Do you get alot ofhomework inthird grade?What is thethird-gradeclassroomlike?AWhat doyou learnabout inscience?Do you goon any fieldtrips in thirdgrade?How do theteachers helpyou if you don’tunderstandsomething?Are there anynew rules orexpectationsin thirdgrade?Whatsubjects doyou study inthird grade?What advicewould you giveto someonegoing into thirdgrade?What kindsof projectsdo you do?Do youhave moretests in thirdgrade?What do youlearn aboutin socialstudies?What didyou likemost aboutthird grade?What wasyour favoritepart of thirdgrade?Are thereany big teststhat we needto knowabout?Do you get tosit whereveryou want, orare thereassignedseats?Is thereanything youwish you hadknown beforestarting thirdgrade?Is the math inthird grademuch harderthan in secondgrade?What kind ofreadingbooks doyou read inthird grade?Are there anynew clubs oractivities youcan join inthird grade?Is thereanything youdidn’t likeabout thirdgrade?Was thirdgrade harderthan secondgrade? If so,how?What was thebiggestdifferencebetween secondgrade and thirdgrade?Are there anyfun activitiesor specialprojects youremember?What arethe teacherslike in thirdgrade?Do you get alot ofhomework inthird grade?What is thethird-gradeclassroomlike?AWhat doyou learnabout inscience?Do you goon any fieldtrips in thirdgrade?How do theteachers helpyou if you don’tunderstandsomething?Are there anynew rules orexpectationsin thirdgrade?Whatsubjects doyou study inthird grade?What advicewould you giveto someonegoing into thirdgrade?What kindsof projectsdo you do?Do youhave moretests in thirdgrade?What do youlearn aboutin socialstudies?What didyou likemost aboutthird grade?What wasyour favoritepart of thirdgrade?Are thereany big teststhat we needto knowabout?Do you get tosit whereveryou want, orare thereassignedseats?Is thereanything youwish you hadknown beforestarting thirdgrade?Is the math inthird grademuch harderthan in secondgrade?What kind ofreadingbooks doyou read inthird grade?Are there anynew clubs oractivities youcan join inthird grade?Is thereanything youdidn’t likeabout thirdgrade?Was thirdgrade harderthan secondgrade? If so,how?What was thebiggestdifferencebetween secondgrade and thirdgrade?Are there anyfun activitiesor specialprojects youremember?What arethe teacherslike in thirdgrade?

*N* Next Year Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Do you get a lot of homework in third grade?
  2. A
    What is the third-grade classroom like?
  3. What do you learn about in science?
  4. Do you go on any field trips in third grade?
  5. How do the teachers help you if you don’t understand something?
  6. Are there any new rules or expectations in third grade?
  7. What subjects do you study in third grade?
  8. What advice would you give to someone going into third grade?
  9. What kinds of projects do you do?
  10. Do you have more tests in third grade?
  11. What do you learn about in social studies?
  12. What did you like most about third grade?
  13. What was your favorite part of third grade?
  14. Are there any big tests that we need to know about?
  15. Do you get to sit wherever you want, or are there assigned seats?
  16. Is there anything you wish you had known before starting third grade?
  17. What kind of reading books do you read in third grade?
    Is the math in third grade much harder than in second grade?
  18. Are there any new clubs or activities you can join in third grade?
  19. Is there anything you didn’t like about third grade?
  20. Was third grade harder than second grade? If so, how?
  21. What was the biggest difference between second grade and third grade?
  22. What are the teachers like in third grade?
    Are there any fun activities or special projects you remember?