Give 5teammates acomplimentat a practicePracticeShooting ballfrom right sideof basket for 5minsPass ball b/teach knee inthe Infinitimotion 5times totalPracticeshooting ballfrom Centersquare-up ofbasket for 5minsPracticedribble walksfor 3 minutesstraightPass ball toteammate 8times at apractice (Haveyour parentkeep count)Chest passball 20times withpartnerPass ballaroundknees 5timesDribble withleft handaround"basketballcourt"Make 3baskets in arowYOU CANDO IT!!Shoot5layupsDribble between"cones" for 5minutes(Use any placemarker if youdon't have cones)Throw balloff walland catch10 timesBouncepass ball 30times withpartnerPracticeshootingbaskets fromleft side of hoopfor 5 mins FreePracticerebounddrills w/partner for10 minutesPass ballaroundhead 10timesChestpass withpartner 10timesJog laps aroundthe "gym" for 1minute w/outstopping (unlessyou need to)Practicelayup shotsfor five minswith partnerShoot 5basketsDribbleball 1 laparoundthe 'gym'Hi five 5teammates at apractice whentheyaccomplish achallenging drillDribble withRight handaround"basketballcourt"Give 5teammates acomplimentat a practicePracticeShooting ballfrom right sideof basket for 5minsPass ball b/teach knee inthe Infinitimotion 5times totalPracticeshooting ballfrom Centersquare-up ofbasket for 5minsPracticedribble walksfor 3 minutesstraightPass ball toteammate 8times at apractice (Haveyour parentkeep count)Chest passball 20times withpartnerPass ballaroundknees 5timesDribble withleft handaround"basketballcourt"Make 3baskets in arowYOU CANDO IT!!Shoot5layupsDribble between"cones" for 5minutes(Use any placemarker if youdon't have cones)Throw balloff walland catch10 timesBouncepass ball 30times withpartnerPracticeshootingbaskets fromleft side of hoopfor 5 minsFreePracticerebounddrills w/partner for10 minutesPass ballaroundhead 10timesChestpass withpartner 10timesJog laps aroundthe "gym" for 1minute w/outstopping (unlessyou need to)Practicelayup shotsfor five minswith partnerShoot 5basketsDribbleball 1 laparoundthe 'gym'Hi five 5teammates at apractice whentheyaccomplish achallenging drillDribble withRight handaround"basketballcourt"

Basketball Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Give 5 teammates a compliment at a practice
  2. Practice Shooting ball from right side of basket for 5 mins
  3. Pass ball b/t each knee in the Infiniti motion 5 times total
  4. Practice shooting ball from Center square-up of basket for 5 mins
  5. Practice dribble walks for 3 minutes straight
  6. Pass ball to teammate 8 times at a practice (Have your parent keep count)
  7. Chest pass ball 20 times with partner
  8. Pass ball around knees 5 times
  9. Dribble with left hand around "basketball court"
  10. Make 3 baskets in a row YOU CAN DO IT!!
  11. Shoot 5 layups
  12. Dribble between "cones" for 5 minutes (Use any place marker if you don't have cones)
  13. Throw ball off wall and catch 10 times
  14. Bounce pass ball 30 times with partner
  15. Practice shooting baskets from left side of hoop for 5 mins
  16. Free
  17. Practice rebound drills w/ partner for 10 minutes
  18. Pass ball around head 10 times
  19. Chest pass with partner 10 times
  20. Jog laps around the "gym" for 1 minute w/out stopping (unless you need to)
  21. Practice layup shots for five mins with partner
  22. Shoot 5 baskets
  23. Dribble ball 1 lap around the 'gym'
  24. Hi five 5 teammates at a practice when they accomplish a challenging drill
  25. Dribble with Right hand around "basketball court"