I ambraveenough totry!This isgoing totake somework!I practicedand learnedhow to dothis!I can train mybrain to donew things,even if theyare hard!Is this mybest work? Can Iimprove it?I can dothis if Ikeeptrying!Practicehelps mereach mygoals!I willnevergive up!I can usepositive self-talk and notbe mean tomyself.I can keep mydesk space(inside andout) so I canwork better.I can pushthrough eventhough I feelfrustrated!If my friendssucceed,then I aminspired!I can ignorethings thatmake it hardfor me to payattention.I can listencarefully andask questionsif I don'tunderstand!Although thisis hard, I'mgoing to do itanyway!If I failagain, I cantry until Isucceed!I canlearn frommyfailures!Selfreflectionwill help mesucceed!How can Imake thismorechallenging?I canlearn frommymistakes!I don'tgive upeasily!I will tryeven whenI'm not sureabout it.I'll try, evenwhen I'mnot sureabout it!I can havea positiveattitude!I ambraveenough totry!This isgoing totake somework!I practicedand learnedhow to dothis!I can train mybrain to donew things,even if theyare hard!Is this mybest work? Can Iimprove it?I can dothis if Ikeeptrying!Practicehelps mereach mygoals!I willnevergive up!I can usepositive self-talk and notbe mean tomyself.I can keep mydesk space(inside andout) so I canwork better.I can pushthrough eventhough I feelfrustrated!If my friendssucceed,then I aminspired!I can ignorethings thatmake it hardfor me to payattention.I can listencarefully andask questionsif I don'tunderstand!Although thisis hard, I'mgoing to do itanyway!If I failagain, I cantry until Isucceed!I canlearn frommyfailures!Selfreflectionwill help mesucceed!How can Imake thismorechallenging?I canlearn frommymistakes!I don'tgive upeasily!I will tryeven whenI'm not sureabout it.I'll try, evenwhen I'mnot sureabout it!I can havea positiveattitude!

I have a Growth Mindset! BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I am brave enough to try!
  2. This is going to take some work!
  3. I practiced and learned how to do this!
  4. I can train my brain to do new things, even if they are hard!
  5. Is this my best work ? Can I improve it?
  6. I can do this if I keep trying!
  7. Practice helps me reach my goals!
  8. I will never give up!
  9. I can use positive self-talk and not be mean to myself.
  10. I can keep my desk space (inside and out) so I can work better.
  11. I can push through even though I feel frustrated!
  12. If my friends succeed, then I am inspired!
  13. I can ignore things that make it hard for me to pay attention.
  14. I can listen carefully and ask questions if I don't understand!
  15. Although this is hard, I'm going to do it anyway!
  16. If I fail again, I can try until I succeed!
  17. I can learn from my failures!
  18. Self reflection will help me succeed!
  19. How can I make this more challenging?
  20. I can learn from my mistakes!
  21. I don't give up easily!
  22. I will try even when I'm not sure about it.
  23. I'll try, even when I'm not sure about it!
  24. I can have a positive attitude!