Hasbrokena bone.A personwho hasGreeneyes.Someonewho is theoldest childin the familySomeonewho hasbeen ateacher.Someonewhose hasbeen a Scout(boys orgirls).Someone whois called by anickname andwhat is it?Someonewho wasNOT born inthe state ofNew York.Someone whohasgrandparentswho came fromanothercountry.Someone whohas lived inmore than oneCountry.Someone whohas neverbeen to aSummerCamp before.Someonewho likes thesame IceCream asyou.Has everrun amarathon.A personwho isleft-handedSomeonewho having abirthdaywhile onCamp.Someone whohas lived inthe samehouse all hisor her life.Someonewho hasa pet.A personwho can playa musicalinstrumentSomeonewho canspeakanotherlanguage.Someone whohas a first ormiddle namethat is the sameas a relative’s.Someonewho is theonly child inthe family.Has goneBungeejumping.Someonefrom yourhomeCountry.Someonewho hasmoved morethan fivetimes.A person whohad to travelby plane toget toTrailBlazersHasbrokena bone.A personwho hasGreeneyes.Someonewho is theoldest childin the familySomeonewho hasbeen ateacher.Someonewhose hasbeen a Scout(boys orgirls).Someone whois called by anickname andwhat is it?Someonewho wasNOT born inthe state ofNew York.Someone whohasgrandparentswho came fromanothercountry.Someone whohas lived inmore than oneCountry.Someone whohas neverbeen to aSummerCamp before.Someonewho likes thesame IceCream asyou.Has everrun amarathon.A personwho isleft-handedSomeonewho having abirthdaywhile onCamp.Someone whohas lived inthe samehouse all hisor her life.Someonewho hasa pet.A personwho can playa musicalinstrumentSomeonewho canspeakanotherlanguage.Someone whohas a first ormiddle namethat is the sameas a relative’s.Someonewho is theonly child inthe family.Has goneBungeejumping.Someonefrom yourhomeCountry.Someonewho hasmoved morethan fivetimes.A person whohad to travelby plane toget toTrailBlazers

Trail Blazers Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has broken a bone.
  2. A person who has Green eyes.
  3. Someone who is the oldest child in the family
  4. Someone who has been a teacher.
  5. Someone whose has been a Scout (boys or girls).
  6. Someone who is called by a nickname and what is it?
  7. Someone who was NOT born in the state of New York.
  8. Someone who has grandparents who came from another country.
  9. Someone who has lived in more than one Country.
  10. Someone who has never been to a Summer Camp before.
  11. Someone who likes the same Ice Cream as you.
  12. Has ever run a marathon.
  13. A person who is left-handed
  14. Someone who having a birthday while on Camp.
  15. Someone who has lived in the same house all his or her life.
  16. Someone who has a pet.
  17. A person who can play a musical instrument
  18. Someone who can speak another language.
  19. Someone who has a first or middle name that is the same as a relative’s.
  20. Someone who is the only child in the family.
  21. Has gone Bungee jumping.
  22. Someone from your home Country.
  23. Someone who has moved more than five times.
  24. A person who had to travel by plane to get to TrailBlazers