Has broken a bone- which bone? Has been in a play- which play? Has been to a concert- what one? Was not born in PA- which state? Who collects something- What is it? Speaks 2 or more languages - which ones? Has a child older than 10 yrs - how old are they? Born in your same birthday month- which month? Can play an instrument? Which one? Played a sport- which? Has more than 1 pet- what kinds of pets? Has read the whole Bible- which version? What would be the name of your memoir? Drives a white car- what kind? Has been out of the country- where? Has created art - what kind? Loves to cook- favorite recipe? Has been on a cruise- to where? Works with kids- what job? Went on missions trip- where? Has a college degree- in what? Watches the same show as you- which show? Has a unique skill- what? Has summer vacation plans - to where? Has broken a bone- which bone? Has been in a play- which play? Has been to a concert- what one? Was not born in PA- which state? Who collects something- What is it? Speaks 2 or more languages - which ones? Has a child older than 10 yrs - how old are they? Born in your same birthday month- which month? Can play an instrument? Which one? Played a sport- which? Has more than 1 pet- what kinds of pets? Has read the whole Bible- which version? What would be the name of your memoir? Drives a white car- what kind? Has been out of the country- where? Has created art - what kind? Loves to cook- favorite recipe? Has been on a cruise- to where? Works with kids- what job? Went on missions trip- where? Has a college degree- in what? Watches the same show as you- which show? Has a unique skill- what? Has summer vacation plans - to where?
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Has broken a bone- which bone?
Has been in a play- which play?
Has been to a concert- what one?
Was not born in PA- which state?
Who collects something- What is it?
Speaks 2 or more languages - which ones?
Has a child older than 10 yrs - how old are they?
Born in your same birthday month- which month?
Can play an instrument? Which one?
Played a sport- which?
Has more than 1 pet- what kinds of pets?
Has read the whole Bible- which version?
What would be the name of your memoir?
Drives a white car- what kind?
Has been out of the country- where?
Has created art - what kind?
Loves to cook- favorite recipe?
Has been on a cruise- to where?
Works with kids- what job?
Went on missions trip-where?
Has a college degree- in what?
Watches the same show as you- which show?
Has a unique skill- what?
Has summer vacation plans - to where?