Find someonewho was at thelast building upfundraiser andhave them sharethree things thatmake it uniqueFind someonewho has morethan 1 sibling intheir family andlearn somethinginteresting abouttheir siblingsFind three staffwho have apet and getthem to showyou a pictureFind someone whodoes estimates forsocial enterprise andhave them share aunique project theyquoted on in the pastmonthFind someoneinvolved with grantwriting and havethem share thenext project theyare working onFind Someone whoworks on theinsulation team andask them what a dayin their life looks likeand how hot theattics can get in thesummer.Find someone whowas involved in lastweeks interviews forintake week, and askthem to explain aninterview thatinspired them andwhyFind someoneinvolved with theenergy squadproject and learnthree thingsabout the projectFind someone who ison the Joint Healthand SafetyCommittee atBuilding Up and learnone major initiativethey are working onFind someonewho started asBuilding Up Staffin 2024, and havethem explain theirnew roleFind someonewho has worked ata non profit otherthan Building Upand learn thename of the otherorganizationFind someone whohad more than onejob title at BuildingUp over their careerand have themexplain their old andnew roleFind a sitesupervisor and askthem about atechnique they usegive constructivefeedback.Find someonewho has been acase manager andask them to sharea tip on how theybuild connectionswith participantsFind someone whoworked at Building Upin 2017 and ask themto explain a major shiftthat has taken place inthe way we supporttrainees since that timeFind a colleaguethat can share youthe name and abrief story about agraduate who hasbecome ajourneypersonFind two peoplewith a toddleror a baby andget them toshow you apictureFind our financialcoach and havethem share amoment wherethey knew thesupport waspowerfulFind a site supervisorand have themexplain to you anunexpectedinteraction they hadwith a tenant in oneof the buildings wework inFind someone onanother team andcome to anagreement onwhat BU's nextteam social activityshould be.Find someone whois on the Diversity,Equity and InclusionCommittee and askthem about some ofthe work they havedoneFind someonethat knows whatPassive Housebuilding is andlearn what thatmeansFind someone thathas travelled forwork at building upand ask themwhere they wentand whyFind a colleague whoworks on the alumniprogram, and havethem identify onebarrier that causesparticipants to lagbehind in completingtheir apprenticeshipFind someonewho was at thelast building upfundraiser andhave them sharethree things thatmake it uniqueFind someonewho has morethan 1 sibling intheir family andlearn somethinginteresting abouttheir siblingsFind three staffwho have apet and getthem to showyou a pictureFind someone whodoes estimates forsocial enterprise andhave them share aunique project theyquoted on in the pastmonthFind someoneinvolved with grantwriting and havethem share thenext project theyare working onFind Someone whoworks on theinsulation team andask them what a dayin their life looks likeand how hot theattics can get in thesummer.Find someone whowas involved in lastweeks interviews forintake week, and askthem to explain aninterview thatinspired them andwhyFind someoneinvolved with theenergy squadproject and learnthree thingsabout the projectFind someone who ison the Joint Healthand SafetyCommittee atBuilding Up and learnone major initiativethey are working onFind someonewho started asBuilding Up Staffin 2024, and havethem explain theirnew roleFind someonewho has worked ata non profit otherthan Building Upand learn thename of the otherorganizationFind someone whohad more than onejob title at BuildingUp over their careerand have themexplain their old andnew roleFind a sitesupervisor and askthem about atechnique they usegive constructivefeedback.Find someonewho has been acase manager andask them to sharea tip on how theybuild connectionswith participantsFind someone whoworked at Building Upin 2017 and ask themto explain a major shiftthat has taken place inthe way we supporttrainees since that timeFind a colleaguethat can share youthe name and abrief story about agraduate who hasbecome ajourneypersonFind two peoplewith a toddleror a baby andget them toshow you apictureFind our financialcoach and havethem share amoment wherethey knew thesupport waspowerfulFind a site supervisorand have themexplain to you anunexpectedinteraction they hadwith a tenant in oneof the buildings wework inFind someone onanother team andcome to anagreement onwhat BU's nextteam social activityshould be.Find someone whois on the Diversity,Equity and InclusionCommittee and askthem about some ofthe work they havedoneFind someonethat knows whatPassive Housebuilding is andlearn what thatmeansFind someone thathas travelled forwork at building upand ask themwhere they wentand whyFind a colleague whoworks on the alumniprogram, and havethem identify onebarrier that causesparticipants to lagbehind in completingtheir apprenticeship

Building Up - - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who was at the last building up fundraiser and have them share three things that make it unique
  2. Find someone who has more than 1 sibling in their family and learn something interesting about their siblings
  3. Find three staff who have a pet and get them to show you a picture
  4. Find someone who does estimates for social enterprise and have them share a unique project they quoted on in the past month
  5. Find someone involved with grant writing and have them share the next project they are working on
  6. Find Someone who works on the insulation team and ask them what a day in their life looks like and how hot the attics can get in the summer.
  7. Find someone who was involved in last weeks interviews for intake week, and ask them to explain an interview that inspired them and why
  8. Find someone involved with the energy squad project and learn three things about the project
  9. Find someone who is on the Joint Health and Safety Committee at Building Up and learn one major initiative they are working on
  10. Find someone who started as Building Up Staff in 2024, and have them explain their new role
  11. Find someone who has worked at a non profit other than Building Up and learn the name of the other organization
  12. Find someone who had more than one job title at Building Up over their career and have them explain their old and new role
  13. Find a site supervisor and ask them about a technique they use give constructive feedback.
  14. Find someone who has been a case manager and ask them to share a tip on how they build connections with participants
  15. Find someone who worked at Building Up in 2017 and ask them to explain a major shift that has taken place in the way we support trainees since that time
  16. Find a colleague that can share you the name and a brief story about a graduate who has become a journeyperson
  17. Find two people with a toddler or a baby and get them to show you a picture
  18. Find our financial coach and have them share a moment where they knew the support was powerful
  19. Find a site supervisor and have them explain to you an unexpected interaction they had with a tenant in one of the buildings we work in
  20. Find someone on another team and come to an agreement on what BU's next team social activity should be.
  21. Find someone who is on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and ask them about some of the work they have done
  22. Find someone that knows what Passive House building is and learn what that means
  23. Find someone that has travelled for work at building up and ask them where they went and why
  24. Find a colleague who works on the alumni program, and have them identify one barrier that causes participants to lag behind in completing their apprenticeship