DanielBoonewas an American pioneerand frontiersman whoseexploits made him one ofthe first folk heroes of theUnited States. He becamefamous for his explorationand settlement of Kentucky,which was then beyond thewestern borders of theThirteen ColonislavelaborThe rapid expansionof the cotton industryin the Deep Southafter the invention ofthe cotton gin greatlyincreased demandfor thisJohnBrowna prominent leader in theAmerican abolitionistmovement in the decadespreceding the Civil War.First reaching nationalprominence in the 1850sfor his radical abolitionismand fighting in BleedingKansas, Brown wascaptured, tried, andexecuttrail oftearsPresident Jackson’s Indianremoval policy forcesestward Hothe Cherokee Nation torelinquish its lands eastof the Mississippi andmigrate to Oklahoma. Theirdevastating journey isknown as thisfugitiveslavelawsaws passed by theUnited StatesCongress in 1793 and1850 to provide for thereturn of enslavedpeople who escapedfrom one state intoanother state orterritory.cottonginThe invention of thismachine by American EliWhitney in 1792 was thedecisive event. It allowedgreen-seeded cotton tobecome profitable, leadingto the widespread growthof the large slave plantationin the United States, Brazil,and the WestgoldrushIn the mid 1800s, thisbroughtapproximately300,000 people toCalifornia from therest of the UnitedStates and abroad.[2]This started in1861; this conflictwould become thecostliest in U.S.history in terms ofdamage and liveslost.civilwarUndergroundRailroada network of secretroutes and safe housesestablished in the UnitedStates during the early tomid-19th century. It wasused by enslaved AfricanAmericans primarily toescape into free statesHarrietTubmanan American abolitionistand social activist. Afterescaping slavery, Tubmanmade some 13 missions torescue approximately 70enslaved people, includingher family and friends,using the network ofantislavery activists andsafe houses knowncolslaverythe maincause ofthe civilwar. These people didnot gain theirfreedom until theratification of the 13thAmendment to theUnited StatesConstitution onDecember 6, 1865.slaves inthe borderstatesLouisianaPurchaseIn 1803, the thisaddsed the formerFrench and Spanishlands between theMississippi and theRockies to theyoung nation.a holiday thatcelebratesthe end ofslavery in theUnited StatesJuneteenthunionfor "the northern statesloyal to the United Statesgovernment".[1] In thismeaning, the Unionincluded 20 free statesand four southern borderslave states—Delaware,Maryland, Kentucky, andMissouri,Lincoln'sfirstinauguraladdressincluded astatement thatthe Union wouldnot interfere withslavery where itexisted;LewisanClarkled an expedition,shortly after theLouisiana Purchaseof 1803, to exploreand detail as muchof the new territoryas possible.steamboattransformedthe Midwest,revolutionizingtrade andsettlement.inaugurationthe process ofswearing aperson into officeand thus makingthat person theincumbent.incumbentthe currentholder ofan office orposition.UnionDuring the American CivilWar, the United States wasreferred to as simply theUnion, also knowncolloquially as the North,after eleven Southern slavestates seceded to form theConfederate States ofAmerica (CSA), which wascalled the Confederaby freeing enslavedpeople it deprived theSouth of labor, and itallowed AfricanAmerican people to"be received into thearmed service of theUnited States."EmancipationProclamationconfederacycomprised eleven U.S. statesthat declared secession andwarred against the UnitedStates during the AmericanCivil War.[8][9] The stateswere South Carolina,Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,Georgia, Louisiana, Texas,Virginia, Arkansas,TennessAn aboloitionist whoargued that becausethe aim of the Civil Warwas to end slavery,African Americansshould be allowed toengage in the fight fortheir freedom.FrederickDouglassDanielBoonewas an American pioneerand frontiersman whoseexploits made him one ofthe first folk heroes of theUnited States. He becamefamous for his explorationand settlement of Kentucky,which was then beyond thewestern borders of theThirteen ColonislavelaborThe rapid expansionof the cotton industryin the Deep Southafter the invention ofthe cotton gin greatlyincreased demandfor thisJohnBrowna prominent leader in theAmerican abolitionistmovement in the decadespreceding the Civil War.First reaching nationalprominence in the 1850sfor his radical abolitionismand fighting in BleedingKansas, Brown wascaptured, tried, andexecuttrail oftearsPresident Jackson’s Indianremoval policy forcesestward Hothe Cherokee Nation torelinquish its lands eastof the Mississippi andmigrate to Oklahoma. Theirdevastating journey isknown as thisfugitiveslavelawsaws passed by theUnited StatesCongress in 1793 and1850 to provide for thereturn of enslavedpeople who escapedfrom one state intoanother state orterritory.cottonginThe invention of thismachine by American EliWhitney in 1792 was thedecisive event. It allowedgreen-seeded cotton tobecome profitable, leadingto the widespread growthof the large slave plantationin the United States, Brazil,and the WestgoldrushIn the mid 1800s, thisbroughtapproximately300,000 people toCalifornia from therest of the UnitedStates and abroad.[2]This started in1861; this conflictwould become thecostliest in U.S.history in terms ofdamage and liveslost.civilwarUndergroundRailroada network of secretroutes and safe housesestablished in the UnitedStates during the early tomid-19th century. It wasused by enslaved AfricanAmericans primarily toescape into free statesHarrietTubmanan American abolitionistand social activist. Afterescaping slavery, Tubmanmade some 13 missions torescue approximately 70enslaved people, includingher family and friends,using the network ofantislavery activists andsafe houses knowncolslaverythe maincause ofthe civilwar. These people didnot gain theirfreedom until theratification of the 13thAmendment to theUnited StatesConstitution onDecember 6, 1865.slaves inthe borderstatesLouisianaPurchaseIn 1803, the thisaddsed the formerFrench and Spanishlands between theMississippi and theRockies to theyoung nation.a holiday thatcelebratesthe end ofslavery in theUnited StatesJuneteenthunionfor "the northern statesloyal to the United Statesgovernment".[1] In thismeaning, the Unionincluded 20 free statesand four southern borderslave states—Delaware,Maryland, Kentucky, andMissouri,Lincoln'sfirstinauguraladdressincluded astatement thatthe Union wouldnot interfere withslavery where itexisted;LewisanClarkled an expedition,shortly after theLouisiana Purchaseof 1803, to exploreand detail as muchof the new territoryas possible.steamboattransformedthe Midwest,revolutionizingtrade andsettlement.inaugurationthe process ofswearing aperson into officeand thus makingthat person theincumbent.incumbentthe currentholder ofan office orposition.UnionDuring the American CivilWar, the United States wasreferred to as simply theUnion, also knowncolloquially as the North,after eleven Southern slavestates seceded to form theConfederate States ofAmerica (CSA), which wascalled the Confederaby freeing enslavedpeople it deprived theSouth of labor, and itallowed AfricanAmerican people to"be received into thearmed service of theUnited States."EmancipationProclamationconfederacycomprised eleven U.S. statesthat declared secession andwarred against the UnitedStates during the AmericanCivil War.[8][9] The stateswere South Carolina,Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,Georgia, Louisiana, Texas,Virginia, Arkansas,TennessAn aboloitionist whoargued that becausethe aim of the Civil Warwas to end slavery,African Americansshould be allowed toengage in the fight fortheir freedom.FrederickDouglass

Westward expansion, Industrial Revolution & Civil War - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. was an American pioneer and frontiersman whose exploits made him one of the first folk heroes of the United States. He became famous for his exploration and settlement of Kentucky, which was then beyond the western borders of the Thirteen Coloni
    Daniel Boone
  2. The rapid expansion of the cotton industry in the Deep South after the invention of the cotton gin greatly increased demand for this
    slave labor
  3. a prominent leader in the American abolitionist movement in the decades preceding the Civil War. First reaching national prominence in the 1850s for his radical abolitionism and fighting in Bleeding Kansas, Brown was captured, tried, and execut
    John Brown
  4. President Jackson’s Indian removal policy forces estward Ho the Cherokee Nation to relinquish its lands east of the Mississippi and migrate to Oklahoma. Their devastating journey is known as this
    trail of tears
  5. aws passed by the United States Congress in 1793 and 1850 to provide for the return of enslaved people who escaped from one state into another state or territory.
    fugitive slave laws
  6. The invention of this machine by American Eli Whitney in 1792 was the decisive event. It allowed green-seeded cotton to become profitable, leading to the widespread growth of the large slave plantation in the United States, Brazil, and the West
    cotton gin
  7. In the mid 1800s, this brought approximately 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.[2]
    gold rush
  8. civil war
    This started in 1861; this conflict would become the costliest in U.S. history in terms of damage and lives lost.
  9. a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early to mid-19th century. It was used by enslaved African Americans primarily to escape into free states
    Underground Railroad
  10. an American abolitionist and social activist. After escaping slavery, Tubman made some 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people, including her family and friends, using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known col
    Harriet Tubman
  11. the main cause of the civil war
  12. slaves in the border states
    . These people did not gain their freedom until the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution on December 6, 1865.
  13. In 1803, the this addsed the former French and Spanish lands between the Mississippi and the Rockies to the young nation.
    Louisiana Purchase
  14. Juneteenth
    a holiday that celebrates the end of slavery in the United States
  15. for "the northern states loyal to the United States government".[1] In this meaning, the Union included 20 free states and four southern border slave states—Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri,
  16. included a statement that the Union would not interfere with slavery where it existed;
    Lincoln's first inaugural address
  17. led an expedition, shortly after the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, to explore and detail as much of the new territory as possible.
    Lewis an Clark
  18. transformed the Midwest, revolutionizing trade and settlement.
  19. the process of swearing a person into office and thus making that person the incumbent.
  20. the current holder of an office or position.
  21. During the American Civil War, the United States was referred to as simply the Union, also known colloquially as the North, after eleven Southern slave states seceded to form the Confederate States of America (CSA), which was called the Confedera
  22. Emancipation Proclamation
    by freeing enslaved people it deprived the South of labor, and it allowed African American people to "be received into the armed service of the United States."
  23. comprised eleven U.S. states that declared secession and warred against the United States during the American Civil War.[8][9] The states were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tenness
  24. Frederick Douglass
    An aboloitionist who argued that because the aim of the Civil War was to end slavery, African Americans should be allowed to engage in the fight for their freedom.