Get 7+Spikeplants inone gameGet 2 Killswith anOdin inone roundGet anOp KillSuppress4+ enemieswith oneKAY/O knifeType “*yawns*so ez” in AllChat afterevery round ina gameFlash out ofa smoke bythrowingyour rifle outof itWin a1v1clutchGet a Killwith anymollyGet aSheriffKillGet a K/D of 1.0+against everyplayer on theenemy team(highest overallK/D breaks tie ifneeded)Converta 1v3clutchGet a Killfrom on topof the screenon A SiteIceboxGet 2 Killswith oneSova UltEnd agame witha 1.1+K/D RatioKill someonewithin 5seconds ofdropping out ofthe Shoot onBreezeThrow an Opout of themap orsomewhereunreachableGet a Killwhilestandinginside Marketon SunsetInstalockYoruGet a Killthrougha smokeKill anenemywhile on aziplineGet aKnifeKillDie byfalldamageWhile youare in a 1v1,sendsomething inAll ChatPlay a FullBuy Roundwith aClassicGet aShortyKillGet 30/30Bots onEasydifficulty inThe RangeGetMatchMVPTell a teammatewho’s not inyour party torequest andthen don’t buythemGet aMarshallKillGet your Ultbefore the BuyPhase of thethird round ofthe half endsGet TeamMVP (doesnot count ifyou areMatch MVP)Completelyland anOmen Ult inthe enemy’sspawnGet 15Kills beforethe secondhalf beginsKill anenemywith aHeadshotLock inBrimstone aftera teammatehas alreadylocked in aControllerGet 12 ormoreAssists ina gameYour agent saysthe pre-roundvoice line (if twoagents say a line,the first agentgets the point)Get a Killwhilestandinginside of aTP on BindObtain all ofthe Ult orbson a map inone roundPlay a FullBuy Roundwith noShieldsDrop 25+Kills in amatchGet 4+FirstBloods ina gameGet 12/30Bots on HardDifficulty inThe RangeGet a FirstBlood fromCatwalk to Tileswhile onDefense sideon AscentKill anenemy byonlydamagingtheir legsEnd the gameat the bottomof your teamon the in-gameleaderboardGet anAbilityKillBeat Isoin the 1v1during hisUltimateHave a matchingPlayer Card withanother person inthe lobby who isnot in your PartyGet 7+Spikeplants inone gameGet 2 Killswith anOdin inone roundGet anOp KillSuppress4+ enemieswith oneKAY/O knifeType “*yawns*so ez” in AllChat afterevery round ina gameFlash out ofa smoke bythrowingyour rifle outof itWin a1v1clutchGet a Killwith anymollyGet aSheriffKillGet a K/D of 1.0+against everyplayer on theenemy team(highest overallK/D breaks tie ifneeded)Converta 1v3clutchGet a Killfrom on topof the screenon A SiteIceboxGet 2 Killswith oneSova UltEnd agame witha 1.1+K/D RatioKill someonewithin 5seconds ofdropping out ofthe Shoot onBreezeThrow an Opout of themap orsomewhereunreachableGet a Killwhilestandinginside Marketon SunsetInstalockYoruGet a Killthrougha smokeKill anenemywhile on aziplineGet aKnifeKillDie byfalldamageWhile youare in a 1v1,sendsomething inAll ChatPlay a FullBuy Roundwith aClassicGet aShortyKillGet 30/30Bots onEasydifficulty inThe RangeGetMatchMVPTell a teammatewho’s not inyour party torequest andthen don’t buythemGet aMarshallKillGet your Ultbefore the BuyPhase of thethird round ofthe half endsGet TeamMVP (doesnot count ifyou areMatch MVP)Completelyland anOmen Ult inthe enemy’sspawnGet 15Kills beforethe secondhalf beginsKill anenemywith aHeadshotLock inBrimstone aftera teammatehas alreadylocked in aControllerGet 12 ormoreAssists ina gameYour agent saysthe pre-roundvoice line (if twoagents say a line,the first agentgets the point)Get a Killwhilestandinginside of aTP on BindObtain all ofthe Ult orbson a map inone roundPlay a FullBuy Roundwith noShieldsDrop 25+Kills in amatchGet 4+FirstBloods ina gameGet 12/30Bots on HardDifficulty inThe RangeGet a FirstBlood fromCatwalk to Tileswhile onDefense sideon AscentKill anenemy byonlydamagingtheir legsEnd the gameat the bottomof your teamon the in-gameleaderboardGet anAbilityKillBeat Isoin the 1v1during hisUltimateHave a matchingPlayer Card withanother person inthe lobby who isnot in your Party

Valorgo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Get 7+ Spike plants in one game
  2. Get 2 Kills with an Odin in one round
  3. Get an Op Kill
  4. Suppress 4+ enemies with one KAY/O knife
  5. Type “*yawns* so ez” in All Chat after every round in a game
  6. Flash out of a smoke by throwing your rifle out of it
  7. Win a 1v1 clutch
  8. Get a Kill with any molly
  9. Get a Sheriff Kill
  10. Get a K/D of 1.0+ against every player on the enemy team (highest overall K/D breaks tie if needed)
  11. Convert a 1v3 clutch
  12. Get a Kill from on top of the screen on A Site Icebox
  13. Get 2 Kills with one Sova Ult
  14. End a game with a 1.1+ K/D Ratio
  15. Kill someone within 5 seconds of dropping out of the Shoot on Breeze
  16. Throw an Op out of the map or somewhere unreachable
  17. Get a Kill while standing inside Market on Sunset
  18. Instalock Yoru
  19. Get a Kill through a smoke
  20. Kill an enemy while on a zipline
  21. Get a Knife Kill
  22. Die by fall damage
  23. While you are in a 1v1, send something in All Chat
  24. Play a Full Buy Round with a Classic
  25. Get a Shorty Kill
  26. Get 30/30 Bots on Easy difficulty in The Range
  27. Get Match MVP
  28. Tell a teammate who’s not in your party to request and then don’t buy them
  29. Get a Marshall Kill
  30. Get your Ult before the Buy Phase of the third round of the half ends
  31. Get Team MVP (does not count if you are Match MVP)
  32. Completely land an Omen Ult in the enemy’s spawn
  33. Get 15 Kills before the second half begins
  34. Kill an enemy with a Headshot
  35. Lock in Brimstone after a teammate has already locked in a Controller
  36. Get 12 or more Assists in a game
  37. Your agent says the pre-round voice line (if two agents say a line, the first agent gets the point)
  38. Get a Kill while standing inside of a TP on Bind
  39. Obtain all of the Ult orbs on a map in one round
  40. Play a Full Buy Round with no Shields
  41. Drop 25+ Kills in a match
  42. Get 4+ First Bloods in a game
  43. Get 12/30 Bots on Hard Difficulty in The Range
  44. Get a First Blood from Catwalk to Tiles while on Defense side on Ascent
  45. Kill an enemy by only damaging their legs
  46. End the game at the bottom of your team on the in-game leaderboard
  47. Get an Ability Kill
  48. Beat Iso in the 1v1 during his Ultimate
  49. Have a matching Player Card with another person in the lobby who is not in your Party