Give your bestfun fact tosomebody, theyhave to agreethat its a funfactGet one ofthe birthdayboys to buyyou a beerClaim you are adifferent nationalityto a stranger, try tothen sing thenational anthem ofyour chosencountryTalk about a sportsteam withsomebody, butinvent players andsee if the otherperson reactsTry andstart agroupchantGive a geniuncompliment toa person youare talking toStart aconversationby saying“huh thatwas weird”While the cakesare coming out, tryto get people tosing the nationalanthem instead ofthe birthday songAsk somebodywhat is in thecake, when theysay an ingredient,exclaim “Imallergic to X!”Tell your bestjoke to a groupof people andsee if you geta laughBuy two shotsand sharethem withsomeonespecialIn a conversationagree with 100%of whatever theother person issaying. Be veryengagedGet a personto join you ina BoratimpressioncompetitionGet 5 moviequotes into aconversationBuy a beerfor one ofthe birthdayboysGet astranger tojoin youplaying beerpongEat a pieceof cakewithout theuse of yourhandsHold aspeechwhen thecake comesout. 2 min.Chuga beerMake aswishshot inbeer pongOffer upsnacks fromyour hand toa stranger atthe partyTalk tosomebodyyou havenever talkedtooTalk about yourfavorite thingwith anotherperson foratleast 3minutesGet somebodyelse to swear asloud as possible,the morecreative theswear the betterGive your bestfun fact tosomebody, theyhave to agreethat its a funfactGet one ofthe birthdayboys to buyyou a beerClaim you are adifferent nationalityto a stranger, try tothen sing thenational anthem ofyour chosencountryTalk about a sportsteam withsomebody, butinvent players andsee if the otherperson reactsTry andstart agroupchantGive a geniuncompliment toa person youare talking toStart aconversationby saying“huh thatwas weird”While the cakesare coming out, tryto get people tosing the nationalanthem instead ofthe birthday songAsk somebodywhat is in thecake, when theysay an ingredient,exclaim “Imallergic to X!”Tell your bestjoke to a groupof people andsee if you geta laughBuy two shotsand sharethem withsomeonespecialIn a conversationagree with 100%of whatever theother person issaying. Be veryengagedGet a personto join you ina BoratimpressioncompetitionGet 5 moviequotes into aconversationBuy a beerfor one ofthe birthdayboysGet astranger tojoin youplaying beerpongEat a pieceof cakewithout theuse of yourhandsHold aspeechwhen thecake comesout. 2 min.Chuga beerMake aswishshot inbeer pongOffer upsnacks fromyour hand toa stranger atthe partyTalk tosomebodyyou havenever talkedtooTalk about yourfavorite thingwith anotherperson foratleast 3minutesGet somebodyelse to swear asloud as possible,the morecreative theswear the better

Birthday bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Give your best fun fact to somebody, they have to agree that its a funfact
  2. Get one of the birthday boys to buy you a beer
  3. Claim you are a different nationality to a stranger, try to then sing the national anthem of your chosen country
  4. Talk about a sports team with somebody, but invent players and see if the other person reacts
  5. Try and start a group chant
  6. Give a geniun compliment to a person you are talking to
  7. Start a conversation by saying “huh that was weird”
  8. While the cakes are coming out, try to get people to sing the national anthem instead of the birthday song
  9. Ask somebody what is in the cake, when they say an ingredient, exclaim “Im allergic to X!”
  10. Tell your best joke to a group of people and see if you get a laugh
  11. Buy two shots and share them with someone special
  12. In a conversation agree with 100% of whatever the other person is saying. Be very engaged
  13. Get a person to join you in a Borat impression competition
  14. Get 5 movie quotes into a conversation
  15. Buy a beer for one of the birthday boys
  16. Get a stranger to join you playing beer pong
  17. Eat a piece of cake without the use of your hands
  18. Hold a speech when the cake comes out. 2 min.
  19. Chug a beer
  20. Make a swish shot in beer pong
  21. Offer up snacks from your hand to a stranger at the party
  22. Talk to somebody you have never talked too
  23. Talk about your favorite thing with another person for atleast 3 minutes
  24. Get somebody else to swear as loud as possible, the more creative the swear the better