Saw the totaleclipseearlier thisyear________Is legallyallowed to flyan aircraft________Watched Lordof the Rings,extendededition, in asingle sitting________Has beenDungeonMaster forD&D________Had to reportKristina as theirforeign contactduring backgroundchecks___________Were a willingor unwillingrecipient of aski lesson byKeenan/Kristina________Had Keenanhelp them fixsomething________Agrees withKeenan that In-n-Out is thebest thing in theworld________Started aspacecompany________Has read aBrandonSandersonbook________Has donepottery,woodwork,or metalwork________Agrees withKristina thatIn-n-Out isjust fine________Had Kristinabreak anobject oftheirs________Had anunexpectedadventureinvolving Mr. Jettamalfunctioning________Has feelingsabout Keenan'sbike from the1970's________Wanted todrop out of aPhD, atsome point________BackpackedwithKeenan/Kristina(and made itback!)________Have beatenKeenan at eatinghotpot before helearned to usechopsticks________Has ended upon a surpriseroof or tunneladventure withKristina________Listened toKeenan talkabout publictransit or maps________Has never been toa football game(what people inthis country callfootball)__________Had to explainan Americanculturereference toKristina________Can explain thedifferencebetween foxtrotand tangomusic________Has been forcedto walk very farand very fast byKeenan/Kristina (itwas probablyfreezing too)________Snuck theirname ontoflight hardwarethat's now inorbit___________Saw the totaleclipseearlier thisyear________Is legallyallowed to flyan aircraft________Watched Lordof the Rings,extendededition, in asingle sitting________Has beenDungeonMaster forD&D________Had to reportKristina as theirforeign contactduring backgroundchecks___________Were a willingor unwillingrecipient of aski lesson byKeenan/Kristina________Had Keenanhelp them fixsomething________Agrees withKeenan that In-n-Out is thebest thing in theworld________Started aspacecompany________Has read aBrandonSandersonbook________Has donepottery,woodwork,or metalwork________Agrees withKristina thatIn-n-Out isjust fine________Had Kristinabreak anobject oftheirs________Had anunexpectedadventureinvolving Mr. Jettamalfunctioning________Has feelingsabout Keenan'sbike from the1970's________Wanted todrop out of aPhD, atsome point________BackpackedwithKeenan/Kristina(and made itback!)________Have beatenKeenan at eatinghotpot before helearned to usechopsticks________Has ended upon a surpriseroof or tunneladventure withKristina________Listened toKeenan talkabout publictransit or maps________Has never been toa football game(what people inthis country callfootball)__________Had to explainan Americanculturereference toKristina________Can explain thedifferencebetween foxtrotand tangomusic________Has been forcedto walk very farand very fast byKeenan/Kristina (itwas probablyfreezing too)________Snuck theirname ontoflight hardwarethat's now inorbit___________

make new friends! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Saw the total eclipse earlier this year ________
  2. Is legally allowed to fly an aircraft ________
  3. Watched Lord of the Rings, extended edition, in a single sitting ________
  4. Has been Dungeon Master for D&D ________
  5. Had to report Kristina as their foreign contact during background checks ___________
  6. Were a willing or unwilling recipient of a ski lesson by Keenan/Kristina ________
  7. Had Keenan help them fix something ________
  8. Agrees with Keenan that In-n-Out is the best thing in the world ________
  9. Started a space company ________
  10. Has read a Brandon Sanderson book ________
  11. Has done pottery, woodwork, or metalwork ________
  12. Agrees with Kristina that In-n-Out is just fine ________
  13. Had Kristina break an object of theirs ________
  14. Had an unexpected adventure involving Mr. Jetta malfunctioning ________
  15. Has feelings about Keenan's bike from the 1970's ________
  16. Wanted to drop out of a PhD, at some point ________
  17. Backpacked with Keenan/Kristina (and made it back!) ________
  18. Have beaten Keenan at eating hotpot before he learned to use chopsticks ________
  19. Has ended up on a surprise roof or tunnel adventure with Kristina ________
  20. Listened to Keenan talk about public transit or maps ________
  21. Has never been to a football game (what people in this country call football) __________
  22. Had to explain an American culture reference to Kristina ________
  23. Can explain the difference between foxtrot and tango music ________
  24. Has been forced to walk very far and very fast by Keenan/Kristina (it was probably freezing too) ________
  25. Snuck their name onto flight hardware that's now in orbit ___________