TrueThe Philistinesbecame afraidof God's powertrue or falseOn a cartwith twocowsHow did thePhilistinessend theArk backTheyworshipedGod andgavesacrificesWhat did theIsraelites dowhen the Arkwas returnedOldTestamentThe Book of1 Samuel isin what partof BibleTheywereafraidWhy didPhilistinessend theArk BackNewTestamentWhat part ofBible tells usabout the Birth,life, death andResurrection ofJesusSamueltheprophetWhose lifeare westudying inthis lessonMr.KeithWho is asilly onearm manEveryoneHow manypeople havesinned and fallshort of theglory of GodTheBibleWhere do Ifind the truthabout GodandeverythingTheHolySpiritWho is thehelper fromGod to help usmake decisionsthat honor GodTheTemple ofDagon afake godWhere didthePhilistinesput the Arkat firstThey wereworshipingfake godsWhy did Godallow theIsraelites tolose thebattlecome toclass andbring yourBibleHow doyou get twostickers inclassSo theywould winthe BattleWhy did theIsraelitesdecide totake Ark withthem1Samuel4What Bookof theBible is ourstory inNoDid theIsraelites askGod abouttaking theArk to BattleChopped itup for a firefor sacrificesto honor GodWhat did theIsraelites dowith cart thatreturned ArkJesusWho died andtook thepunishment forme so I canget to HeavenA Gold chesta symbol ofGod'spresenceWhat wasthe Ark ofCovenantEveryonewascoveredwith soresWhathappenedwhen thephilistines sentthe Ark to GathIt fell twotimesbreakingapartWhat happenedto statue offake GodDagon whenthe Ark wasthereImmanuelWhat wasJesus namethat meansGod with usPrayingHow doI talk toGodTrueThe Philistinesbecame afraidof God's powertrue or falseOn a cartwith twocowsHow did thePhilistinessend theArk backTheyworshipedGod andgavesacrificesWhat did theIsraelites dowhen the Arkwas returnedOldTestamentThe Book of1 Samuel isin what partof BibleTheywereafraidWhy didPhilistinessend theArk BackNewTestamentWhat part ofBible tells usabout the Birth,life, death andResurrection ofJesusSamueltheprophetWhose lifeare westudying inthis lessonMr.KeithWho is asilly onearm manEveryoneHow manypeople havesinned and fallshort of theglory of GodTheBibleWhere do Ifind the truthabout GodandeverythingTheHolySpiritWho is thehelper fromGod to help usmake decisionsthat honor GodTheTemple ofDagon afake godWhere didthePhilistinesput the Arkat firstThey wereworshipingfake godsWhy did Godallow theIsraelites tolose thebattlecome toclass andbring yourBibleHow doyou get twostickers inclassSo theywould winthe BattleWhy did theIsraelitesdecide totake Ark withthem1Samuel4What Bookof theBible is ourstory inNoDid theIsraelites askGod abouttaking theArk to BattleChopped itup for a firefor sacrificesto honor GodWhat did theIsraelites dowith cart thatreturned ArkJesusWho died andtook thepunishment forme so I canget to HeavenA Gold chesta symbol ofGod'spresenceWhat wasthe Ark ofCovenantEveryonewascoveredwith soresWhathappenedwhen thephilistines sentthe Ark to GathIt fell twotimesbreakingapartWhat happenedto statue offake GodDagon whenthe Ark wasthereImmanuelWhat wasJesus namethat meansGod with usPrayingHow doI talk toGod

Philistines steal the Ark of Covenant - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The Philistines became afraid of God's power true or false
  2. How did the Philistines send the Ark back
    On a cart with two cows
  3. What did the Israelites do when the Ark was returned
    They worshiped God and gave sacrifices
  4. The Book of 1 Samuel is in what part of Bible
    Old Testament
  5. Why did Philistines send the Ark Back
    They were afraid
  6. What part of Bible tells us about the Birth, life, death and Resurrection of Jesus
    New Testament
  7. Whose life are we studying in this lesson
    Samuel the prophet
  8. Who is a silly one arm man
    Mr. Keith
  9. How many people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
  10. Where do I find the truth about God and everything
    The Bible
  11. Who is the helper from God to help us make decisions that honor God
    The Holy Spirit
  12. Where did the Philistines put the Ark at first
    The Temple of Dagon a fake god
  13. Why did God allow the Israelites to lose the battle
    They were worshiping fake gods
  14. How do you get two stickers in class
    come to class and bring your Bible
  15. Why did the Israelites decide to take Ark with them
    So they would win the Battle
  16. What Book of the Bible is our story in
    1 Samuel 4
  17. Did the Israelites ask God about taking the Ark to Battle
  18. What did the Israelites do with cart that returned Ark
    Chopped it up for a fire for sacrifices to honor God
  19. Who died and took the punishment for me so I can get to Heaven
  20. What was the Ark of Covenant
    A Gold chest a symbol of God's presence
  21. What happened when the philistines sent the Ark to Gath
    Everyone was covered with sores
  22. What happened to statue of fake God Dagon when the Ark was there
    It fell two times breaking apart
  23. What was Jesus name that means God with us
  24. How do I talk to God