What is thename of thecritic wholikes thesoup?How didGusteaudie?There is apicture rightnext to the backdoor. What isthe pictue of?What job isRemygiven in therat colony?What job didLinguinihave beforehe became acook?Where did"Ratatouille"take place?Where didLinguine hideRemy so thatRemy could bethe cook andnot be noticed?How doesRemy andLinguinicook?What namedoesLinguinigive Remy?What is areason Horstgive whenasked why hehas done time?Who calls thehealth inspectorto report a ratinfestation atGusteau's?Who doesLinguini tellfirst aboutRemy?Why doLinguini andRemy havea bigargument?What is thename of thechef ofGusteau'skitchen after hedies?What is thename of theman whoreviewsrestaurants'food?What kind ofrodent wasRemy in"Ratatouille"?Who isGusteau'sson?What is the firstthing that Remyprepares in thekitchen atGusteau's?What isthe nameof Remy'sfather?What happens tothe healthinspector after heenters the kitchenat Gusteau's andfinds the ratscooking?Chef AugusteGusteau wroteRemy's favoritecookbookwhich went bywhat title?Why doesRemy's clanhave to leavetheir home inthe living roomceiling?What is thename of theonly femalechef atGusteau's?What's thename of therestaurant thatRemy, Colette,and Linguiniopen?When AntonEgo is in therestaurant,what dish doesRemy want toserve him?What is thename of thecritic wholikes thesoup?How didGusteaudie?There is apicture rightnext to the backdoor. What isthe pictue of?What job isRemygiven in therat colony?What job didLinguinihave beforehe became acook?Where did"Ratatouille"take place?Where didLinguine hideRemy so thatRemy could bethe cook andnot be noticed?How doesRemy andLinguinicook?What namedoesLinguinigive Remy?What is areason Horstgive whenasked why hehas done time?Who calls thehealth inspectorto report a ratinfestation atGusteau's?Who doesLinguini tellfirst aboutRemy?Why doLinguini andRemy havea bigargument?What is thename of thechef ofGusteau'skitchen after hedies?What is thename of theman whoreviewsrestaurants'food?What kind ofrodent wasRemy in"Ratatouille"?Who isGusteau'sson?What is the firstthing that Remyprepares in thekitchen atGusteau's?What isthe nameof Remy'sfather?What happens tothe healthinspector after heenters the kitchenat Gusteau's andfinds the ratscooking?Chef AugusteGusteau wroteRemy's favoritecookbookwhich went bywhat title?Why doesRemy's clanhave to leavetheir home inthe living roomceiling?What is thename of theonly femalechef atGusteau's?What's thename of therestaurant thatRemy, Colette,and Linguiniopen?When AntonEgo is in therestaurant,what dish doesRemy want toserve him?

Ratatouille Trivia Bingo Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is the name of the critic who likes the soup?
  2. How did Gusteau die?
  3. There is a picture right next to the back door. What is the pictue of?
  4. What job is Remy given in the rat colony?
  5. What job did Linguini have before he became a cook?
  6. Where did "Ratatouille" take place?
  7. Where did Linguine hide Remy so that Remy could be the cook and not be noticed?
  8. How does Remy and Linguini cook?
  9. What name does Linguini give Remy?
  10. What is a reason Horst give when asked why he has done time?
  11. Who calls the health inspector to report a rat infestation at Gusteau's?
  12. Who does Linguini tell first about Remy?
  13. Why do Linguini and Remy have a big argument?
  14. What is the name of the chef of Gusteau's kitchen after he dies?
  15. What is the name of the man who reviews restaurants' food?
  16. What kind of rodent was Remy in "Ratatouille"?
  17. Who is Gusteau's son?
  18. What is the first thing that Remy prepares in the kitchen at Gusteau's?
  19. What is the name of Remy's father?
  20. What happens to the health inspector after he enters the kitchen at Gusteau's and finds the rats cooking?
  21. Chef Auguste Gusteau wrote Remy's favorite cookbook which went by what title?
  22. Why does Remy's clan have to leave their home in the living room ceiling?
  23. What is the name of the only female chef at Gusteau's?
  24. What's the name of the restaurant that Remy, Colette, and Linguini open?
  25. When Anton Ego is in the restaurant, what dish does Remy want to serve him?