5Meet a Datacampparticipant who'swearing glasses"نضارة". Ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. What is the bestcourse you finished onDatacamp & why? 15Meet one of GSGteam and ask thefollows:1. Name + Role2. Share twothings that youlove about GSG?7Meet a datacampparticipant who's wearinga cap. Ask the follows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. How's your feelingwearing GSG Datacampcap?3. Were you satisified byyour major and why?13Meet one of AAUPCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)6Meet a Datacampparticipant from Hebronand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. Where exactly fromHebron?3. How was your way toRamallah this morning?3Meet one of ANNUCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)9Find a datacampparticipant who go to theGYM. Ask the follows:1. Name + Uni + YearWhat type of food do youusually eat?2. How you keep yourselfmotivated?3. Will you eat on launchtoday if it had too muchcarbs?Meet one of PPUCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)8Meet one of BZUCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)1014Meet any participantand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni2. How was yourexperience indatacamp so far?2. What is yourspiritual animal?2Meet a Datacampparticipant who'sin his/her 1st year(Name, Uni, City,What makeshim/her to registerin datacamp?)4Meet any participantand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni2. How was yourexperience indatacamp so far?2. What is yourspiritual animal?11Find a datacampparticipant who's inany Uni Clubs. Askthe follow:1. Name + Uni + Year2. Club name + yourrole and activities youare involved with? 1Meet one of the Top 10portfolio Datacampparticipant. Askhim/her the foloowing:1. Name, Year, Uni2.Experience in thecompetition16Meet a Datacampparticipant from Jeninand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. How was your wayto Ramallah thismorning?12Meet one of GSGteam and ask thefollows:1. Name + Role2. Share twothings that youlove about GSG?5Meet a Datacampparticipant who'swearing glasses"نضارة". Ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. What is the bestcourse you finished onDatacamp & why? 15Meet one of GSGteam and ask thefollows:1. Name + Role2. Share twothings that youlove about GSG?7Meet a datacampparticipant who's wearinga cap. Ask the follows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. How's your feelingwearing GSG Datacampcap?3. Were you satisified byyour major and why?13Meet one of AAUPCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)6Meet a Datacampparticipant from Hebronand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. Where exactly fromHebron?3. How was your way toRamallah this morning?3Meet one of ANNUCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)9Find a datacampparticipant who go to theGYM. Ask the follows:1. Name + Uni + YearWhat type of food do youusually eat?2. How you keep yourselfmotivated?3. Will you eat on launchtoday if it had too muchcarbs?Meet one of PPUCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)8Meet one of BZUCoordinator Team(Name, Year, Askhim/her about hisrole as acoordinator)1014Meet any participantand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni2. How was yourexperience indatacamp so far?2. What is yourspiritual animal?2Meet a Datacampparticipant who'sin his/her 1st year(Name, Uni, City,What makeshim/her to registerin datacamp?)4Meet any participantand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni2. How was yourexperience indatacamp so far?2. What is yourspiritual animal?11Find a datacampparticipant who's inany Uni Clubs. Askthe follow:1. Name + Uni + Year2. Club name + yourrole and activities youare involved with? 1Meet one of the Top 10portfolio Datacampparticipant. Askhim/her the foloowing:1. Name, Year, Uni2.Experience in thecompetition16Meet a Datacampparticipant from Jeninand ask him/her thefollows:1. Name + Uni + Year2. How was your wayto Ramallah thismorning?12Meet one of GSGteam and ask thefollows:1. Name + Role2. Share twothings that youlove about GSG?

GSG Datacamp Networking Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Meet a Datacamp participant who's wearing glasses "نضارة". Ask him/her the follows: 1. Name + Uni + Year 2. What is the best course you finished on Datacamp & why?
  2. Meet one of GSG team and ask the follows: 1. Name + Role 2. Share two things that you love about GSG?
  3. Meet a datacamp participant who's wearing a cap. Ask the follows: 1. Name + Uni + Year 2. How's your feeling wearing GSG Datacamp cap? 3. Were you satisified by your major and why?
  4. Meet one of AAUP Coordinator Team (Name, Year, Ask him/her about his role as a coordinator)
  5. Meet a Datacamp participant from Hebron and ask him/her the follows: 1. Name + Uni + Year 2. Where exactly from Hebron? 3. How was your way to Ramallah this morning?
  6. Meet one of ANNU Coordinator Team (Name, Year, Ask him/her about his role as a coordinator)
  7. Find a datacamp participant who go to the GYM. Ask the follows: 1. Name + Uni + Year What type of food do you usually eat? 2. How you keep yourself motivated? 3. Will you eat on launch today if it had too much carbs?
  8. 8
    Meet one of PPU Coordinator Team (Name, Year, Ask him/her about his role as a coordinator)
  9. 10
    Meet one of BZU Coordinator Team (Name, Year, Ask him/her about his role as a coordinator)
  10. Meet any participant and ask him/her the follows: 1. Name + Uni 2. How was your experience in datacamp so far? 2. What is your spiritual animal?
  11. Meet a Datacamp participant who's in his/her 1st year (Name, Uni, City, What makes him/her to register in datacamp?)
  12. Meet any participant and ask him/her the follows: 1. Name + Uni 2. How was your experience in datacamp so far? 2. What is your spiritual animal?
  13. Find a datacamp participant who's in any Uni Clubs. Ask the follow: 1. Name + Uni + Year 2. Club name + your role and activities you are involved with?
  14. Meet one of the Top 10 portfolio Datacamp participant. Ask him/her the foloowing: 1. Name, Year, Uni 2.Experience in the competition
  15. Meet a Datacamp participant from Jenin and ask him/her the follows: 1. Name + Uni + Year 2. How was your way to Ramallah this morning?
  16. Meet one of GSG team and ask the follows: 1. Name + Role 2. Share two things that you love about GSG?