A blockageofperfusionto the brainWhat is aischemicstroke?DissolveclotsWhat isthepurposeof tPA?SmokingWhat is alifestyle thatincrease therisk of astroke?Pupillarysize andreactionWhat should beaccessed in acomatose patientto evaluateincreasedintracranialpressure (ICP)?Formationof bloodclotsWhat canthe cardiacrhythm, atrialfibrillationlead to?TraumaticBrainInjuryWhat is theleading causeof death fromhead trauma?SuddensevereheadacheWhat is asymptom ofa rupturedcerebralaneurysm?DecreasedintracranialpressureWhat is theresult ofadministeringMannitol(Osmitrol)?MemorylossWhat iscommonlyfound in apatient with ahistory of TBI?SubduralhematomaWhichhematomahas thehighestmortality rate?SensoryPerception What type ofsymptoms arenumbnessand vertigo?Bleedinginto thebrainWhat is ahemorrhagicstroke?DiabetesWhat medicalconditions isa major riskfactor forstroke?A condition wherethe blood supply tothe brain (perfusion)is interrupted orreduced, causingbrain cells to die(infarction)What isastroke?Cushing'sTriadWhat is severehypertension,wide pulsepressure, andbradycardia?SeizuresWhat aretraumaticbrain injurypatients atrisk for?HighbloodpressureWhat is acommon causeof ischemic andhemorrhagicstroke?IschemicstrokeWhat isthe mostcommonstroke?ThrombusWhat isanothername forblood clot?A temporary periodof symptomsresulting from abrief interruption ofperfusion to thebrain, often called amini strokeWhat isa TIA?IncreasedIntracranialPressure(ICP)What can be adiagnosis for apatient that presentswith headache,nausea, vomiting,and decline in level ofconsciousness?Lifethreatening What arehematomas?EpiduralhematomaWhichhematomahave a rapidonset withsudden ICPincrease?PreventclotformationWhat isWarfarin(Coumadin)used for?A blockageofperfusionto the brainWhat is aischemicstroke?DissolveclotsWhat isthepurposeof tPA?SmokingWhat is alifestyle thatincrease therisk of astroke?Pupillarysize andreactionWhat should beaccessed in acomatose patientto evaluateincreasedintracranialpressure (ICP)?Formationof bloodclotsWhat canthe cardiacrhythm, atrialfibrillationlead to?TraumaticBrainInjuryWhat is theleading causeof death fromhead trauma?SuddensevereheadacheWhat is asymptom ofa rupturedcerebralaneurysm?DecreasedintracranialpressureWhat is theresult ofadministeringMannitol(Osmitrol)?MemorylossWhat iscommonlyfound in apatient with ahistory of TBI?SubduralhematomaWhichhematomahas thehighestmortality rate?SensoryPerception What type ofsymptoms arenumbnessand vertigo?Bleedinginto thebrainWhat is ahemorrhagicstroke?DiabetesWhat medicalconditions isa major riskfactor forstroke?A condition wherethe blood supply tothe brain (perfusion)is interrupted orreduced, causingbrain cells to die(infarction)What isastroke?Cushing'sTriadWhat is severehypertension,wide pulsepressure, andbradycardia?SeizuresWhat aretraumaticbrain injurypatients atrisk for?HighbloodpressureWhat is acommon causeof ischemic andhemorrhagicstroke?IschemicstrokeWhat isthe mostcommonstroke?ThrombusWhat isanothername forblood clot?A temporary periodof symptomsresulting from abrief interruption ofperfusion to thebrain, often called amini strokeWhat isa TIA?IncreasedIntracranialPressure(ICP)What can be adiagnosis for apatient that presentswith headache,nausea, vomiting,and decline in level ofconsciousness?Lifethreatening What arehematomas?EpiduralhematomaWhichhematomahave a rapidonset withsudden ICPincrease?PreventclotformationWhat isWarfarin(Coumadin)used for?

Stroke - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is a ischemic stroke?
    A blockage of perfusion to the brain
  2. What is the purpose of tPA?
    Dissolve clots
  3. What is a lifestyle that increase the risk of a stroke?
  4. What should be accessed in a comatose patient to evaluate increased intracranial pressure (ICP)?
    Pupillary size and reaction
  5. What can the cardiac rhythm, atrial fibrillation lead to?
    Formation of blood clots
  6. What is the leading cause of death from head trauma?
    Traumatic Brain Injury
  7. What is a symptom of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm?
    Sudden severe headache
  8. What is the result of administering Mannitol (Osmitrol)?
    Decreased intracranial pressure
  9. What is commonly found in a patient with a history of TBI?
    Memory loss
  10. Which hematoma has the highest mortality rate?
    Subdural hematoma
  11. What type of symptoms are numbness and vertigo?
    Sensory Perception
  12. What is a hemorrhagic stroke?
    Bleeding into the brain
  13. What medical conditions is a major risk factor for stroke?
  14. What is a stroke?
    A condition where the blood supply to the brain (perfusion) is interrupted or reduced, causing brain cells to die (infarction)
  15. What is severe hypertension, wide pulse pressure, and bradycardia?
    Cushing's Triad
  16. What are traumatic brain injury patients at risk for?
  17. What is a common cause of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke?
    High blood pressure
  18. What is the most common stroke?
    Ischemic stroke
  19. What is another name for blood clot?
  20. What is a TIA?
    A temporary period of symptoms resulting from a brief interruption of perfusion to the brain, often called a mini stroke
  21. What can be a diagnosis for a patient that presents with headache, nausea, vomiting, and decline in level of consciousness?
    Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
  22. What are hematomas?
    Life threatening
  23. Which hematoma have a rapid onset with sudden ICP increase?
    Epidural hematoma
  24. What is Warfarin (Coumadin) used for?
    Prevent clot formation