Adamtransfers to St.Augustine'sCatholicSchool"You have tochoosewhoever youwant to be,life's too short"said Maya."My greatestfailure, handsdown, has beenhiding from theones I love,"said Adam.Adam's motheris afraid that hisson will hurt herduring apsychoticepisode."I'm sorry butI can't putyou throughthat." SaidMaya.Adam pointed outthe doublestandardsregarding cancerpatients andschizophrenicpatients.Adam did nottell Maya abouthis disorderdue to fear ofstigmatization.Adamoverdosed hismedicationbeforeattending Prom.Adam askedMaya to goto Prom withhim.Adam wasnever able tocook againafter he wasdiagnosed withhis disorder.Adam oftenconfides FatherPatrick abouthis worries andconcerns.Adam showedup at Maya'shouse becausehe wanted togive her asurprise.Paul dislikesAdam due tohis mentaldisorder.Adam issuspended dueto hisstepfather'semail to SisterCatherine.Adam's hallucinationsconsist mainly ofthree characters:Rebecca, Joaquin,"The bodyguards" aswell as the "dark"threatening voice.Adam'sessay isselected tobe read ongraduation.Despitediagnose withschizophrenia,Adam alsosuffered fromdepression."Tell her howhow good youare at cookingAdam," SaidJoaquin.After a psychoticbreak, Adamaccidentallycaused anexplosion, hurtingat least 3 people.MayaArnold isMaya'sfull name.Maya'sfamily hatesAdambecause ofhis disorder.Muscletwitching is oneof the sideeffects ofAdam'smedication.Maya'sfamily isstrugglingfinancially.Adam was nothappy that hispsychiatristtold his momeverything.Adamtransfers to St.Augustine'sCatholicSchool"You have tochoosewhoever youwant to be,life's too short"said Maya."My greatestfailure, handsdown, has beenhiding from theones I love,"said Adam.Adam's motheris afraid that hisson will hurt herduring apsychoticepisode."I'm sorry butI can't putyou throughthat." SaidMaya.Adam pointed outthe doublestandardsregarding cancerpatients andschizophrenicpatients.Adam did nottell Maya abouthis disorderdue to fear ofstigmatization.Adamoverdosed hismedicationbeforeattending Prom.Adam askedMaya to goto Prom withhim.Adam wasnever able tocook againafter he wasdiagnosed withhis disorder.Adam oftenconfides FatherPatrick abouthis worries andconcerns.Adam showedup at Maya'shouse becausehe wanted togive her asurprise.Paul dislikesAdam due tohis mentaldisorder.Adam issuspended dueto hisstepfather'semail to SisterCatherine.Adam's hallucinationsconsist mainly ofthree characters:Rebecca, Joaquin,"The bodyguards" aswell as the "dark"threatening voice.Adam'sessay isselected tobe read ongraduation.Despitediagnose withschizophrenia,Adam alsosuffered fromdepression."Tell her howhow good youare at cookingAdam," SaidJoaquin.After a psychoticbreak, Adamaccidentallycaused anexplosion, hurtingat least 3 people.MayaArnold isMaya'sfull name.Maya'sfamily hatesAdambecause ofhis disorder.Muscletwitching is oneof the sideeffects ofAdam'smedication.Maya'sfamily isstrugglingfinancially.Adam was nothappy that hispsychiatristtold his momeverything.

Words on Bathroom Walls - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Adam transfers to St. Augustine's Catholic School
  2. "You have to choose whoever you want to be, life's too short" said Maya.
  3. "My greatest failure, hands down, has been hiding from the ones I love," said Adam.
  4. Adam's mother is afraid that his son will hurt her during a psychotic episode.
  5. "I'm sorry but I can't put you through that." Said Maya.
  6. Adam pointed out the double standards regarding cancer patients and schizophrenic patients.
  7. Adam did not tell Maya about his disorder due to fear of stigmatization.
  8. Adam overdosed his medication before attending Prom.
  9. Adam asked Maya to go to Prom with him.
  10. Adam was never able to cook again after he was diagnosed with his disorder.
  11. Adam often confides Father Patrick about his worries and concerns.
  12. Adam showed up at Maya's house because he wanted to give her a surprise.
  13. Paul dislikes Adam due to his mental disorder.
  14. Adam is suspended due to his stepfather's email to Sister Catherine.
  15. Adam's hallucinations consist mainly of three characters: Rebecca, Joaquin, "The bodyguards" as well as the "dark" threatening voice.
  16. Adam's essay is selected to be read on graduation.
  17. Despite diagnose with schizophrenia, Adam also suffered from depression.
  18. "Tell her how how good you are at cooking Adam," Said Joaquin.
  19. After a psychotic break, Adam accidentally caused an explosion, hurting at least 3 people.
  20. Maya Arnold is Maya's full name.
  21. Maya's family hates Adam because of his disorder.
  22. Muscle twitching is one of the side effects of Adam's medication.
  23. Maya's family is struggling financially.
  24. Adam was not happy that his psychiatrist told his mom everything.