Findsomeonewho hastaken acruise.Findsomeonewho haswritten abook or story.Find someonewho has notbeen to Ignite’spreviousmemorial daybbqFindsomeonewho can playa musicalinstrument.Findsomeonewho hasmade theirown clothes.Find someonewho hasattended amusic festival.Findsomeonewho hasdanced in anelevator.Find someonewho hasbinged anentire seriesin one day.Find someonewho has wornpajamas to agrocery store.Find someonewho hasmade aTikTok dancevideo.Findsomeonewho has meta celebrity.Find someonewho hasforgottensomeone's nameimmediately afterbeing introduced.Findsomeonewho lovesto cook.Find someonewho hasvisited amilitarymuseum.Findsomeonewho hasworked in arestaurant.Findsomeonewho hasvolunteeredfor a charity.Find someonewho has goneon a road triplonger than aweek.Findsomeonewho has runa marathon.Findsomeonewho speaksthree or morelanguages.Findsomeonewho hasclimbed amountain.Findsomeonewho hasbeen on TV.Findsomeonewho has livedin anothercountry.Find someonewho hasvisited morethan 5countries.Findsomeonewho hasgone scubadiving.Findsomeonewho hastaken acruise.Findsomeonewho haswritten abook or story.Find someonewho has notbeen to Ignite’spreviousmemorial daybbqFindsomeonewho can playa musicalinstrument.Findsomeonewho hasmade theirown clothes.Find someonewho hasattended amusic festival.Findsomeonewho hasdanced in anelevator.Find someonewho hasbinged anentire seriesin one day.Find someonewho has wornpajamas to agrocery store.Find someonewho hasmade aTikTok dancevideo.Findsomeonewho has meta celebrity.Find someonewho hasforgottensomeone's nameimmediately afterbeing introduced.Findsomeonewho lovesto cook.Find someonewho hasvisited amilitarymuseum.Findsomeonewho hasworked in arestaurant.Findsomeonewho hasvolunteeredfor a charity.Find someonewho has goneon a road triplonger than aweek.Findsomeonewho has runa marathon.Findsomeonewho speaksthree or morelanguages.Findsomeonewho hasclimbed amountain.Findsomeonewho hasbeen on TV.Findsomeonewho has livedin anothercountry.Find someonewho hasvisited morethan 5countries.Findsomeonewho hasgone scubadiving.

Memorial Day Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who has taken a cruise.
  2. Find someone who has written a book or story.
  3. Find someone who has not been to Ignite’s previous memorial day bbq
  4. Find someone who can play a musical instrument.
  5. Find someone who has made their own clothes.
  6. Find someone who has attended a music festival.
  7. Find someone who has danced in an elevator.
  8. Find someone who has binged an entire series in one day.
  9. Find someone who has worn pajamas to a grocery store.
  10. Find someone who has made a TikTok dance video.
  11. Find someone who has met a celebrity.
  12. Find someone who has forgotten someone's name immediately after being introduced.
  13. Find someone who loves to cook.
  14. Find someone who has visited a military museum.
  15. Find someone who has worked in a restaurant.
  16. Find someone who has volunteered for a charity.
  17. Find someone who has gone on a road trip longer than a week.
  18. Find someone who has run a marathon.
  19. Find someone who speaks three or more languages.
  20. Find someone who has climbed a mountain.
  21. Find someone who has been on TV.
  22. Find someone who has lived in another country.
  23. Find someone who has visited more than 5 countries.
  24. Find someone who has gone scuba diving.