How to make acertain month“Free” whencreating a newagreement?How manyemails shouldwe selectduring anemail blast?How muchnotice isrequired tocancel aparkingmembership?Upsold acurrent memberfrom an interiorto an exteriorofficeHas a leadinterestedin our JunePromoThe maximum #of days we cansign a memberup in advancebefore they startpaying rent?Receiveda memberreferralthis monthHas 2toursscheduledthis weekClosed amembershiprenewalBooked atourduring aphone callSuccessfullyrescheduleda no-showtourWhen arethe bestdays forcold calling?Whatmembershipcan you offer toa company withpart-timeemployees?AttendedanetworkingeventBooked ameetingroom for anexternalclientReceiveda new listof juniorbrokersReceived aresponsefrom a coldlead onLinkedInWhen dowe reachout forrenewals?Re-engageda lost lead tocome backin to ourspaceHow longcould asecuritydeposit taketo return?Handled acustomercomplainteffectivelyHas beenhung uponConductedasuccessfulcold callConverted atrial memberto a fullmemberHow to make acertain month“Free” whencreating a newagreement?How manyemails shouldwe selectduring anemail blast?How muchnotice isrequired tocancel aparkingmembership?Upsold acurrent memberfrom an interiorto an exteriorofficeHas a leadinterestedin our JunePromoThe maximum #of days we cansign a memberup in advancebefore they startpaying rent?Receiveda memberreferralthis monthHas 2toursscheduledthis weekClosed amembershiprenewalBooked atourduring aphone callSuccessfullyrescheduleda no-showtourWhen arethe bestdays forcold calling?Whatmembershipcan you offer toa company withpart-timeemployees?AttendedanetworkingeventBooked ameetingroom for anexternalclientReceiveda new listof juniorbrokersReceived aresponsefrom a coldlead onLinkedInWhen dowe reachout forrenewals?Re-engageda lost lead tocome backin to ourspaceHow longcould asecuritydeposit taketo return?Handled acustomercomplainteffectivelyHas beenhung uponConductedasuccessfulcold callConverted atrial memberto a fullmember

Sales BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How to make a certain month “Free” when creating a new agreement?
  2. How many emails should we select during an email blast?
  3. How much notice is required to cancel a parking membership?
  4. Upsold a current member from an interior to an exterior office
  5. Has a lead interested in our June Promo
  6. The maximum # of days we can sign a member up in advance before they start paying rent?
  7. Received a member referral this month
  8. Has 2 tours scheduled this week
  9. Closed a membership renewal
  10. Booked a tour during a phone call
  11. Successfully rescheduled a no-show tour
  12. When are the best days for cold calling?
  13. What membership can you offer to a company with part-time employees?
  14. Attended a networking event
  15. Booked a meeting room for an external client
  16. Received a new list of junior brokers
  17. Received a response from a cold lead on LinkedIn
  18. When do we reach out for renewals?
  19. Re-engaged a lost lead to come back in to our space
  20. How long could a security deposit take to return?
  21. Handled a customer complaint effectively
  22. Has been hung up on
  23. Conducted a successful cold call
  24. Converted a trial member to a full member