Bring out yerdead! Roll maximumdamage with your'Toll the Dead'spell.My god can beat upyour god. Fail a socialchallenge involvinganother Cleric,Paladin, Warlock orreligious offical.Revolving Door ofthe Afterlife Revive someonefrom Death Savesmore than once.Offended StGrobian Roll a CriticalFailure during asocial interaction.Clang clangclang goes thetrolley! Succeed on aStealth Check.Garlic Breath Successfullyuse your 'TurnUndead' classabilityRaise of theValkyrie Revivify a fallencompanion.Flipping offCthulhu Destroy the minionof another god,deity or eldritchability.Bring out yerdead! Roll maximumdamage with your'Toll the Dead'spell.My god can beat upyour god. Fail a socialchallenge involvinganother Cleric,Paladin, Warlock orreligious offical.Revolving Door ofthe Afterlife Revive someonefrom Death Savesmore than once.Offended StGrobian Roll a CriticalFailure during asocial interaction.Clang clangclang goes thetrolley! Succeed on aStealth Check.Garlic Breath Successfullyuse your 'TurnUndead' classabilityRaise of theValkyrie Revivify a fallencompanion.Flipping offCthulhu Destroy the minionof another god,deity or eldritchability.

Cleric Tutorial - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Bring out yer dead! Roll maximum damage with your 'Toll the Dead' spell.
  2. My god can beat up your god. Fail a social challenge involving another Cleric, Paladin, Warlock or religious offical.
  3. Revolving Door of the Afterlife Revive someone from Death Saves more than once.
  4. Offended St Grobian Roll a Critical Failure during a social interaction.
  5. Clang clang clang goes the trolley! Succeed on a Stealth Check.
  6. Garlic Breath Successfully use your 'Turn Undead' class ability
  7. Raise of the Valkyrie Revivify a fallen companion.
  8. Flipping off Cthulhu Destroy the minion of another god, deity or eldritch ability.