Discussmindfulness andliving in themoment. Whatthings must youaccept that youcannot change?Receivefeedback fromone groupmemberregarding yourprogress so far.What wordswould you useto describeyourself? Howwould othersdescribe you?Share threethings youare gratefulfor.Name threethings thatyou utilizefor support inrecoveryName threeskills youhave learnedin treatmentShare threestrategiesto manageanger.Share threeconsequencesthat you haveexperiencedfrom yoursubstance use.Play charades.Practiceexpressing anemotion withoutwords and see ifthe group canguessShare a childhoodmemory. Would yousay you had asatisfying childhood?If you have children,would you want themraised the same wayas you were?What isgratitude?What areyou gratefulfor and why?Verbalizefive positiveaffirmationsaboutyourself.Discuss theconcept ofpowerlesnessand how itrelates to yourrecoveryIf you had to tellsomeone whythey shouldn'tuse substances,what would yousay?Name threetriggers andcorrespondingcoping skillsfor eachName thetwo mostimportantpeople inyour lifeWhat advicewould yougive yourpast self?Name somethingthat makes youstressed andwhat you do tomanage thatstressWhat are therisks andbenefits ofisolation? Howmuch alone timeis too much?Describeyour lifeafter 1 yearof recoveryIf you diedtoday, wouldyou be satisfiedwith your life?Why or whynot?Name 2emotionsthat aretriggers foryouDescribeone fearyou haveIs there anyone inyour life that youwould like toforgive? Is thereanyone you wouldlike forgivenessfrom?Discussmindfulness andliving in themoment. Whatthings must youaccept that youcannot change?Receivefeedback fromone groupmemberregarding yourprogress so far.What wordswould you useto describeyourself? Howwould othersdescribe you?Share threethings youare gratefulfor.Name threethings thatyou utilizefor support inrecoveryName threeskills youhave learnedin treatmentShare threestrategiesto manageanger.Share threeconsequencesthat you haveexperiencedfrom yoursubstance use.Play charades.Practiceexpressing anemotion withoutwords and see ifthe group canguessShare a childhoodmemory. Would yousay you had asatisfying childhood?If you have children,would you want themraised the same wayas you were?What isgratitude?What areyou gratefulfor and why?Verbalizefive positiveaffirmationsaboutyourself.Discuss theconcept ofpowerlesnessand how itrelates to yourrecoveryIf you had to tellsomeone whythey shouldn'tuse substances,what would yousay?Name threetriggers andcorrespondingcoping skillsfor eachName thetwo mostimportantpeople inyour lifeWhat advicewould yougive yourpast self?Name somethingthat makes youstressed andwhat you do tomanage thatstressWhat are therisks andbenefits ofisolation? Howmuch alone timeis too much?Describeyour lifeafter 1 yearof recoveryIf you diedtoday, wouldyou be satisfiedwith your life?Why or whynot?Name 2emotionsthat aretriggers foryouDescribeone fearyou haveIs there anyone inyour life that youwould like toforgive? Is thereanyone you wouldlike forgivenessfrom?

Recovery Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Discuss mindfulness and living in the moment. What things must you accept that you cannot change?
  2. Receive feedback from one group member regarding your progress so far.
  3. What words would you use to describe yourself? How would others describe you?
  4. Share three things you are grateful for.
  5. Name three things that you utilize for support in recovery
  6. Name three skills you have learned in treatment
  7. Share three strategies to manage anger.
  8. Share three consequences that you have experienced from your substance use.
  9. Play charades. Practice expressing an emotion without words and see if the group can guess
  10. Share a childhood memory. Would you say you had a satisfying childhood? If you have children, would you want them raised the same way as you were?
  11. What is gratitude? What are you grateful for and why?
  12. Verbalize five positive affirmations about yourself.
  13. Discuss the concept of powerlesness and how it relates to your recovery
  14. If you had to tell someone why they shouldn't use substances, what would you say?
  15. Name three triggers and corresponding coping skills for each
  16. Name the two most important people in your life
  17. What advice would you give your past self?
  18. Name something that makes you stressed and what you do to manage that stress
  19. What are the risks and benefits of isolation? How much alone time is too much?
  20. Describe your life after 1 year of recovery
  21. If you died today, would you be satisfied with your life? Why or why not?
  22. Name 2 emotions that are triggers for you
  23. Describe one fear you have
  24. Is there anyone in your life that you would like to forgive? Is there anyone you would like forgiveness from?