Completedan intentionalcoachingcycle withMrs. DawsonAttended aPLC meetingthat wasNOT my ownPlanned a"verticalalignment"meeting with myother contentteachersObservedstudentsusing datafor self-reflectionPlanned across-curricularlesson with atleast 1 othercolleagueCo-taughta lessonwith acolleagueObserved aclassroominside of mydepartmentNominated ateacher for Mrs.Dawson tofeature in theweekly "TeacherSpotlight"Observed ateacherusing strongESOLstrategiesObserved ateacher offeringmultiplelearning stylesto theirstudentsTried out astrategy I saw inanother classroom& shared theresults with thestaffVisited aclassroomwith flexibleseatingarrangementsModeled alesson for acolleague'sclass (notmy own)Sawstudentsengaged inproductivestruggleTried out a digitalplatform I saw inanother classroom& shared theresults with thestaffObserved aclassroomoutside of mycertificationsubject areaInvited Mrs.Dawson for acoachingobservation (&she attended!)Posted aPineapplePositive Poston themailroombulletin boardInvited myassessingadmin for acoachingobservation (&they attended!)Hosted aPineapplePop-In formyclassroomObserved ateacherusing strongliteracystrategiesObserved adifferentclassroomeach day for aweek (5 visits)Tried out astrategy I saw inanother classroom& shared theresults with thestaffAttended aViper BitesPD sessionwith Mrs.DawsonObservedstudentsengaged inacademicdiscussionObserved ateacherusing strongESEstrategiesPosted aTeacherPineapple Visiton the LBVInstagramCo-hosted aViper BitesPD sessionwith Mrs.DawsonObserved ateachersuccessfully"gamifying"instructionObservedstudentsinteracting withdigital contenteffectivelyParticipatedin a datachat with myPLCmembersObserved ateacher usingstrongclassroommanagementstrategiesObservedstudentsgivenchoicesObserved 2or moreclassroomson the samedayCompletedan intentionalcoachingcycle withMrs. DawsonAttended aPLC meetingthat wasNOT my ownPlanned a"verticalalignment"meeting with myother contentteachersObservedstudentsusing datafor self-reflectionPlanned across-curricularlesson with atleast 1 othercolleagueCo-taughta lessonwith acolleagueObserved aclassroominside of mydepartmentNominated ateacher for Mrs.Dawson tofeature in theweekly "TeacherSpotlight"Observed ateacherusing strongESOLstrategiesObserved ateacher offeringmultiplelearning stylesto theirstudentsTried out astrategy I saw inanother classroom& shared theresults with thestaffVisited aclassroomwith flexibleseatingarrangementsModeled alesson for acolleague'sclass (notmy own)Sawstudentsengaged inproductivestruggleTried out a digitalplatform I saw inanother classroom& shared theresults with thestaffObserved aclassroomoutside of mycertificationsubject areaInvited Mrs.Dawson for acoachingobservation (&she attended!)Posted aPineapplePositive Poston themailroombulletin boardInvited myassessingadmin for acoachingobservation (&they attended!)Hosted aPineapplePop-In formyclassroomObserved ateacherusing strongliteracystrategiesObserved adifferentclassroomeach day for aweek (5 visits)Tried out astrategy I saw inanother classroom& shared theresults with thestaffAttended aViper BitesPD sessionwith Mrs.DawsonObservedstudentsengaged inacademicdiscussionObserved ateacherusing strongESEstrategiesPosted aTeacherPineapple Visiton the LBVInstagramCo-hosted aViper BitesPD sessionwith Mrs.DawsonObserved ateachersuccessfully"gamifying"instructionObservedstudentsinteracting withdigital contenteffectivelyParticipatedin a datachat with myPLCmembersObserved ateacher usingstrongclassroommanagementstrategiesObservedstudentsgivenchoicesObserved 2or moreclassroomson the sameday

LBV Pineapple BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Completed an intentional coaching cycle with Mrs. Dawson
  2. Attended a PLC meeting that was NOT my own
  3. Planned a "vertical alignment" meeting with my other content teachers
  4. Observed students using data for self-reflection
  5. Planned a cross-curricular lesson with at least 1 other colleague
  6. Co-taught a lesson with a colleague
  7. Observed a classroom inside of my department
  8. Nominated a teacher for Mrs. Dawson to feature in the weekly "Teacher Spotlight"
  9. Observed a teacher using strong ESOL strategies
  10. Observed a teacher offering multiple learning styles to their students
  11. Tried out a strategy I saw in another classroom & shared the results with the staff
  12. Visited a classroom with flexible seating arrangements
  13. Modeled a lesson for a colleague's class (not my own)
  14. Saw students engaged in productive struggle
  15. Tried out a digital platform I saw in another classroom & shared the results with the staff
  16. Observed a classroom outside of my certification subject area
  17. Invited Mrs. Dawson for a coaching observation (& she attended!)
  18. Posted a Pineapple Positive Post on the mailroom bulletin board
  19. Invited my assessing admin for a coaching observation (& they attended!)
  20. Hosted a Pineapple Pop-In for my classroom
  21. Observed a teacher using strong literacy strategies
  22. Observed a different classroom each day for a week (5 visits)
  23. Tried out a strategy I saw in another classroom & shared the results with the staff
  24. Attended a Viper Bites PD session with Mrs. Dawson
  25. Observed students engaged in academic discussion
  26. Observed a teacher using strong ESE strategies
  27. Posted a Teacher Pineapple Visit on the LBV Instagram
  28. Co-hosted a Viper Bites PD session with Mrs. Dawson
  29. Observed a teacher successfully "gamifying" instruction
  30. Observed students interacting with digital content effectively
  31. Participated in a data chat with my PLC members
  32. Observed a teacher using strong classroom management strategies
  33. Observed students given choices
  34. Observed 2 or more classrooms on the same day