I'm looking forpeople thatwork for me forrevenue share /"exposure" aspayment<person that thinkstheir OPINION aboutsomething is aFACT> (unity is thebest engine!!! youcan't start with pythonas a beginner, youhave to use lua, etc)<refusing toactually tryfiguring yourown problemout beforeasking for help><getting madabout notimmediatelygetting ananswer to yourquestion>I offer<700 linesspamtext>Whatengineshould IuseI have a greatidea but I needprogrammersand artists (Iwon't do thework)Whatshould Ido to learngamedevSomeonementionsaquadtreeWhat isthe bestlanguageI needpeople formy devteam! NOW!I have this error<3 words oferror messageand zero othercontext>I want tomake a deckbuildingrogelite"Tell me I'mgood" withlink to gamethat's clearlynot goodDon'tstealmy ideaSomeonemakes afan gameI want tomake anMMOI'mmaking aminecraftcloneA cookiegoesstaleWhatdoes thiserrormeanMake thisgame forme!I'm makingmy owngameengineI have thiserror<screenshot of700 unrelatedlines of code>Asking if youcan ask aquestioninstead ofactualy askingyour questionI'm looking forpeople thatwork for me forrevenue share /"exposure" aspayment<person that thinkstheir OPINION aboutsomething is aFACT> (unity is thebest engine!!! youcan't start with pythonas a beginner, youhave to use lua, etc)<refusing toactually tryfiguring yourown problemout beforeasking for help><getting madabout notimmediatelygetting ananswer to yourquestion>I offer<700 linesspamtext>Whatengineshould IuseI have a greatidea but I needprogrammersand artists (Iwon't do thework)Whatshould Ido to learngamedevSomeonementionsaquadtreeWhat isthe bestlanguageI needpeople formy devteam! NOW!I have this error<3 words oferror messageand zero othercontext>I want tomake a deckbuildingrogelite"Tell me I'mgood" withlink to gamethat's clearlynot goodDon'tstealmy ideaSomeonemakes afan gameI want tomake anMMOI'mmaking aminecraftcloneA cookiegoesstaleWhatdoes thiserrormeanMake thisgame forme!I'm makingmy owngameengineI have thiserror<screenshot of700 unrelatedlines of code>Asking if youcan ask aquestioninstead ofactualy askingyour question

Game Dev League BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I'm looking for people that work for me for revenue share / "exposure" as payment
  2. <person that thinks their OPINION about something is a FACT> (unity is the best engine!!! you can't start with python as a beginner, you have to use lua, etc)
  3. <refusing to actually try figuring your own problem out before asking for help>
  4. <getting mad about not immediately getting an answer to your question>
  5. I offer <700 lines spam text>
  6. What engine should I use
  7. I have a great idea but I need programmers and artists (I won't do the work)
  8. What should I do to learn gamedev
  9. Someone mentions a quadtree
  10. What is the best language
  11. I need people for my dev team! NOW!
  12. I have this error <3 words of error message and zero other context>
  13. I want to make a deck building rogelite
  14. "Tell me I'm good" with link to game that's clearly not good
  15. Don't steal my idea
  16. Someone makes a fan game
  17. I want to make an MMO
  18. I'm making a minecraft clone
  19. A cookie goes stale
  20. What does this error mean
  21. Make this game for me!
  22. I'm making my own game engine
  23. I have this error <screenshot of 700 unrelated lines of code>
  24. Asking if you can ask a question instead of actualy asking your question