Laughs as a panic reaction Wishes they could handle spicy ANXIETY GOES BRRR FROGS ARE BEST !! Sleep problems Could be a cult leader Fidgets a lot Butterflies >>> Likes space and the stars 12 year old humor Remembers everything Adaptable Biggest self- critic Good writer Jack of all trades Likes learning, hates school Bug enjoyer Isn't confrontational Acts nonchalant (is very chalant) Polyglot More a savory food enjoyer Favorite card is Joker Detail oriented Likes the occult Laughs as a panic reaction Wishes they could handle spicy ANXIETY GOES BRRR FROGS ARE BEST !! Sleep problems Could be a cult leader Fidgets a lot Butterflies >>> Likes space and the stars 12 year old humor Remembers everything Adaptable Biggest self- critic Good writer Jack of all trades Likes learning, hates school Bug enjoyer Isn't confrontational Acts nonchalant (is very chalant) Polyglot More a savory food enjoyer Favorite card is Joker Detail oriented Likes the occult
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Laughs as a panic reaction
Wishes they could handle spicy
Sleep problems
Could be a cult leader
Fidgets a lot
Likes space and the stars
12 year old humor
Remembers everything
Biggest self-critic
Good writer
Jack of all trades
Likes learning, hates school
Bug enjoyer
Isn't confrontational
Acts nonchalant (is very chalant)
More a savory food enjoyer
Favorite card is Joker
Detail oriented
Likes the occult