Wherecan youfind apetri dish?Find anexperimentthat used ablue greensolution.Where canyou findmusclegrowthcharts?Where canyou find theingredientsof a proteinbar?Find theboard withanobservationtable.Whichsubstancewas mostconductive inwater?What istheformula forcitric acid?Which saltmixtureworked bestto make icecream?Where doyou seethe mostbacteria?Which sugarworked thebest for rockcandy?Find aproject thatuses organicfertilizer.Find aproject thatused twotypes offertilizer.What wouldnot be hotenough to meltright through acan?Whichsubstanceneeded a thirdtrial in theconductivityproject?Whatingredientsdo you needto make icecream?What drinkwas the bestfor electrolytesafter exercise?Where canyou find outabout howapplesoxidize?How longdoes it taketo do anexperimenton oxidation?Where wouldyou find theprocess ofgrowing plantswith caffeine?Where canyou find outhow caffeineeffects plantgrowth?Find theproject aboutstuff used inthe military.Was thehypothesiscorrect aboutrock candy?Whathappens withthe moreelectrolytesyou take?What is thechemicalformula forEthylAlcohol?Wherecan youfind apetri dish?Find anexperimentthat used ablue greensolution.Where canyou findmusclegrowthcharts?Where canyou find theingredientsof a proteinbar?Find theboard withanobservationtable.Whichsubstancewas mostconductive inwater?What istheformula forcitric acid?Which saltmixtureworked bestto make icecream?Where doyou seethe mostbacteria?Which sugarworked thebest for rockcandy?Find aproject thatuses organicfertilizer.Find aproject thatused twotypes offertilizer.What wouldnot be hotenough to meltright through acan?Whichsubstanceneeded a thirdtrial in theconductivityproject?Whatingredientsdo you needto make icecream?What drinkwas the bestfor electrolytesafter exercise?Where canyou find outabout howapplesoxidize?How longdoes it taketo do anexperimenton oxidation?Where wouldyou find theprocess ofgrowing plantswith caffeine?Where canyou find outhow caffeineeffects plantgrowth?Find theproject aboutstuff used inthe military.Was thehypothesiscorrect aboutrock candy?Whathappens withthe moreelectrolytesyou take?What is thechemicalformula forEthylAlcohol?

Chemistry Project Bingo B - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Where can you find a petri dish?
  2. Find an experiment that used a blue green solution.
  3. Where can you find muscle growth charts?
  4. Where can you find the ingredients of a protein bar?
  5. Find the board with an observation table.
  6. Which substance was most conductive in water?
  7. What is the formula for citric acid?
  8. Which salt mixture worked best to make ice cream?
  9. Where do you see the most bacteria?
  10. Which sugar worked the best for rock candy?
  11. Find a project that uses organic fertilizer.
  12. Find a project that used two types of fertilizer.
  13. What would not be hot enough to melt right through a can?
  14. Which substance needed a third trial in the conductivity project?
  15. What ingredients do you need to make ice cream?
  16. What drink was the best for electrolytes after exercise?
  17. Where can you find out about how apples oxidize?
  18. How long does it take to do an experiment on oxidation?
  19. Where would you find the process of growing plants with caffeine?
  20. Where can you find out how caffeine effects plant growth?
  21. Find the project about stuff used in the military.
  22. Was the hypothesis correct about rock candy?
  23. What happens with the more electrolytes you take?
  24. What is the chemical formula for Ethyl Alcohol?