"i like the song" my time karaoke annoying chat jump party "how do i get x badge" saying they got a key over half the server >10 jumps over half the server <10 jumps "how do i jump?" rpers someone with >100 jumps joins "is x ok" when x is having a seizure people actually talking about omori saying they got a badge talking about the vine boom jumpscares cosplays someone gets crawling anim (impossible) non omori player asking whats happening fusion (impossible) someone pointing out how tall the hospital is "should i jump" actual chill chat (impossible) "when is it over" someone just talking and not playing the game "i like the song" my time karaoke annoying chat jump party "how do i get x badge" saying they got a key over half the server >10 jumps over half the server <10 jumps "how do i jump?" rpers someone with >100 jumps joins "is x ok" when x is having a seizure people actually talking about omori saying they got a badge talking about the vine boom jumpscares cosplays someone gets crawling anim (impossible) non omori player asking whats happening fusion (impossible) someone pointing out how tall the hospital is "should i jump" actual chill chat (impossible) "when is it over" someone just talking and not playing the game
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
"i like the song"
my time karaoke
annoying chat
jump party
"how do i get x badge"
saying they got a key
over half the server >10 jumps
over half the server <10 jumps
"how do i jump?"
someone with >100 jumps joins
"is x ok" when x is having a seizure
people actually talking about omori
saying they got a badge
talking about the vine boom jumpscares
someone gets crawling anim (impossible)
non omori player asking whats happening
fusion (impossible)
someone pointing out how tall the hospital is
"should i jump"
actual chill chat (impossible)
"when is it over"
someone just talking and not playing the game