The songwill bePatternSongThe carnivalthingy inPatternpaloozais calledPatternpaloozaInpatternpaloozaMalik zadie andzeke becomebackgroundcharactersThe actualBackwardsDay takesplace thenext dayThecomputationalthinking skill forPatternpaloozais.. hmm idkpatterns maybeOther randossuddenly wantto participatein backwardsdayInbackwardsday mud isinvolvedsomehowPatternpaloozais written byKathy WaughInPatternpalooza,the main prize isa giant something(2+ points if it’s astuffed animal)Crabs gettingcrabby bc theysuck at riggedcarnival gamesinPatternpaloozaFergusappears (andperhaps talks)in BackwardsDay?The crabsactually talkindividually andmore than onesecond apartSince it’s backwardsday they eat dinnerfirst (dinner beingpieces of fruit andcorn bread) like issuper allergic tocooking actual mealsCrabs willalso be inBackwardsDayClyde tryingtoo hard to bedifferent inPatternpaloozaThe crabsactually getpersonalitiesFor somereason thecrabs are theonly onesparticipating inthe carnivalIdk even knowwhat’s happeningin this episode frllike is every familygetting picturestaken orrrrThecomputationalthinking skill forBackwards Dayis Step It OutPatternpaloozais just an offbrand “to winthe prize bewise” from ahaislandThe titlecard is pinkwith purplepolka dotsMr. E will beinvolvedsomehow inBackwardsDayBackwardsDay iswritten bySherriStonerMr. Es theone takingpicturesThe songwill bePatternSongThe carnivalthingy inPatternpaloozais calledPatternpaloozaInpatternpaloozaMalik zadie andzeke becomebackgroundcharactersThe actualBackwardsDay takesplace thenext dayThecomputationalthinking skill forPatternpaloozais.. hmm idkpatterns maybeOther randossuddenly wantto participatein backwardsdayInbackwardsday mud isinvolvedsomehowPatternpaloozais written byKathy WaughInPatternpalooza,the main prize isa giant something(2+ points if it’s astuffed animal)Crabs gettingcrabby bc theysuck at riggedcarnival gamesinPatternpaloozaFergusappears (andperhaps talks)in BackwardsDay?The crabsactually talkindividually andmore than onesecond apartSince it’s backwardsday they eat dinnerfirst (dinner beingpieces of fruit andcorn bread) like issuper allergic tocooking actual mealsCrabs willalso be inBackwardsDayClyde tryingtoo hard to bedifferent inPatternpaloozaThe crabsactually getpersonalitiesFor somereason thecrabs are theonly onesparticipating inthe carnivalIdk even knowwhat’s happeningin this episode frllike is every familygetting picturestaken orrrrThecomputationalthinking skill forBackwards Dayis Step It OutPatternpaloozais just an offbrand “to winthe prize bewise” from ahaislandThe titlecard is pinkwith purplepolka dotsMr. E will beinvolvedsomehow inBackwardsDayBackwardsDay iswritten bySherriStonerMr. Es theone takingpictures

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The song will be Pattern Song
  2. The carnival thingy in Patternpalooza is called Patternpalooza
  3. In patternpalooza Malik zadie and zeke become background characters
  4. The actual Backwards Day takes place the next day
  5. The computational thinking skill for Patternpalooza is.. hmm idk patterns maybe
  6. Other randos suddenly want to participate in backwards day
  7. In backwards day mud is involved somehow
  8. Patternpalooza is written by Kathy Waugh
  9. In Patternpalooza, the main prize is a giant something (2+ points if it’s a stuffed animal)
  10. Crabs getting crabby bc they suck at rigged carnival games in Patternpalooza
  11. Fergus appears (and perhaps talks) in Backwards Day?
  12. The crabs actually talk individually and more than one second apart
  13. Since it’s backwards day they eat dinner first (dinner being pieces of fruit and corn bread) like is super allergic to cooking actual meals
  14. Crabs will also be in Backwards Day
  15. Clyde trying too hard to be different in Patternpalooza
  16. The crabs actually get personalities
  17. For some reason the crabs are the only ones participating in the carnival
  18. Idk even know what’s happening in this episode frl like is every family getting pictures taken orrrr
  19. The computational thinking skill for Backwards Day is Step It Out
  20. Patternpalooza is just an off brand “to win the prize be wise” from aha island
  21. The title card is pink with purple polka dots
  22. Mr. E will be involved somehow in Backwards Day
  23. Backwards Day is written by Sherri Stoner
  24. Mr. Es the one taking pictures