In what ways doyou tailor yourapproach to beresponsive tothe needs ofothers?How do youintegrate themissionstatement intoyour strategicplanning?What steps canwe take to ensureour mission isinclusive of allstudents’ needs?What does‘excellence’in our contextmean to you?How does ourmissioninfluence yourdecision-makingprocess?How can wefurther inspireeach otherwithin our rolesat VBCPS?How do youadvocate forprofessionallearningopportunitieswithin VBCPS?What personalgoals have youset that alignwith ourmission?How do youbalanceindividualneeds with ourcollectivemission?What resourcesdo you findmost valuablefor professionalgrowth?How do yousupport yourcolleagues intheir professionallearning journey?What does‘meaningful’professionallearning looklike to you?What doessuccess in ourmission looklike five yearsfrom now?Think about a timewhen youcontributed to alearningenvironment thatbenefits allstudents.What challengeshave you facedin aligning withour mission, andhow did youovercome them?How do youstay informedand current inyourprofessionalpractice?How will youcommit to beinga lifelonglearner insupport of ourmission?Reflect on amoment whenyou felt youtruly inspired astudent orcolleague.How do youmeasure theimpact of youractions onindividual andcollective growth?Consider howyour daily workcontributes tothe collectivegrowth ofVBCPS.What role doescollaborationplay inachieving ourmission?Share anexample of howyou empowerthose aroundyou.What are somepathways ofprofessionallearning you haveexplored or wouldlike to explore?What innovativemethods can weemploy tosupport ourmission moreeffectively?How do youplan tocontribute tothe excellenceof VBCPS thisyear?In what ways doyou tailor yourapproach to beresponsive tothe needs ofothers?How do youintegrate themissionstatement intoyour strategicplanning?What steps canwe take to ensureour mission isinclusive of allstudents’ needs?What does‘excellence’in our contextmean to you?How does ourmissioninfluence yourdecision-makingprocess?How can wefurther inspireeach otherwithin our rolesat VBCPS?How do youadvocate forprofessionallearningopportunitieswithin VBCPS?What personalgoals have youset that alignwith ourmission?How do youbalanceindividualneeds with ourcollectivemission?What resourcesdo you findmost valuablefor professionalgrowth?How do yousupport yourcolleagues intheir professionallearning journey?What does‘meaningful’professionallearning looklike to you?What doessuccess in ourmission looklike five yearsfrom now?Think about a timewhen youcontributed to alearningenvironment thatbenefits allstudents.What challengeshave you facedin aligning withour mission, andhow did youovercome them?How do youstay informedand current inyourprofessionalpractice?How will youcommit to beinga lifelonglearner insupport of ourmission?Reflect on amoment whenyou felt youtruly inspired astudent orcolleague.How do youmeasure theimpact of youractions onindividual andcollective growth?Consider howyour daily workcontributes tothe collectivegrowth ofVBCPS.What role doescollaborationplay inachieving ourmission?Share anexample of howyou empowerthose aroundyou.What are somepathways ofprofessionallearning you haveexplored or wouldlike to explore?What innovativemethods can weemploy tosupport ourmission moreeffectively?How do youplan tocontribute tothe excellenceof VBCPS thisyear?


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In what ways do you tailor your approach to be responsive to the needs of others?
  2. How do you integrate the mission statement into your strategic planning?
  3. What steps can we take to ensure our mission is inclusive of all students’ needs?
  4. What does ‘excellence’ in our context mean to you?
  5. How does our mission influence your decision-making process?
  6. How can we further inspire each other within our roles at VBCPS?
  7. How do you advocate for professional learning opportunities within VBCPS?
  8. What personal goals have you set that align with our mission?
  9. How do you balance individual needs with our collective mission?
  10. What resources do you find most valuable for professional growth?
  11. How do you support your colleagues in their professional learning journey?
  12. What does ‘meaningful’ professional learning look like to you?
  13. What does success in our mission look like five years from now?
  14. Think about a time when you contributed to a learning environment that benefits all students.
  15. What challenges have you faced in aligning with our mission, and how did you overcome them?
  16. How do you stay informed and current in your professional practice?
  17. How will you commit to being a lifelong learner in support of our mission?
  18. Reflect on a moment when you felt you truly inspired a student or colleague.
  19. How do you measure the impact of your actions on individual and collective growth?
  20. Consider how your daily work contributes to the collective growth of VBCPS.
  21. What role does collaboration play in achieving our mission?
  22. Share an example of how you empower those around you.
  23. What are some pathways of professional learning you have explored or would like to explore?
  24. What innovative methods can we employ to support our mission more effectively?
  25. How do you plan to contribute to the excellence of VBCPS this year?