Find a person whocan give youexamples of howthey used theirEARTH GREENcolor energy in thepast week.Choose 2 statementsfrom the Suggestionsfor Developmentsection and discusswith your colleaguehow these canbenefit the team.Find a person whocan give you anexample of how theyused theirSUNSHINE YELLOWcolor energy in thepast week.Find a personwho can give youan example whenthey used theirthird dominantcolor energy.Find a person withEARTH GREENdominant colorenergy and ask themwhat they appreciateabout a person withFIERY RED colorenergy preferences.Find a person who hasopposite color energiesCOOL BLUE/SUNSHINEYELLOW as their top 2dominant color energiesand ask them how theyutilize each of thesecolor energies in theworkplace.Find a person whocan give you anexample of whenthey used theirleast dominantcolor energy.Find a person who doesnot have SUNSHINEYELLOW as theirdominant color energyand ask them to tell youhow they recently usedtheir SUNSHINEYELLOW color energy intheir work.Ask a colleague totell you which colorthey have the hardesttime adjusting to andwhy then offer adviceon how they canadapt.Choose 2 sentencesfrom the Value to theTeam section anddiscuss with yourcolleague what eachcontributes to theteam.Find a person who hasopposite color energiesEARTH GREEN/FIERYRED as their top 2dominant color energiesand ask them how theyutilize each of thesecolor energies in theworkplace.Find a person whocan give you anexample of whenthey used theirsecond dominantcolor energy.Find a person whowants to share theirpreference flow withyou and who wantsto tell you what itsays about their colorenergy preferences.Ask a colleague whattheir top 2 dominantcolor energies areand ask for tips onhow to bestcommunicate withthem.Find a person who canidentify the colorenergy they exhibitedand give you anexample of when theydemonstrated "On aBad Day" behavior forthat color energy atwork.Find a person whodoes not have EARTHGREEN as theirdominant color energyand ask them to tellyou how they usedtheir EARTH GREENcolor energy in theirwork.Sit down with acolleague andbrainstorm about howyou can create evenbetter workingconditions forcollaboration withinyour team.Find a person whodoes not have FIERYRED as their dominantcolor energy and askthem how they recentlyused their FIERY REDenergy in their work.Find a person who canidentify the colorenergy they exhibitedand give you anexample of when theydemonstrated "On aGood Day" behaviorfor that color energy atwork.Find person whocan give you anexample of howthey used theirFIERY RED colorenergy in the pastweek.Find a person withCOOL BLUE dominantcolor energy and askthem what theyappreciate about aperson withSUNSHINE YELLOWcolor energypreferences.Choose 2 statementsfrom the PossibleBlind Spots sectionand discuss with yourcolleague how toavoid these blindspots.Find a person whowants to show you thegraphs in their InsightsDiscovery PersonalProfile and explain howtheir preferences canhelp them to be aneven better colleague.Find a person whocan give you anexample of howthey used theirCOOL BLUE colorenergy in the pastweek.Find a person anddiscuss with yourcolleague howeach of you makedecisions usingthe Decision-Making section.Ask a person whatthey learned duringtheir last Insightssession and how thishas helped themcommunicate moreeffectively and adaptand connect withothers.Find a person withthe opposite colorenergy preferenceand ask them todescribe what theirideal workenvironment is.Sit down with acolleague anddiscuss how basedon your Insightsknowledge you cancreate even bettercollaboration withothers.Select 2 strengths and2 weaknesses from theKey Strengths &Weaknesses sectionand discuss with acolleague how topromote your strengthsand minimizeweaknesses.Find a person whodoes not have COOLBLUE as theirdominant color energyand ask them to tellyou how they recentlyused their COOL BLUEenergy in their work.Find a person withthe opposite colorenergy preferenceand ask them howthey prefer to berecognized andappreciated.Find a person withthe same dominantcolor energy as youand find out what ismost challenging forthem in their work.Find a person withSUNSHINE YELLOWdominant colorenergy and ask themwhat they appreciateabout a person withCOOL BLUE colorenergy preferences.Select 2 statementseach from the EffectiveCommunication &Barriers to EffectiveCommunicationssections and discusswith a colleague howto communicate moreeffectively.Find a person withFIERY RED dominantcolor energy and askthem what theyappreciate about aperson with EARTHGREEN color energypreferences.Find a person whocan give youexamples of howthey used theirEARTH GREENcolor energy in thepast week.Choose 2 statementsfrom the Suggestionsfor Developmentsection and discusswith your colleaguehow these canbenefit the team.Find a person whocan give you anexample of how theyused theirSUNSHINE YELLOWcolor energy in thepast week.Find a personwho can give youan example whenthey used theirthird dominantcolor energy.Find a person withEARTH GREENdominant colorenergy and ask themwhat they appreciateabout a person withFIERY RED colorenergy preferences.Find a person who hasopposite color energiesCOOL BLUE/SUNSHINEYELLOW as their top 2dominant color energiesand ask them how theyutilize each of thesecolor energies in theworkplace.Find a person whocan give you anexample of whenthey used theirleast dominantcolor energy.Find a person who doesnot have SUNSHINEYELLOW as theirdominant color energyand ask them to tell youhow they recently usedtheir SUNSHINEYELLOW color energy intheir work.Ask a colleague totell you which colorthey have the hardesttime adjusting to andwhy then offer adviceon how they canadapt.Choose 2 sentencesfrom the Value to theTeam section anddiscuss with yourcolleague what eachcontributes to theteam.Find a person who hasopposite color energiesEARTH GREEN/FIERYRED as their top 2dominant color energiesand ask them how theyutilize each of thesecolor energies in theworkplace.Find a person whocan give you anexample of whenthey used theirsecond dominantcolor energy.Find a person whowants to share theirpreference flow withyou and who wantsto tell you what itsays about their colorenergy preferences.Ask a colleague whattheir top 2 dominantcolor energies areand ask for tips onhow to bestcommunicate withthem.Find a person who canidentify the colorenergy they exhibitedand give you anexample of when theydemonstrated "On aBad Day" behavior forthat color energy atwork.Find a person whodoes not have EARTHGREEN as theirdominant color energyand ask them to tellyou how they usedtheir EARTH GREENcolor energy in theirwork.Sit down with acolleague andbrainstorm about howyou can create evenbetter workingconditions forcollaboration withinyour team.Find a person whodoes not have FIERYRED as their dominantcolor energy and askthem how they recentlyused their FIERY REDenergy in their work.Find a person who canidentify the colorenergy they exhibitedand give you anexample of when theydemonstrated "On aGood Day" behaviorfor that color energy atwork.Find person whocan give you anexample of howthey used theirFIERY RED colorenergy in the pastweek.Find a person withCOOL BLUE dominantcolor energy and askthem what theyappreciate about aperson withSUNSHINE YELLOWcolor energypreferences.Choose 2 statementsfrom the PossibleBlind Spots sectionand discuss with yourcolleague how toavoid these blindspots.Find a person whowants to show you thegraphs in their InsightsDiscovery PersonalProfile and explain howtheir preferences canhelp them to be aneven better colleague.Find a person whocan give you anexample of howthey used theirCOOL BLUE colorenergy in the pastweek.Find a person anddiscuss with yourcolleague howeach of you makedecisions usingthe Decision-Making section.Ask a person whatthey learned duringtheir last Insightssession and how thishas helped themcommunicate moreeffectively and adaptand connect withothers.Find a person withthe opposite colorenergy preferenceand ask them todescribe what theirideal workenvironment is.Sit down with acolleague anddiscuss how basedon your Insightsknowledge you cancreate even bettercollaboration withothers.Select 2 strengths and2 weaknesses from theKey Strengths &Weaknesses sectionand discuss with acolleague how topromote your strengthsand minimizeweaknesses.Find a person whodoes not have COOLBLUE as theirdominant color energyand ask them to tellyou how they recentlyused their COOL BLUEenergy in their work.Find a person withthe opposite colorenergy preferenceand ask them howthey prefer to berecognized andappreciated.Find a person withthe same dominantcolor energy as youand find out what ismost challenging forthem in their work.Find a person withSUNSHINE YELLOWdominant colorenergy and ask themwhat they appreciateabout a person withCOOL BLUE colorenergy preferences.Select 2 statementseach from the EffectiveCommunication &Barriers to EffectiveCommunicationssections and discusswith a colleague howto communicate moreeffectively.Find a person withFIERY RED dominantcolor energy and askthem what theyappreciate about aperson with EARTHGREEN color energypreferences.

Insights Team Effectiveness BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. O-Find a person who can give you examples of how they used their EARTH GREEN color energy in the past week.
  2. B-Choose 2 statements from the Suggestions for Development section and discuss with your colleague how these can benefit the team.
  3. I-Find a person who can give you an example of how they used their SUNSHINE YELLOW color energy in the past week.
  4. N-Find a person who can give you an example when they used their third dominant color energy.
  5. O-Find a person with EARTH GREEN dominant color energy and ask them what they appreciate about a person with FIERY RED color energy preferences.
  6. O-Find a person who has opposite color energies COOL BLUE/SUNSHINE YELLOW as their top 2 dominant color energies and ask them how they utilize each of these color energies in the workplace.
  7. G-Find a person who can give you an example of when they used their least dominant color energy.
  8. I-Find a person who does not have SUNSHINE YELLOW as their dominant color energy and ask them to tell you how they recently used their SUNSHINE YELLOW color energy in their work.
  9. O-Ask a colleague to tell you which color they have the hardest time adjusting to and why then offer advice on how they can adapt.
  10. I-Choose 2 sentences from the Value to the Team section and discuss with your colleague what each contributes to the team.
  11. I-Find a person who can give you an example of when they used their second dominant color energy.
    I-Find a person who has opposite color energies EARTH GREEN/FIERY RED as their top 2 dominant color energies and ask them how they utilize each of these color energies in the workplace.
  12. I-Find a person who wants to share their preference flow with you and who wants to tell you what it says about their color energy preferences.
  13. N-Ask a colleague what their top 2 dominant color energies are and ask for tips on how to best communicate with them.
  14. G-Find a person who can identify the color energy they exhibited and give you an example of when they demonstrated "On a Bad Day" behavior for that color energy at work.
  15. N-Find a person who does not have EARTH GREEN as their dominant color energy and ask them to tell you how they used their EARTH GREEN color energy in their work.
  16. N-Sit down with a colleague and brainstorm about how you can create even better working conditions for collaboration within your team.
  17. B-Find a person who does not have FIERY RED as their dominant color energy and ask them how they recently used their FIERY RED energy in their work.
  18. G-Find a person who can identify the color energy they exhibited and give you an example of when they demonstrated "On a Good Day" behavior for that color energy at work.
  19. G-Find person who can give you an example of how they used their FIERY RED color energy in the past week.
  20. I-Find a person with COOL BLUE dominant color energy and ask them what they appreciate about a person with SUNSHINE YELLOW color energy preferences.
  21. O-Choose 2 statements from the Possible Blind Spots section and discuss with your colleague how to avoid these blind spots.
  22. N-Find a person who wants to show you the graphs in their Insights Discovery Personal Profile and explain how their preferences can help them to be an even better colleague.
  23. B-Find a person who can give you an example of how they used their COOL BLUE color energy in the past week.
  24. B-Find a person and discuss with your colleague how each of you make decisions using the Decision-Making section.
  25. I-Ask a person what they learned during their last Insights session and how this has helped them communicate more effectively and adapt and connect with others.
  26. O-Find a person with the opposite color energy preference and ask them to describe what their ideal work environment is.
  27. G-Sit down with a colleague and discuss how based on your Insights knowledge you can create even better collaboration with others.
  28. O-Select 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses from the Key Strengths & Weaknesses section and discuss with a colleague how to promote your strengths and minimize weaknesses.
  29. B-Find a person who does not have COOL BLUE as their dominant color energy and ask them to tell you how they recently used their COOL BLUE energy in their work.
  30. G-Find a person with the opposite color energy preference and ask them how they prefer to be recognized and appreciated.
  31. B-Find a person with the same dominant color energy as you and find out what is most challenging for them in their work.
  32. N-Find a person with SUNSHINE YELLOW dominant color energy and ask them what they appreciate about a person with COOL BLUE color energy preferences.
  33. G-Select 2 statements each from the Effective Communication & Barriers to Effective Communications sections and discuss with a colleague how to communicate more effectively.
  34. B-Find a person with FIERY RED dominant color energy and ask them what they appreciate about a person with EARTH GREEN color energy preferences.