Describe asituation whereyou didn’t feelmotivated to learn.What do you thinkcould havehelped?How do theenvironments I findmyself in—such aswork, school, orhome—affect mymotivation to learn?What kind ofreward wouldmake you workharder on adifficult project? Reflecting on myeducation so far, whatare some subjects ortopics that haveconsistently sparkedmy curiosity andmotivation to delvedeeper? If you couldcreate your ownreward systemfor completinghomework, whatwould it look like?What are my long-term aspirations orcareer goals, andhow does mymotivation to learntie into theseambitions?Are there specificchanges I couldmake to myenvironment toenhance mylearningmotivation?How do Icultivate self-discipline inmy learningjourney?When facedwith challengesor setbacks inlearning, howdo I typicallyrespond?Think of a timewhen you werereally excited tolearn somethingnew. What madeyou feel that way?How doesworking withfriends makeyou feel aboutlearning?You are given achoice to either do afun scienceexperiment or read achapter in yourtextbook. Whichwould you chooseand why?Reflecting on pastexperiences, can Iidentify momentswhen mymotivation to learnwas particularlyhigh or low?Describe a timeyou felt proudof your work.What motivatedyou?Share a tip forstayingfocusedduring a longstudy session.How do youstay motivatedwhen you don’tunderstandsomething rightaway?Describe asituation whereyou didn’t feelmotivated to learn.What do you thinkcould havehelped?How do theenvironments I findmyself in—such aswork, school, orhome—affect mymotivation to learn?What kind ofreward wouldmake you workharder on adifficult project? Reflecting on myeducation so far, whatare some subjects ortopics that haveconsistently sparkedmy curiosity andmotivation to delvedeeper? If you couldcreate your ownreward systemfor completinghomework, whatwould it look like?What are my long-term aspirations orcareer goals, andhow does mymotivation to learntie into theseambitions?Are there specificchanges I couldmake to myenvironment toenhance mylearningmotivation?How do Icultivate self-discipline inmy learningjourney?When facedwith challengesor setbacks inlearning, howdo I typicallyrespond?Think of a timewhen you werereally excited tolearn somethingnew. What madeyou feel that way?How doesworking withfriends makeyou feel aboutlearning?You are given achoice to either do afun scienceexperiment or read achapter in yourtextbook. Whichwould you chooseand why?Reflecting on pastexperiences, can Iidentify momentswhen mymotivation to learnwas particularlyhigh or low?Describe a timeyou felt proudof your work.What motivatedyou?Share a tip forstayingfocusedduring a longstudy session.How do youstay motivatedwhen you don’tunderstandsomething rightaway?

Motivation Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Describe a situation where you didn’t feel motivated to learn. What do you think could have helped?
  2. How do the environments I find myself in—such as work, school, or home—affect my motivation to learn?
  3. What kind of reward would make you work harder on a difficult project?
  4. Reflecting on my education so far, what are some subjects or topics that have consistently sparked my curiosity and motivation to delve deeper?
  5. If you could create your own reward system for completing homework, what would it look like?
  6. What are my long-term aspirations or career goals, and how does my motivation to learn tie into these ambitions?
  7. Are there specific changes I could make to my environment to enhance my learning motivation?
  8. How do I cultivate self-discipline in my learning journey?
  9. When faced with challenges or setbacks in learning, how do I typically respond?
  10. Think of a time when you were really excited to learn something new. What made you feel that way?
  11. How does working with friends make you feel about learning?
  12. You are given a choice to either do a fun science experiment or read a chapter in your textbook. Which would you choose and why?
  13. Reflecting on past experiences, can I identify moments when my motivation to learn was particularly high or low?
  14. Describe a time you felt proud of your work. What motivated you?
  15. Share a tip for staying focused during a long study session.
  16. How do you stay motivated when you don’t understand something right away?