How old wasCyntoia Brownat the time ofher crime? ____________Who said femaleshave less of anopportunity tocommit crime? ________________What is the theorythat says femalesare more investedin relationships thanmen? ________________Who was aChicago gangassassin? ______________________ isone of the mostimportantprotectivefactors forfemales.Late 20thCentury iswhen____________criminologyemerges.Who said femaledelinquents havepathologicalpsychiatricproblems? _______________Who was grantedclemency byTennesseeGovernor? ______________What theory doesthe risk factorstructuraloppression fallunder? _______________Almost all theorieson why femalesDO commit crimeboil down to somevariation of_______.Need for___________towardsschools andgovernment.Earlydelinquencytheories__________women.Who said femalesare less prone toaggressive andcriminalbehaviors?______________Free!Haynie'stheory: femalesthat look__________are more proneto delinquency.Women tendto___________trauma morethan men.How old wasCyntoia Brownat the time ofher crime? ____________Who said femaleshave less of anopportunity tocommit crime? ________________What is the theorythat says femalesare more investedin relationships thanmen? ________________Who was aChicago gangassassin? ______________________ isone of the mostimportantprotectivefactors forfemales.Late 20thCentury iswhen____________criminologyemerges.Who said femaledelinquents havepathologicalpsychiatricproblems? _______________Who was grantedclemency byTennesseeGovernor? ______________What theory doesthe risk factorstructuraloppression fallunder? _______________Almost all theorieson why femalesDO commit crimeboil down to somevariation of_______.Need for___________towardsschools andgovernment.Earlydelinquencytheories__________women.Who said femalesare less prone toaggressive andcriminalbehaviors?______________Free!Haynie'stheory: femalesthat look__________are more proneto delinquency.Women tendto___________trauma morethan men.

Female Delinquency Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How old was Cyntoia Brown at the time of her crime? ____________
  2. Who said females have less of an opportunity to commit crime? ________________
  3. What is the theory that says females are more invested in relationships than men? ________________
  4. Who was a Chicago gang assassin? ______________
  5. ________ is one of the most important protective factors for females.
  6. Late 20th Century is when ____________ criminology emerges.
  7. Who said female delinquents have pathological psychiatric problems? _______________
  8. Who was granted clemency by Tennessee Governor? ______________
  9. What theory does the risk factor structural oppression fall under? _______________
  10. Almost all theories on why females DO commit crime boil down to some variation of _______.
  11. Need for ___________ towards schools and government.
  12. Early delinquency theories __________ women.
  13. Who said females are less prone to aggressive and criminal behaviors? ______________
  14. Free!
  15. Haynie's theory: females that look __________ are more prone to delinquency.
  16. Women tend to ___________ trauma more than men.