has the same birthday as you doesn't like horror movies dislikes chocolate first time in the US grew up with a pet is a vegetarian here for 4 weeks plays a sport currently has a pet that isn't a dog or cat here for 3 weeks doesn't like pizza is a morning person here for 6 weeks likes to draw or paint has run a marathon in the same program is wearing something blue loves breakfast best in a different program has a name that begins with a vowel is an only child likes to work out favorite color is green has never broken a bone doesn't like fruit is from Pittsburgh in the same dorm had a weird talent was born in this month likes coffee more than tea likes to play video games loves broccoli know someone that previously attended Pre- College likes to cook here for 5 weeks plays an instrument is older than you is a night owl can speak more than one language has more than two siblings is left- handed first time in Pittsburgh loves Legos likes Minecraft skipped lunch today has met a celebrity is younger than you has allergies has the same birthday as you doesn't like horror movies dislikes chocolate first time in the US grew up with a pet is a vegetarian here for 4 weeks plays a sport currently has a pet that isn't a dog or cat here for 3 weeks doesn't like pizza is a morning person here for 6 weeks likes to draw or paint has run a marathon in the same program is wearing something blue loves breakfast best in a different program has a name that begins with a vowel is an only child likes to work out favorite color is green has never broken a bone doesn't like fruit is from Pittsburgh in the same dorm had a weird talent was born in this month likes coffee more than tea likes to play video games loves broccoli know someone that previously attended Pre- College likes to cook here for 5 weeks plays an instrument is older than you is a night owl can speak more than one language has more than two siblings is left- handed first time in Pittsburgh loves Legos likes Minecraft skipped lunch today has met a celebrity is younger than you has allergies
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has the same birthday as you
doesn't like horror movies
dislikes chocolate
first time in the US
grew up with a pet
is a vegetarian
here for 4 weeks
plays a sport
currently has a pet that isn't a dog or cat
here for 3 weeks
doesn't like pizza
is a morning person
here for 6 weeks
likes to draw or paint
has run a marathon
in the same program
is wearing something blue
loves breakfast best
in a different program
has a name that begins with a vowel
is an only child
likes to work out
favorite color is green
has never broken a bone
doesn't like fruit
is from Pittsburgh
in the same dorm
had a weird talent
was born in this month
likes coffee more than tea
likes to play video games
loves broccoli
know someone that previously attended Pre-College
likes to cook
here for 5 weeks
plays an instrument
is older than you
is a night owl
can speak more than one language
has more than two siblings
is left-handed
first time in Pittsburgh
loves Legos
likes Minecraft
skipped lunch today
has met a celebrity
is younger than you
has allergies