Do not relyon yourreputation orposition toprotect you.Do makeeveryoneaware of oursafeguardingarrangements.Do rememberthat you havebeen placed ina position oftrust – do notabuse this trust.Do haveseparatesleepingaccommodationfor young peopleand adultsDo follow theadult-to-young-people ratiosat all times.Do create anenvironmentwhere childrenand young peoplefeel safe and ableto voice theirconcerns.Do respectchildren’s andyoung people’sright topersonalprivacy.Do report allsafeguardingconcernsdirectly to theSafeguardingTeamDo nottrivialiseconcernsor abuse.Do rememberthat someonemaymisinterpretyour actions.Do treat allyoung peopleequally – donot showfavouritismDo not drinkalcohol when youare directlyresponsible forchildren andyoung people inScoutsDo not letconcerns orabuse gounreported.Do treateveryone withdignity andrespect in linewith the ScoutValues.Do remember thatyou are a rolemodel at all times,inside and outsideof Scouts. You mustset a good examplefor others to follow.Doencouragean open andtransparentculture.Do not relyon yourreputation orposition toprotect you.Do makeeveryoneaware of oursafeguardingarrangements.Do rememberthat you havebeen placed ina position oftrust – do notabuse this trust.Do haveseparatesleepingaccommodationfor young peopleand adultsDo follow theadult-to-young-people ratiosat all times.Do create anenvironmentwhere childrenand young peoplefeel safe and ableto voice theirconcerns.Do respectchildren’s andyoung people’sright topersonalprivacy.Do report allsafeguardingconcernsdirectly to theSafeguardingTeamDo nottrivialiseconcernsor abuse.Do rememberthat someonemaymisinterpretyour actions.Do treat allyoung peopleequally – donot showfavouritismDo not drinkalcohol when youare directlyresponsible forchildren andyoung people inScoutsDo not letconcerns orabuse gounreported.Do treateveryone withdignity andrespect in linewith the ScoutValues.Do remember thatyou are a rolemodel at all times,inside and outsideof Scouts. You mustset a good examplefor others to follow.Doencouragean open andtransparentculture.

Safeguarding Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Do not rely on your reputation or position to protect you.
  2. Do make everyone aware of our safeguarding arrangements.
  3. Do remember that you have been placed in a position of trust – do not abuse this trust.
  4. Do have separate sleeping accommodation for young people and adults
  5. Do follow the adult-to-young-people ratios at all times.
  6. Do create an environment where children and young people feel safe and able to voice their concerns.
  7. Do respect children’s and young people’s right to personal privacy.
  8. Do report all safeguarding concerns directly to the Safeguarding Team
  9. Do not trivialise concerns or abuse.
  10. Do remember that someone may misinterpret your actions.
  11. Do treat all young people equally – do not show favouritism
  12. Do not drink alcohol when you are directly responsible for children and young people in Scouts
  13. Do not let concerns or abuse go unreported.
  14. Do treat everyone with dignity and respect in line with the Scout Values.
  15. Do remember that you are a role model at all times, inside and outside of Scouts. You must set a good example for others to follow.
  16. Do encourage an open and transparent culture.