There is anopen FMCconsult inthe visithistoryFMCPatient's duedate istoday, andwe made OR1. Notreached-didnot respondto calls Patientstates theyprefer to seetheir PCPDeclined-already hador hasupcomingapptPatient iscurrentlyin a rehabSettingOOHThe admit anddischarge datesare the sameas the previousconsults datesDuplicateconsultPatient statesthey are notinterested ina consult atthis time. Declined-notinterestedPatient's duedate wasyesterday andno outreacheshave beenmade.Not called-Unable tocall patientunder SLAIf the patientstates they wentto the hospitalfor a procedure,but dischargedthe same dayPatient isnot eligible-Per programrulesPatientstates theyno longerhave UHGPatient isnot eligible-Per programrulesPatientdisclosed theyare currently inVT, but theconsult has theiraddress as WAOther-Patient iscurrently outsideof the state ofresidence andcannot completevisit.Patient isdeceasedNot eligibleperprogramrulesThere are noworkingnumbers, andMS verifiedthey do nothave any either Noteligible, noworkingcontact info Patient/ARstates patientis currentlyunderhospital careSettingOOHPatientdisclosed theyare living in NEnow, but theconsult showsFL.Other-Patientdisclosed theyno longer live inthe state listedon consult.Patient statesthey already hada consult withUHC, howevernot within ourprogramDeclined-already hador hasupcomingapptPatientrequests to notbe called byUHG anymoreafter verification DNCPatient hasanother consultwithin 31 dayswith a completedconsult with aclincianReadmitwithin31 days Patient hasdementia,and there isno auth replistedUnabletoconsentPatientprovides adifferent DOBthan what islisted.Noteligible-DemoincorrectPatient statesthey wereneverdischargedfrom thehospitalNoteligible-perprogramrules3rdoutreach-LVMNotreached-didnot respondto callsPatient wentto UC, nodischargedfrom hospital Not eligibleperprogramrulesYou madecall attempt2, but thedue date istoday.Notreached-didnot respondto calls patientrefuses toverify PHI Declined-Patientrefused toverifyThere is anopen FMCconsult inthe visithistoryFMCPatient's duedate istoday, andwe made OR1. Notreached-didnot respondto calls Patientstates theyprefer to seetheir PCPDeclined-already hador hasupcomingapptPatient iscurrentlyin a rehabSettingOOHThe admit anddischarge datesare the sameas the previousconsults datesDuplicateconsultPatient statesthey are notinterested ina consult atthis time. Declined-notinterestedPatient's duedate wasyesterday andno outreacheshave beenmade.Not called-Unable tocall patientunder SLAIf the patientstates they wentto the hospitalfor a procedure,but dischargedthe same dayPatient isnot eligible-Per programrulesPatientstates theyno longerhave UHGPatient isnot eligible-Per programrulesPatientdisclosed theyare currently inVT, but theconsult has theiraddress as WAOther-Patient iscurrently outsideof the state ofresidence andcannot completevisit.Patient isdeceasedNot eligibleperprogramrulesThere are noworkingnumbers, andMS verifiedthey do nothave any either Noteligible, noworkingcontact info Patient/ARstates patientis currentlyunderhospital careSettingOOHPatientdisclosed theyare living in NEnow, but theconsult showsFL.Other-Patientdisclosed theyno longer live inthe state listedon consult.Patient statesthey already hada consult withUHC, howevernot within ourprogramDeclined-already hador hasupcomingapptPatientrequests to notbe called byUHG anymoreafter verification DNCPatient hasanother consultwithin 31 dayswith a completedconsult with aclincianReadmitwithin31 days Patient hasdementia,and there isno auth replistedUnabletoconsentPatientprovides adifferent DOBthan what islisted.Noteligible-DemoincorrectPatient statesthey wereneverdischargedfrom thehospitalNoteligible-perprogramrules3rdoutreach-LVMNotreached-didnot respondto callsPatient wentto UC, nodischargedfrom hospital Not eligibleperprogramrulesYou madecall attempt2, but thedue date istoday.Notreached-didnot respondto calls patientrefuses toverify PHI Declined-Patientrefused toverify

TRC-Rejection Reasons - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. FMC
    There is an open FMC consult in the visit history
  2. Not reached-did not respond to calls
    Patient's due date is today, and we made OR 1.
  3. Declined-already had or has upcoming appt
    Patient states they prefer to see their PCP
  4. Setting OOH
    Patient is currently in a rehab
  5. Duplicate consult
    The admit and discharge dates are the same as the previous consults dates
  6. Declined-not interested
    Patient states they are not interested in a consult at this time.
  7. Not called-Unable to call patient under SLA
    Patient's due date was yesterday and no outreaches have been made.
  8. Patient is not eligible-Per program rules
    If the patient states they went to the hospital for a procedure, but discharged the same day
  9. Patient is not eligible-Per program rules
    Patient states they no longer have UHG
  10. Other-Patient is currently outside of the state of residence and cannot complete visit.
    Patient disclosed they are currently in VT, but the consult has their address as WA
  11. Not eligible per program rules
    Patient is deceased
  12. Not eligible, no working contact info
    There are no working numbers, and MS verified they do not have any either
  13. Setting OOH
    Patient/AR states patient is currently under hospital care
  14. Other-Patient disclosed they no longer live in the state listed on consult.
    Patient disclosed they are living in NE now, but the consult shows FL.
  15. Declined-already had or has upcoming appt
    Patient states they already had a consult with UHC, however not within our program
  16. DNC
    Patient requests to not be called by UHG anymore after verification
  17. Readmit within 31 days
    Patient has another consult within 31 days with a completed consult with a clincian
  18. Unable to consent
    Patient has dementia, and there is no auth rep listed
  19. Not eligible-Demo incorrect
    Patient provides a different DOB than what is listed.
  20. Not eligible-per program rules
    Patient states they were never discharged from the hospital
  21. Not reached-did not respond to calls
    3rd outreach-LVM
  22. Not eligible per program rules
    Patient went to UC, no discharged from hospital
  23. Not reached-did not respond to calls
    You made call attempt 2, but the due date is today.
  24. Declined-Patient refused to verify
    patient refuses to verify PHI