How would thestory bedifferent if itwas set 100years in thepast?What pointof view is thebook writtenin? How doyou know.What are someimportantrelationships inyour book?Explain.How would thestory bedifferent if itwere set in the50+ years inthe future?Describe animportant eventfrom the bookand explainwhy it isimportant.Explain howyou compareand contrastwith the maincharacter.FREEIdentify andexplain themain idea(what the storyis all about)Do you likethe maincharacter?Explain.Describethe maincharactersCreate a newcharacter.What role dothey play?Explain.Identify andexplain thetheme. Whatcan you learnfrom the story?Compareandcontrast twocharactersHow would thestory bedifferent if thesupportingcharacter didnot exist?Who is yourfavoritecharacter inthe book?Explain.Write adifferentending forthe book.If you could askthe maincharacter threequestions, whatwould you ask?Finish thesentence inthree waysand explain:I wonder......Pick sixadjectives thatexplain themain character.Explain.What advicewould yougive the maincharacter andwhy?List threefacts andthree opinionsabout thebook. Explain.How did themaincharacterovercomestruggles?Think of anew title foryour book.Why is this agood title?Identify thesetting. Howdoes itchange inthe story?How would thestory bedifferent if itwas set 100years in thepast?What pointof view is thebook writtenin? How doyou know.What are someimportantrelationships inyour book?Explain.How would thestory bedifferent if itwere set in the50+ years inthe future?Describe animportant eventfrom the bookand explainwhy it isimportant.Explain howyou compareand contrastwith the maincharacter.FREEIdentify andexplain themain idea(what the storyis all about)Do you likethe maincharacter?Explain.Describethe maincharactersCreate a newcharacter.What role dothey play?Explain.Identify andexplain thetheme. Whatcan you learnfrom the story?Compareandcontrast twocharactersHow would thestory bedifferent if thesupportingcharacter didnot exist?Who is yourfavoritecharacter inthe book?Explain.Write adifferentending forthe book.If you could askthe maincharacter threequestions, whatwould you ask?Finish thesentence inthree waysand explain:I wonder......Pick sixadjectives thatexplain themain character.Explain.What advicewould yougive the maincharacter andwhy?List threefacts andthree opinionsabout thebook. Explain.How did themaincharacterovercomestruggles?Think of anew title foryour book.Why is this agood title?Identify thesetting. Howdoes itchange inthe story?

Summer Reading - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How would the story be different if it was set 100 years in the past?
  2. What point of view is the book written in? How do you know.
  3. What are some important relationships in your book? Explain.
  4. How would the story be different if it were set in the 50+ years in the future?
  5. Describe an important event from the book and explain why it is important.
  6. Explain how you compare and contrast with the main character.
  7. FREE
  8. Identify and explain the main idea (what the story is all about)
  9. Do you like the main character? Explain.
  10. Describe the main characters
  11. Create a new character. What role do they play? Explain.
  12. Identify and explain the theme. What can you learn from the story?
  13. Compare and contrast two characters
  14. How would the story be different if the supporting character did not exist?
  15. Who is your favorite character in the book? Explain.
  16. Write a different ending for the book.
  17. If you could ask the main character three questions, what would you ask?
  18. Finish the sentence in three ways and explain: I wonder......
  19. Pick six adjectives that explain the main character. Explain.
  20. What advice would you give the main character and why?
  21. List three facts and three opinions about the book. Explain.
  22. How did the main character overcome struggles?
  23. Think of a new title for your book. Why is this a good title?
  24. Identify the setting. How does it change in the story?