Kill anotherplayer(colosseumor invade)Get from onepoint of themap to anotherin an amountof timeGet one of thecollectibleachievementsPut anenemyto sleepHave anotherplayer return3 differentemotes toyouFulfill thequestline for analternate ending,but don't actuallyhave to beatgameKill 15friendlyNPCsKill theTwinGargoylesin SiofraGet 1000RowaBerries/FruitKick anenemy off acliff (the falldamage mustkill them)First try aboss (doesnot countSoldier ofGodrick)Craft 1000boluses, canbe a comboof anyBeat the tutorialgrafted scionon first attempt(this will counttowards FirstTry)Let the NPCskill Radahn(this will notcount for GreatRune square)GetcursedBeat Rennalaonly usingsorceriesand/orincantationsGet X000thin beastbonesKill a bosswhileoverweight/fatrollingGet Xamount ofGreatRunesKill a bosswith onlya bowKill a bosswithout gettinghit (Does notcount Soldierof Godrick)Ride torrentfor a minute ina straight lineblindfoldedwithout dyingGet aweapon ofeach typeUpgradea weaponand shieldto 15+Kill anotherplayer(colosseumor invade)Get from onepoint of themap to anotherin an amountof timeGet one of thecollectibleachievementsPut anenemyto sleepHave anotherplayer return3 differentemotes toyouFulfill thequestline for analternate ending,but don't actuallyhave to beatgameKill 15friendlyNPCsKill theTwinGargoylesin SiofraGet 1000RowaBerries/FruitKick anenemy off acliff (the falldamage mustkill them)First try aboss (doesnot countSoldier ofGodrick)Craft 1000boluses, canbe a comboof anyBeat the tutorialgrafted scionon first attempt(this will counttowards FirstTry)Let the NPCskill Radahn(this will notcount for GreatRune square)GetcursedBeat Rennalaonly usingsorceriesand/orincantationsGet X000thin beastbonesKill a bosswhileoverweight/fatrollingGet Xamount ofGreatRunesKill a bosswith onlya bowKill a bosswithout gettinghit (Does notcount Soldierof Godrick)Ride torrentfor a minute ina straight lineblindfoldedwithout dyingGet aweapon ofeach typeUpgradea weaponand shieldto 15+

Elden Ring Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Kill another player (colosseum or invade)
  2. Get from one point of the map to another in an amount of time
  3. Get one of the collectible achievements
  4. Put an enemy to sleep
  5. Have another player return 3 different emotes to you
  6. Fulfill the questline for an alternate ending, but don't actually have to beat game
  7. Kill 15 friendly NPCs
  8. Kill the Twin Gargoyles in Siofra
  9. Get 1000 Rowa Berries/Fruit
  10. Kick an enemy off a cliff (the fall damage must kill them)
  11. First try a boss (does not count Soldier of Godrick)
  12. Craft 1000 boluses, can be a combo of any
  13. Beat the tutorial grafted scion on first attempt (this will count towards First Try)
  14. Let the NPCs kill Radahn (this will not count for Great Rune square)
  15. Get cursed
  16. Beat Rennala only using sorceries and/or incantations
  17. Get X000 thin beast bones
  18. Kill a boss while overweight/fat rolling
  19. Get X amount of Great Runes
  20. Kill a boss with only a bow
  21. Kill a boss without getting hit (Does not count Soldier of Godrick)
  22. Ride torrent for a minute in a straight line blindfolded without dying
  23. Get a weapon of each type
  24. Upgrade a weapon and shield to 15+