14. Why don't lunar eclipses occur every month
    The moon’s orbit is at an angle
  15. The blocking of sunlight to the moon that occurs when Earth is directly between the sun and the moon
    Lunar eclipse
  16. Which half of the moon is illuminated by the sun?
    The half facing the sun
  17. The nearly circular path a small object (moon) travels around a larger object (Earth)