Complete aCMA(ComparativeMarketAnalysis)Prepare adetailedCMA for aproperty.Createa VideoTourRecord andshare avideo tour ofa property.Attend4 OpenHousesVisit an openhouse eventfor a listedproperty.Set a BuyerAppointmentSchedule ameeting witha potentialhome buyer.Get aTestimonialObtain atestimonialfrom asatisfiedclient.Call 10ExpiredConversationsContacthomeownerswith expiredlistings.Create aMarketingPlanDevelop amarketingstrategy for anew listing. Follow-Up witha LeadContact apotentialbuyer or selleryou’ve spokento before. Get aNewClientSecure anew clientfor buying orselling ahome.Go toLunch orCoffee witha lenderCreate arelationshipwith one orseveralmortgage loanofficersGet aReferralReceive areferral froma past clientor colleague.Send OutaNewsletterDistribute areal estatenewsletter toyourcontacts.Negotiatea DealSuccessfullynegotiate adeal betweena buyer andseller.Conducta HomeTourGive aguided tour ofa home to aprospectivebuyer.Attend aNetworkingEventParticipate ina local realestatenetworkingevent.CompleteIGNITEEnroll inandcompleteIGNITE.Post onSocialMediaShare aproperty listingor marketupdate on asocial mediaplatform.Host anOpenHouseOrganizeand host anopen housefor one ofyour listings.AddSomeoneto YourCommandUpdate yourCommandwith clientinformation.ConductMarketAnalysisWrite amarketanalysis for aspecificneighborhood.Write aPurchaseAgreementDraft apurchaseagreementfor a client.HandOutFlyersDistributeproperty flyersin aneighborhood.Set a ListingAppointmentArrange ameeting witha homeownerlooking tosell.Call 5 FSBOconversationsContacthomeowners whoare trying to selltheir houses ontheir own. (offer tohost an openhouse for them)Complete aCMA(ComparativeMarketAnalysis)Prepare adetailedCMA for aproperty.Createa VideoTourRecord andshare avideo tour ofa property.Attend4 OpenHousesVisit an openhouse eventfor a listedproperty.Set a BuyerAppointmentSchedule ameeting witha potentialhome buyer.Get aTestimonialObtain atestimonialfrom asatisfiedclient.Call 10ExpiredConversationsContacthomeownerswith expiredlistings.Create aMarketingPlanDevelop amarketingstrategy for anew listing. Follow-Up witha LeadContact apotentialbuyer or selleryou’ve spokento before. Get aNewClientSecure anew clientfor buying orselling ahome.Go toLunch orCoffee witha lenderCreate arelationshipwith one orseveralmortgage loanofficersGet aReferralReceive areferral froma past clientor colleague.Send OutaNewsletterDistribute areal estatenewsletter toyourcontacts.Negotiatea DealSuccessfullynegotiate adeal betweena buyer andseller.Conducta HomeTourGive aguided tour ofa home to aprospectivebuyer.Attend aNetworkingEventParticipate ina local realestatenetworkingevent.CompleteIGNITEEnroll inandcompleteIGNITE.Post onSocialMediaShare aproperty listingor marketupdate on asocial mediaplatform.Host anOpenHouseOrganizeand host anopen housefor one ofyour listings.AddSomeoneto YourCommandUpdate yourCommandwith clientinformation.ConductMarketAnalysisWrite amarketanalysis for aspecificneighborhood.Write aPurchaseAgreementDraft apurchaseagreementfor a client.HandOutFlyersDistributeproperty flyersin aneighborhood.Set a ListingAppointmentArrange ameeting witha homeownerlooking tosell.Call 5 FSBOconversationsContacthomeowners whoare trying to selltheir houses ontheir own. (offer tohost an openhouse for them)

PC Bingo Card - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Prepare a detailed CMA for a property.
    Complete a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis)
  2. Record and share a video tour of a property.
    Create a Video Tour
  3. Visit an open house event for a listed property.
    Attend 4 Open Houses
  4. Schedule a meeting with a potential home buyer.
    Set a Buyer Appointment
  5. Obtain a testimonial from a satisfied client.
    Get a Testimonial
  6. Contact homeowners with expired listings.
    Call 10 Expired Conversations
  7. Develop a marketing strategy for a new listing.
    Create a Marketing Plan
  8. Contact a potential buyer or seller you’ve spoken to before.
    Follow-Up with a Lead
  9. Secure a new client for buying or selling a home.
    Get a New Client
  10. Create a relationship with one or several mortgage loan officers
    Go to Lunch or Coffee with a lender
  11. Receive a referral from a past client or colleague.
    Get a Referral
  12. Distribute a real estate newsletter to your contacts.
    Send Out a Newsletter
  13. Successfully negotiate a deal between a buyer and seller.
    Negotiate a Deal
  14. Give a guided tour of a home to a prospective buyer.
    Conduct a Home Tour
  15. Participate in a local real estate networking event.
    Attend a Networking Event
  16. Enroll in and complete IGNITE.
    Complete IGNITE
  17. Share a property listing or market update on a social media platform.
    Post on Social Media
  18. Organize and host an open house for one of your listings.
    Host an Open House
  19. Update your Command with client information.
    Add Someone to Your Command
  20. Write a market analysis for a specific neighborhood.
    Conduct Market Analysis
  21. Draft a purchase agreement for a client.
    Write a Purchase Agreement
  22. Distribute property flyers in a neighborhood.
    Hand Out Flyers
  23. Arrange a meeting with a homeowner looking to sell.
    Set a Listing Appointment
  24. Contact homeowners who are trying to sell their houses on their own. (offer to host an open house for them)
    Call 5 FSBO conversations