At what timedo youusually clockout (off)?Do you oftenhave light-heartedconversationswith your co-workers?What arethe perksof yourjob?What rules doyou have to abideby at your placeof work? Haveyou ever brokenany of them?Whatconversationaltopics seemtedious toyou?When was thelast time youpenciled in ameeting witha person?Is there anyrivalry amongthe employeesof yourcompany?Do you oftenslack off orare you aconscientiousemployee?Is yourgut feelingusuallyright?At what timedo youusually clockout (off)?Do you oftenhave light-heartedconversationswith your co-workers?What arethe perksof yourjob?What rules doyou have to abideby at your placeof work? Haveyou ever brokenany of them?Whatconversationaltopics seemtedious toyou?When was thelast time youpenciled in ameeting witha person?Is there anyrivalry amongthe employeesof yourcompany?Do you oftenslack off orare you aconscientiousemployee?Is yourgut feelingusuallyright?

Vocabulary: Jobs - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. At what time do you usually clock out (off)?
  2. Do you often have light-hearted conversations with your co-workers?
  3. What are the perks of your job?
  4. What rules do you have to abide by at your place of work? Have you ever broken any of them?
  5. What conversational topics seem tedious to you?
  6. When was the last time you penciled in a meeting with a person?
  7. Is there any rivalry among the employees of your company?
  8. Do you often slack off or are you a conscientious employee?
  9. Is your gut feeling usually right?