CelebratingaquinceañeraWe have differentpositions ofbowing for everypeer dependingon the level offamilyLaosWe shootfireworksevery nightof ChristmasEveOnChristmasEve we prayand put babyJesus asleepTanzaniaMountKilmanjaro, thetallest mountainin all of Africa isin my country inTanzaniaColor tvwasinventedin Mexico.Hair is soimportantin mycultureGoing outto eat onbirthdaysOurStaplefood issticky riceCan giveyou a visualof differentaspectsMy flag consist ofthree colors. Blue-peace, Red-"theblood of the country'smartyrs", yellow-wealth, the star-thefuture of the countryI think ofhow wemake dinnereveryholidayMexicoCulture issomethingyou sharewith othersDuring SemanaSanta, you cansee Las Alfombrasdel Viernes Santo.In these temporaryworks of artThe country ofTanzania alsoholds a largeportion of lakeVictoriaIn Hondurasthere’s atown whereit rains fishOn SalvadorianIndependenceDay, you canseeCachiporristashow webelieve ingod andprayThe land ofTanzania isvery diverse butthe mainlanguage isSwahiliCelebratingthe day ofthe VirgendeGuadalupeWe makealtars for ourloved onesthat havepassed awayOn ChristmasEve everyonegets together atone house tomake tamalesThere’s afamousmusic schoolinGuatemalaWe often kill agoat and eat it aswell as Mandaziand Chapati onspecial occasionsWe eat on thefloor on a matcalled a sot.Mostly eatingwith out handsWhen I thinkif Mexicanculture i thinkof Mexicanboard gamesI like to knowwhere my rootsare frombecause I wantto be able toexplore themBlackOn Friday myfamily doesn'teat meat and ifwe do, we haveto make it upsoonElephant issacred to Laosculture becauseit symbolizes theancient kingdomof Lan XangInGuatemalathere areMayantemplesMy country(Congo) hasa lot ofbeautifulsceneriesMany Mexicansare mestizos,which are a mixof NativeAmerican andSpanish bloodWhen I thinkof culture, Ithink ofcommunityFood bringsus togetherand showsyour talent inthe kitchenCongoIn my cutlurewe have theDia de losReyesMagosWe wearkikwembe. A typeof wraparoundcloth worn bywomen in theCongoElSalvadorNativeAmericanHair is soimportantin mycultureI love theway peopledress inthere ownwaysWe celebrateday of thedead. I have aspecial day formy grandpaCelebratingaquinceañeraWe have differentpositions ofbowing for everypeer dependingon the level offamilyLaosWe shootfireworksevery nightof ChristmasEveOnChristmasEve we prayand put babyJesus asleepTanzaniaMountKilmanjaro, thetallest mountainin all of Africa isin my country inTanzaniaColor tvwasinventedin Mexico.Hair is soimportantin mycultureGoing outto eat onbirthdaysOurStaplefood issticky riceCan giveyou a visualof differentaspectsMy flag consist ofthree colors. Blue-peace, Red-"theblood of the country'smartyrs", yellow-wealth, the star-thefuture of the countryI think ofhow wemake dinnereveryholidayMexicoCulture issomethingyou sharewith othersDuring SemanaSanta, you cansee Las Alfombrasdel Viernes Santo.In these temporaryworks of artThe country ofTanzania alsoholds a largeportion of lakeVictoriaIn Hondurasthere’s atown whereit rains fishOn SalvadorianIndependenceDay, you canseeCachiporristashow webelieve ingod andprayThe land ofTanzania isvery diverse butthe mainlanguage isSwahiliCelebratingthe day ofthe VirgendeGuadalupeWe makealtars for ourloved onesthat havepassed awayOn ChristmasEve everyonegets together atone house tomake tamalesThere’s afamousmusic schoolinGuatemalaWe often kill agoat and eat it aswell as Mandaziand Chapati onspecial occasionsWe eat on thefloor on a matcalled a sot.Mostly eatingwith out handsWhen I thinkif Mexicanculture i thinkof Mexicanboard gamesI like to knowwhere my rootsare frombecause I wantto be able toexplore themBlackOn Friday myfamily doesn'teat meat and ifwe do, we haveto make it upsoonElephant issacred to Laosculture becauseit symbolizes theancient kingdomof Lan XangInGuatemalathere areMayantemplesMy country(Congo) hasa lot ofbeautifulsceneriesMany Mexicansare mestizos,which are a mixof NativeAmerican andSpanish bloodWhen I thinkof culture, Ithink ofcommunityFood bringsus togetherand showsyour talent inthe kitchenCongoIn my cutlurewe have theDia de losReyesMagosWe wearkikwembe. A typeof wraparoundcloth worn bywomen in theCongoElSalvadorNativeAmericanHair is soimportantin mycultureI love theway peopledress inthere ownwaysWe celebrateday of thedead. I have aspecial day formy grandpa

World Day Dinner - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Celebrating a quinceañera
  2. We have different positions of bowing for every peer depending on the level of family
  3. Laos
  4. We shoot fireworks every night of Christmas Eve
  5. On Christmas Eve we pray and put baby Jesus asleep
  6. Tanzania
  7. Mount Kilmanjaro, the tallest mountain in all of Africa is in my country in Tanzania
  8. Color tv was invented in Mexico.
  9. Hair is so important in my culture
  10. Going out to eat on birthdays
  11. Our Staple food is sticky rice
  12. Can give you a visual of different aspects
  13. My flag consist of three colors. Blue-peace, Red-"the blood of the country's martyrs", yellow-wealth, the star-the future of the country
  14. I think of how we make dinner every holiday
  15. Mexico
  16. Culture is something you share with others
  17. During Semana Santa, you can see Las Alfombras del Viernes Santo. In these temporary works of art
  18. The country of Tanzania also holds a large portion of lake Victoria
  19. In Honduras there’s a town where it rains fish
  20. On Salvadorian Independence Day, you can see Cachiporristas
  21. how we believe in god and pray
  22. The land of Tanzania is very diverse but the main language is Swahili
  23. Celebrating the day of the Virgen de Guadalupe
  24. We make altars for our loved ones that have passed away
  25. On Christmas Eve everyone gets together at one house to make tamales
  26. There’s a famous music school in Guatemala
  27. We often kill a goat and eat it as well as Mandazi and Chapati on special occasions
  28. We eat on the floor on a mat called a sot. Mostly eating with out hands
  29. When I think if Mexican culture i think of Mexican board games
  30. I like to know where my roots are from because I want to be able to explore them
  31. Black
  32. On Friday my family doesn't eat meat and if we do, we have to make it up soon
  33. Elephant is sacred to Laos culture because it symbolizes the ancient kingdom of Lan Xang
  34. In Guatemala there are Mayan temples
  35. My country (Congo) has a lot of beautiful sceneries
  36. Many Mexicans are mestizos, which are a mix of Native American and Spanish blood
  37. When I think of culture, I think of community
  38. Food brings us together and shows your talent in the kitchen
  39. Congo
  40. In my cutlure we have the Dia de los Reyes Magos
  41. We wear kikwembe. A type of wraparound cloth worn by women in the Congo
  42. El Salvador
  43. Native American
  44. Hair is so important in my culture
  45. I love the way people dress in there own ways
  46. We celebrate day of the dead. I have a special day for my grandpa