BirthdayattackAn attackerabuses a securityfeature: hashalgorithms, whichare used to verifythe authenticity ofmessages.AccountCompromisea socialengineeringtactic where theattacker posesas a trustworthyexecutiveCredentialExploitationSingle factorauthenticationleaves the doorwide open toattackers planningon performingprivilege escalation.ExploitsA software tooldesigned totake advantageof a flaw in acomputersystemSocialEngineeringRelies onmanipulating peopleinto violating securityprocedures anddivulging sensitive orpersonal informationPasswordAttackThis type of attackis aimedspecifically atobtaining a user'spassword or anaccount'spassword.BotnetA network ofinfected devicesthat can becontrolled by anattacker to performmalicious activitiesDNSTunnelingUtilizes theDNS protocol tocommunicatenon-DNS trafficover port 53SpearPhishingThreat actorsuse a deepknowledge ofthe potentialvictims to targetthemXSSattacksCross-site scripting,the attackertransmits maliciousscripts usingclickable contentthat gets sent to thetarget's browserKeyloggerA type of malicioussoftware designedto track everykeystroke andreport it back to ahacker.SQLInjectionOccurs whenan attackerinsertsmalicious codeinto a serverthat uses SQLMalwareWide range ofsoftware programsdesigned toinfiltrate, damage,or gainunauthorizedaccessIOTExploit vulnerabilitiesin internet-connecteddevices, such assmart POS, Lighting,and Securitysystems, to launchdenial-of-serviceattacksAdwareA type of malwarethat displaysunwanted ads onend-user devicesto generaterevenue fromadvertisers.Man intheMiddleA hacker orcompromisedsystem sits inbetween twouncompromisedpeople or systemsSpoofingAn attacker takesadvantage of thefact that the userthinks the sitethey are visitingis legitimateInsiderThreatCaused by theactions ofemployees, formeremployees,businesscontractors, orassociatesDDoSAttackInvolves the use ofnumerouscompromisedcomputer systemsor mobile devicesto target a serverAccounthijackingThe attackertakes over asessionbetween aclient and theserver.RogueDeviceThis type ofattack exists onthe network asan unmanageddeviceWhalingA type of phishingattack that alsoleverages personalcommunication togain access to auser's device orpersonal informationRansomwaresystem is heldhostage untilthey agree topay a ransomto the attacker.BruteForceAttempting variouscombinations toguess passwords,credentials, andencryption keysBirthdayattackAn attackerabuses a securityfeature: hashalgorithms, whichare used to verifythe authenticity ofmessages.AccountCompromisea socialengineeringtactic where theattacker posesas a trustworthyexecutiveCredentialExploitationSingle factorauthenticationleaves the doorwide open toattackers planningon performingprivilege escalation.ExploitsA software tooldesigned totake advantageof a flaw in acomputersystemSocialEngineeringRelies onmanipulating peopleinto violating securityprocedures anddivulging sensitive orpersonal informationPasswordAttackThis type of attackis aimedspecifically atobtaining a user'spassword or anaccount'spassword.BotnetA network ofinfected devicesthat can becontrolled by anattacker to performmalicious activitiesDNSTunnelingUtilizes theDNS protocol tocommunicatenon-DNS trafficover port 53SpearPhishingThreat actorsuse a deepknowledge ofthe potentialvictims to targetthemXSSattacksCross-site scripting,the attackertransmits maliciousscripts usingclickable contentthat gets sent to thetarget's browserKeyloggerA type of malicioussoftware designedto track everykeystroke andreport it back to ahacker.SQLInjectionOccurs whenan attackerinsertsmalicious codeinto a serverthat uses SQLMalwareWide range ofsoftware programsdesigned toinfiltrate, damage,or gainunauthorizedaccessIOTExploit vulnerabilitiesin internet-connecteddevices, such assmart POS, Lighting,and Securitysystems, to launchdenial-of-serviceattacksAdwareA type of malwarethat displaysunwanted ads onend-user devicesto generaterevenue fromadvertisers.Man intheMiddleA hacker orcompromisedsystem sits inbetween twouncompromisedpeople or systemsSpoofingAn attacker takesadvantage of thefact that the userthinks the sitethey are visitingis legitimateInsiderThreatCaused by theactions ofemployees, formeremployees,businesscontractors, orassociatesDDoSAttackInvolves the use ofnumerouscompromisedcomputer systemsor mobile devicesto target a serverAccounthijackingThe attackertakes over asessionbetween aclient and theserver.RogueDeviceThis type ofattack exists onthe network asan unmanageddeviceWhalingA type of phishingattack that alsoleverages personalcommunication togain access to auser's device orpersonal informationRansomwaresystem is heldhostage untilthey agree topay a ransomto the attacker.BruteForceAttempting variouscombinations toguess passwords,credentials, andencryption keys

Security Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. An attacker abuses a security feature: hash algorithms, which are used to verify the authenticity of messages.
    Birthday attack
  2. a social engineering tactic where the attacker poses as a trustworthy executive
    Account Compromise
  3. Single factor authentication leaves the door wide open to attackers planning on performing privilege escalation.
    Credential Exploitation
  4. A software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw in a computer system
  5. Relies on manipulating people into violating security procedures and divulging sensitive or personal information
    Social Engineering
  6. This type of attack is aimed specifically at obtaining a user's password or an account's password.
    Password Attack
  7. A network of infected devices that can be controlled by an attacker to perform malicious activities
  8. Utilizes the DNS protocol to communicate non-DNS traffic over port 53
    DNS Tunneling
  9. Threat actors use a deep knowledge of the potential victims to target them
    Spear Phishing
  10. Cross-site scripting, the attacker transmits malicious scripts using clickable content that gets sent to the target's browser
    XSS attacks
  11. A type of malicious software designed to track every keystroke and report it back to a hacker.
  12. Occurs when an attacker inserts malicious code into a server that uses SQL
    SQL Injection
  13. Wide range of software programs designed to infiltrate, damage, or gain unauthorized access
  14. Exploit vulnerabilities in internet-connected devices, such as smart POS, Lighting, and Security systems, to launch denial-of-service attacks
  15. A type of malware that displays unwanted ads on end-user devices to generate revenue from advertisers.
  16. A hacker or compromised system sits in between two uncompromised people or systems
    Man in the Middle
  17. An attacker takes advantage of the fact that the user thinks the site they are visiting is legitimate
  18. Caused by the actions of employees, former employees, business contractors, or associates
    Insider Threat
  19. Involves the use of numerous compromised computer systems or mobile devices to target a server
    DDoS Attack
  20. The attacker takes over a session between a client and the server.
    Account hijacking
  21. This type of attack exists on the network as an unmanaged device
    Rogue Device
  22. A type of phishing attack that also leverages personal communication to gain access to a user's device or personal information
  23. system is held hostage until they agree to pay a ransom to the attacker.
  24. Attempting various combinations to guess passwords, credentials, and encryption keys
    Brute Force