Balance on aCurb:Balance and walkalong a curb orlow wall for as faras you canLeaves:Find andidentify at least3 differentkinds of leavesPicnic Table:Find and sitat a picnictableFind somethingthat looks roughbut is smooth totouch ORsomething thatlooks smooth butis rough to touchHistoricPlaque: Finda plaque thatexplains a bitof local historySound of Water:Find a placewhere you canhear runningwater- listen withyour eyes closedfor 10 secondsPublic ArtInstallation:Find a piece ofpublic art, like asculpture ormuralAnimal Tracks:Look for animaltracks or signsof wildlife (like asquirrel or birdnest).BicyclerackDog Walker:Spotsomeonewalking theirdogPhoto in a ScenicSpot:Find Annika or Katand take a photoin the most scenicspot you findFlowerScent:Smell aflowerPlaygroundEquipment:Locate and playon a piece ofplaygroundequipment, suchas a slide or swingInsects:Find andidentify at leasttwo differenttypes ofinsects.CommunityGarden:Find acommunitygarden orurban farmAct Out anAnimal:Act out themovements ofan animal yousee in the parkBerries:Spot berrieson a bushor treeBirds:Spot andidentify at leastthree differentbird speciesTrash on Ground:Find and properlydispose of litterlike a water bottleor piece of trashFungi:Spot a mushroomor other fungusgrowing on a treeor the ground.Find aPineconeWildflowers:Find andidentify at leasttwo differenttypes ofwildflowersFeather:Find afeather onthe groundParkBench:Sit on apark benchLocalLandmark:Identify a well-known locallandmarkStreetArt orGraffitiSmooth Rock:Find a smoothrock that hasbeen shapedby naturalforcesWarm Stone:Find a stonethat’s warmfrom the sunand feel itssurfaceAlphabet Search:Find at leastthree items innature shapedlike a letter or thealphabetBalance on aCurb:Balance and walkalong a curb orlow wall for as faras you canLeaves:Find andidentify at least3 differentkinds of leavesPicnic Table:Find and sitat a picnictableFind somethingthat looks roughbut is smooth totouch ORsomething thatlooks smooth butis rough to touchHistoricPlaque: Finda plaque thatexplains a bitof local historySound of Water:Find a placewhere you canhear runningwater- listen withyour eyes closedfor 10 secondsPublic ArtInstallation:Find a piece ofpublic art, like asculpture ormuralAnimal Tracks:Look for animaltracks or signsof wildlife (like asquirrel or birdnest).BicyclerackDog Walker:Spotsomeonewalking theirdogPhoto in a ScenicSpot:Find Annika or Katand take a photoin the most scenicspot you findFlowerScent:Smell aflowerPlaygroundEquipment:Locate and playon a piece ofplaygroundequipment, suchas a slide or swingInsects:Find andidentify at leasttwo differenttypes ofinsects.CommunityGarden:Find acommunitygarden orurban farmAct Out anAnimal:Act out themovements ofan animal yousee in the parkBerries:Spot berrieson a bushor treeBirds:Spot andidentify at leastthree differentbird speciesTrash on Ground:Find and properlydispose of litterlike a water bottleor piece of trashFungi:Spot a mushroomor other fungusgrowing on a treeor the ground.Find aPineconeWildflowers:Find andidentify at leasttwo differenttypes ofwildflowersFeather:Find afeather onthe groundParkBench:Sit on apark benchLocalLandmark:Identify a well-known locallandmarkStreetArt orGraffitiSmooth Rock:Find a smoothrock that hasbeen shapedby naturalforcesWarm Stone:Find a stonethat’s warmfrom the sunand feel itssurfaceAlphabet Search:Find at leastthree items innature shapedlike a letter or thealphabet

Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Balance on a Curb: Balance and walk along a curb or low wall for as far as you can
  2. Leaves: Find and identify at least 3 different kinds of leaves
  3. Picnic Table: Find and sit at a picnic table
  4. Find something that looks rough but is smooth to touch OR something that looks smooth but is rough to touch
  5. Historic Plaque: Find a plaque that explains a bit of local history
  6. Sound of Water: Find a place where you can hear running water- listen with your eyes closed for 10 seconds
  7. Public Art Installation: Find a piece of public art, like a sculpture or mural
  8. Animal Tracks: Look for animal tracks or signs of wildlife (like a squirrel or bird nest).
  9. Bicycle rack
  10. Dog Walker: Spot someone walking their dog
  11. Photo in a Scenic Spot: Find Annika or Kat and take a photo in the most scenic spot you find
  12. Flower Scent: Smell a flower
  13. Playground Equipment: Locate and play on a piece of playground equipment, such as a slide or swing
  14. Insects: Find and identify at least two different types of insects.
  15. Community Garden: Find a community garden or urban farm
  16. Act Out an Animal: Act out the movements of an animal you see in the park
  17. Berries: Spot berries on a bush or tree
  18. Birds: Spot and identify at least three different bird species
  19. Trash on Ground: Find and properly dispose of litter like a water bottle or piece of trash
  20. Fungi: Spot a mushroom or other fungus growing on a tree or the ground.
  21. Find a Pinecone
  22. Wildflowers: Find and identify at least two different types of wildflowers
  23. Feather: Find a feather on the ground
  24. Park Bench: Sit on a park bench
  25. Local Landmark: Identify a well-known local landmark
  26. Street Art or Graffiti
  27. Smooth Rock: Find a smooth rock that has been shaped by natural forces
  28. Warm Stone: Find a stone that’s warm from the sun and feel its surface
  29. Alphabet Search: Find at least three items in nature shaped like a letter or the alphabet