TruStageMemberDiscountProgramWhat is the nameof the TruStageprogram that offersinsurancediscounts for creditunion members?TravelInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providescoverage for travel-related risks, suchas trip cancellationand medicalemergencies?CommercialInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providescoverage forbusiness-relatedrisks, such asproperty damageand liability?LifeInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance isTruStagebest knownfor?WholeLifeInsuranceWhat is the nameof the TruStageinsuranceproduct thatbuilds cash valueover time?ClaimsAdjustmentWhat is theterm for theprocess ofdetermining thevalue of aclaim?CreditUnionMembersWhat is theprimary targetmarket forTruStageinsuranceproducts?CUNAMutualGroupTruStage isa brandunder whichparentcompany?AffordablePremiumsWhat is one ofthe mainbenefits ofTruStage's termlife insurancepolicies?PropertyInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providescoverage forlosses due to theft,fire, or otherperils?SupplementalHealthInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance doesTruStage offer to helpcover the gapbetween what yourhealth insurancepays and the actualmedical costs?InsuredWhat is theterm for theparty that isprotected by aninsurancepolicy?CreditUnionsTruStagepartners withwhich type offinancialinstitutions tooffer its products?PolicyDocumentWhat is the termfor the writtendocument thatoutlines the termsand conditions ofan insurancepolicy?1935What yearwasTruStagefounded?IdentityTheftProtectionWhat kind ofinsurance doesTruStage offerto protectagainst identitytheft?FinalExpenseInsuranceWhat is theTruStageinsuranceproduct designedto help cover finalexpenses?Term LifeInsuranceWhich type of lifeinsurance offeredby TruStageprovidescoverage for aspecific period?ClaimFilingPeriodWhat is theterm for theamount of timeyou have to filea claim after aloss occurs?ChildWholeLifeInsuranceTruStage offers atype of lifeinsurance thatprovides coveragefor children. Whatis it called?DeductibleWhat is theamount you mustpay out-of-pocketbefore yourinsurance starts tocover expenses?BeneficiaryWhat is the termfor the personwho receivesthe insurancepayout upon theinsured's death?UnderwritingWhat is theterm for theprocess ofevaluating andpricing aninsurance risk?InsurancePolicyWhat is the termfor the agreementbetween aninsurancecompany and thepolicyholder?NoMedicalExamRequiredWhat is theprimary benefitof TruStage'ssimplified issuelife insurance?HomeownersInsuranceWhat type ofinsuranceprotects againstfinancial lossfrom damage toyour home?TheCreditUnionIndustryTruStage's parentcompany, CUNAMutual Group,was originallyfounded to servewhich sector?Workers'CompensationInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance coversmedical expensesand lost wagesdue to work-related injuries?TruStageInsuranceOnlinePortalWhat is the nameof the onlineplatform whereTruStagecustomers canmanage theirpolicies?DisabilityInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providesincomereplacement if youare unable to workdue to illness orinjury?MortgageInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance istypically requiredby lenders toprotect theirinvestment in aproperty?LifeInsuranceNeedsCalculatorWhat is the nameof the toolTruStage offers tohelp customerscalculate their lifeinsurance needs?Long-TermCareInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance coversthe costs of long-term care services,such as nursinghome care or homehealth care?AccidentalDeath &Dismemberment(AD&D)InsuranceTruStage offerswhat type ofinsurance to helpcover expensesin the event ofaccidental death?KeyPersonInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance protectsagainst loss ofincome due to thedeath of a keyemployee in abusiness?PolicyLimitWhat is the termfor the maximumamount aninsurancecompany will payfor a coveredloss?LifetimeCoverageand CashValueAccumulationWhat is theprimary featureof TruStage'swhole lifeinsurance?GuaranteedAcceptanceWhole LifeInsuranceTruStage offers aspecific type of lifeinsurance thatguaranteesacceptance forapplicants within acertain age range.What is it called?RiskAssessmentWhat is the term forthe process by whichan insurancecompany determinesthe risk associatedwith insuring aperson or property?ClaimWhat is the term fora formal request toan insurancecompany forpayment based onthe terms of thepolicy?ExclusionWhat is the termfor the part of aninsurance policythat specifieswhat is notcovered?Auto &HomeInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance doesTruStage offer tocover personalproperty andliability?PremiumWhat is the termfor the amount youpay for insurancecoverage, typicallyon a monthly orannual basis?PayoutWhat is the termfor the amountan insurancecompany paysfor a coveredloss?SimplifiedIssue LifeInsuranceWhat type oflife insurancedoes TruStageoffer thatrequires nomedical exam?TruStageMemberDiscountProgramWhat is the nameof the TruStageprogram that offersinsurancediscounts for creditunion members?TravelInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providescoverage for travel-related risks, suchas trip cancellationand medicalemergencies?CommercialInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providescoverage forbusiness-relatedrisks, such asproperty damageand liability?LifeInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance isTruStagebest knownfor?WholeLifeInsuranceWhat is the nameof the TruStageinsuranceproduct thatbuilds cash valueover time?ClaimsAdjustmentWhat is theterm for theprocess ofdetermining thevalue of aclaim?CreditUnionMembersWhat is theprimary targetmarket forTruStageinsuranceproducts?CUNAMutualGroupTruStage isa brandunder whichparentcompany?AffordablePremiumsWhat is one ofthe mainbenefits ofTruStage's termlife insurancepolicies?PropertyInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providescoverage forlosses due to theft,fire, or otherperils?SupplementalHealthInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance doesTruStage offer to helpcover the gapbetween what yourhealth insurancepays and the actualmedical costs?InsuredWhat is theterm for theparty that isprotected by aninsurancepolicy?CreditUnionsTruStagepartners withwhich type offinancialinstitutions tooffer its products?PolicyDocumentWhat is the termfor the writtendocument thatoutlines the termsand conditions ofan insurancepolicy?1935What yearwasTruStagefounded?IdentityTheftProtectionWhat kind ofinsurance doesTruStage offerto protectagainst identitytheft?FinalExpenseInsuranceWhat is theTruStageinsuranceproduct designedto help cover finalexpenses?Term LifeInsuranceWhich type of lifeinsurance offeredby TruStageprovidescoverage for aspecific period?ClaimFilingPeriodWhat is theterm for theamount of timeyou have to filea claim after aloss occurs?ChildWholeLifeInsuranceTruStage offers atype of lifeinsurance thatprovides coveragefor children. Whatis it called?DeductibleWhat is theamount you mustpay out-of-pocketbefore yourinsurance starts tocover expenses?BeneficiaryWhat is the termfor the personwho receivesthe insurancepayout upon theinsured's death?UnderwritingWhat is theterm for theprocess ofevaluating andpricing aninsurance risk?InsurancePolicyWhat is the termfor the agreementbetween aninsurancecompany and thepolicyholder?NoMedicalExamRequiredWhat is theprimary benefitof TruStage'ssimplified issuelife insurance?HomeownersInsuranceWhat type ofinsuranceprotects againstfinancial lossfrom damage toyour home?TheCreditUnionIndustryTruStage's parentcompany, CUNAMutual Group,was originallyfounded to servewhich sector?Workers'CompensationInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance coversmedical expensesand lost wagesdue to work-related injuries?TruStageInsuranceOnlinePortalWhat is the nameof the onlineplatform whereTruStagecustomers canmanage theirpolicies?DisabilityInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance providesincomereplacement if youare unable to workdue to illness orinjury?MortgageInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance istypically requiredby lenders toprotect theirinvestment in aproperty?LifeInsuranceNeedsCalculatorWhat is the nameof the toolTruStage offers tohelp customerscalculate their lifeinsurance needs?Long-TermCareInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance coversthe costs of long-term care services,such as nursinghome care or homehealth care?AccidentalDeath &Dismemberment(AD&D)InsuranceTruStage offerswhat type ofinsurance to helpcover expensesin the event ofaccidental death?KeyPersonInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance protectsagainst loss ofincome due to thedeath of a keyemployee in abusiness?PolicyLimitWhat is the termfor the maximumamount aninsurancecompany will payfor a coveredloss?LifetimeCoverageand CashValueAccumulationWhat is theprimary featureof TruStage'swhole lifeinsurance?GuaranteedAcceptanceWhole LifeInsuranceTruStage offers aspecific type of lifeinsurance thatguaranteesacceptance forapplicants within acertain age range.What is it called?RiskAssessmentWhat is the term forthe process by whichan insurancecompany determinesthe risk associatedwith insuring aperson or property?ClaimWhat is the term fora formal request toan insurancecompany forpayment based onthe terms of thepolicy?ExclusionWhat is the termfor the part of aninsurance policythat specifieswhat is notcovered?Auto &HomeInsuranceWhat type ofinsurance doesTruStage offer tocover personalproperty andliability?PremiumWhat is the termfor the amount youpay for insurancecoverage, typicallyon a monthly orannual basis?PayoutWhat is the termfor the amountan insurancecompany paysfor a coveredloss?SimplifiedIssue LifeInsuranceWhat type oflife insurancedoes TruStageoffer thatrequires nomedical exam?

TruStage Bingo (Insurance) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is the name of the TruStage program that offers insurance discounts for credit union members?
    TruStage Member Discount Program
  2. What type of insurance provides coverage for travel-related risks, such as trip cancellation and medical emergencies?
    Travel Insurance
  3. What type of insurance provides coverage for business-related risks, such as property damage and liability?
    Commercial Insurance
  4. What type of insurance is TruStage best known for?
    Life Insurance
  5. What is the name of the TruStage insurance product that builds cash value over time?
    Whole Life Insurance
  6. What is the term for the process of determining the value of a claim?
    Claims Adjustment
  7. What is the primary target market for TruStage insurance products?
    Credit Union Members
  8. TruStage is a brand under which parent company?
    CUNA Mutual Group
  9. What is one of the main benefits of TruStage's term life insurance policies?
    Affordable Premiums
  10. What type of insurance provides coverage for losses due to theft, fire, or other perils?
    Property Insurance
  11. What type of insurance does TruStage offer to help cover the gap between what your health insurance pays and the actual medical costs?
    Supplemental Health Insurance
  12. What is the term for the party that is protected by an insurance policy?
  13. TruStage partners with which type of financial institutions to offer its products?
    Credit Unions
  14. What is the term for the written document that outlines the terms and conditions of an insurance policy?
    Policy Document
  15. What year was TruStage founded?
  16. What kind of insurance does TruStage offer to protect against identity theft?
    Identity Theft Protection
  17. What is the TruStage insurance product designed to help cover final expenses?
    Final Expense Insurance
  18. Which type of life insurance offered by TruStage provides coverage for a specific period?
    Term Life Insurance
  19. What is the term for the amount of time you have to file a claim after a loss occurs?
    Claim Filing Period
  20. TruStage offers a type of life insurance that provides coverage for children. What is it called?
    Child Whole Life Insurance
  21. What is the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance starts to cover expenses?
  22. What is the term for the person who receives the insurance payout upon the insured's death?
  23. What is the term for the process of evaluating and pricing an insurance risk?
  24. What is the term for the agreement between an insurance company and the policyholder?
    Insurance Policy
  25. What is the primary benefit of TruStage's simplified issue life insurance?
    No Medical Exam Required
  26. What type of insurance protects against financial loss from damage to your home?
    Homeowners Insurance
  27. TruStage's parent company, CUNA Mutual Group, was originally founded to serve which sector?
    The Credit Union Industry
  28. What type of insurance covers medical expenses and lost wages due to work-related injuries?
    Workers' Compensation Insurance
  29. What is the name of the online platform where TruStage customers can manage their policies?
    TruStage Insurance Online Portal
  30. What type of insurance provides income replacement if you are unable to work due to illness or injury?
    Disability Insurance
  31. What type of insurance is typically required by lenders to protect their investment in a property?
    Mortgage Insurance
  32. What is the name of the tool TruStage offers to help customers calculate their life insurance needs?
    Life Insurance Needs Calculator
  33. What type of insurance covers the costs of long-term care services, such as nursing home care or home health care?
    Long-Term Care Insurance
  34. TruStage offers what type of insurance to help cover expenses in the event of accidental death?
    Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
  35. What type of insurance protects against loss of income due to the death of a key employee in a business?
    Key Person Insurance
  36. What is the term for the maximum amount an insurance company will pay for a covered loss?
    Policy Limit
  37. What is the primary feature of TruStage's whole life insurance?
    Lifetime Coverage and Cash Value Accumulation
  38. TruStage offers a specific type of life insurance that guarantees acceptance for applicants within a certain age range. What is it called?
    Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance
  39. What is the term for the process by which an insurance company determines the risk associated with insuring a person or property?
    Risk Assessment
  40. What is the term for a formal request to an insurance company for payment based on the terms of the policy?
  41. What is the term for the part of an insurance policy that specifies what is not covered?
  42. What type of insurance does TruStage offer to cover personal property and liability?
    Auto & Home Insurance
  43. What is the term for the amount you pay for insurance coverage, typically on a monthly or annual basis?
  44. What is the term for the amount an insurance company pays for a covered loss?
  45. What type of life insurance does TruStage offer that requires no medical exam?
    Simplified Issue Life Insurance