Throw and hit anenemy at least cr 3with a weapon thatdoes not have thethrown property. theywill behave as thoughyou have the feat fordetermining range, butwithout proficiency.Use 4 differentthrownweapon typesin a singleencounter.Design andmanifest a tattooof your own designto throw, attack,deal damage and,return to you whenused.Hit an enemywith both amelee andranged attackusing the sameweaponManifest aboomerang thenproceed to dealdamage twice in arow in one turn ona target at least cr3.Land a shotwith a thrownweapon thathits a targetwith at least a24 AC.Land asharpshooter shot,while suffering froman effect causingdisadvantage, onthe opponent whocaused the effect.Hit an enemywith their ownweaponthrown atthem.Use throwing as ameans of utilityrather than dealingdamage orattacking, with adc set at least at18.End an encounter,including loot, withmore thrownweapons(including tattoos)then you beganwith.Manifest a ropedart and dealdamage with ittwice in a row inone turn on atarget at least cr 3.Use the vexweapon masteryon a thrown attackand follow it upwith another throwthat hit from thesame weapon.Use a manifestationmade of at leastprofessional ink orbetter as a thrownweapon and then hadit reach its time limitwhile in yourinventory.Use the samethrownweapon atleast 3 times inone encounter.Hit a single targetwith an AC of atleast eighteen with3 different types ofthrown weapondamage in oneencounter.Hit two enemiesat least 80 ftaway from eachother in the sameturn with thesame weapon.Throw and hit anenemy at least cr 3with a weapon thatdoes not have thethrown property. theywill behave as thoughyou have the feat fordetermining range, butwithout proficiency.Use 4 differentthrownweapon typesin a singleencounter.Design andmanifest a tattooof your own designto throw, attack,deal damage and,return to you whenused.Hit an enemywith both amelee andranged attackusing the sameweaponManifest aboomerang thenproceed to dealdamage twice in arow in one turn ona target at least cr3.Land a shotwith a thrownweapon thathits a targetwith at least a24 AC.Land asharpshooter shot,while suffering froman effect causingdisadvantage, onthe opponent whocaused the effect.Hit an enemywith their ownweaponthrown atthem.Use throwing as ameans of utilityrather than dealingdamage orattacking, with adc set at least at18.End an encounter,including loot, withmore thrownweapons(including tattoos)then you beganwith.Manifest a ropedart and dealdamage with ittwice in a row inone turn on atarget at least cr 3.Use the vexweapon masteryon a thrown attackand follow it upwith another throwthat hit from thesame weapon.Use a manifestationmade of at leastprofessional ink orbetter as a thrownweapon and then hadit reach its time limitwhile in yourinventory.Use the samethrownweapon atleast 3 times inone encounter.Hit a single targetwith an AC of atleast eighteen with3 different types ofthrown weapondamage in oneencounter.Hit two enemiesat least 80 ftaway from eachother in the sameturn with thesame weapon.

Throw Weapons Arms Master Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Throw and hit an enemy at least cr 3 with a weapon that does not have the thrown property. they will behave as though you have the feat for determining range, but without proficiency.
  2. Use 4 different thrown weapon types in a single encounter.
  3. Design and manifest a tattoo of your own design to throw, attack, deal damage and, return to you when used.
  4. Hit an enemy with both a melee and ranged attack using the same weapon
  5. Manifest a boomerang then proceed to deal damage twice in a row in one turn on a target at least cr 3.
  6. Land a shot with a thrown weapon that hits a target with at least a 24 AC.
  7. Land a sharpshooter shot, while suffering from an effect causing disadvantage, on the opponent who caused the effect.
  8. Hit an enemy with their own weapon thrown at them.
  9. Use throwing as a means of utility rather than dealing damage or attacking, with a dc set at least at 18.
  10. End an encounter, including loot, with more thrown weapons (including tattoos) then you began with.
  11. Manifest a rope dart and deal damage with it twice in a row in one turn on a target at least cr 3.
  12. Use the vex weapon mastery on a thrown attack and follow it up with another throw that hit from the same weapon.
  13. Use a manifestation made of at least professional ink or better as a thrown weapon and then had it reach its time limit while in your inventory.
  14. Use the same thrown weapon at least 3 times in one encounter.
  15. Hit a single target with an AC of at least eighteen with 3 different types of thrown weapon damage in one encounter.
  16. Hit two enemies at least 80 ft away from each other in the same turn with the same weapon.