Identified anarea where youcan improveyour skills andcreated a planto do so.Brainstormedwith colleaguesto generatenew ideas for acurrent project.Took theinitiative tosolve acustomer issueon my own.Asked forfeedback onmyperformance.Shared alearningresource orarticle withyour team.Took acalculated riskto improve aprocess oroutcome.Offered asolution toa teamchallenge.Read anindustryarticle or blogpost to stayinformed.Shared aprocessimprovementidea withyour team.Created orupdated astandardoperatingprocedure(SOP).Volunteeredfor a projectoutside myusual role.Streamlineda process tosave time &resources.Took the leadin resolving aconflict with acolleague orcustomer.Helped ateammateovercome achallenge orobstacle.Attendeda trainingsession toupskill.Learned a newskill or tool toimprove mywork efficiencyProactivelycommunicated apotential issue toyour manager,along with aproposed solution.Identified andeliminated a"part" thatwasn't addingvalue.Documenteda processimprovementI made.Automateda repetitivetask tosave time.Delivereda projectahead ofschedule.Lead ateammeetingProactivelycommunicateda potentialissue to yourmanager.Free!Presenteda BoldIdea in aMeetingIdentified anarea where youcan improveyour skills andcreated a planto do so.Brainstormedwith colleaguesto generatenew ideas for acurrent project.Took theinitiative tosolve acustomer issueon my own.Asked forfeedback onmyperformance.Shared alearningresource orarticle withyour team.Took acalculated riskto improve aprocess oroutcome.Offered asolution toa teamchallenge.Read anindustryarticle or blogpost to stayinformed.Shared aprocessimprovementidea withyour team.Created orupdated astandardoperatingprocedure(SOP).Volunteeredfor a projectoutside myusual role.Streamlineda process tosave time &resources.Took the leadin resolving aconflict with acolleague orcustomer.Helped ateammateovercome achallenge orobstacle.Attendeda trainingsession toupskill.Learned a newskill or tool toimprove mywork efficiencyProactivelycommunicated apotential issue toyour manager,along with aproposed solution.Identified andeliminated a"part" thatwasn't addingvalue.Documenteda processimprovementI made.Automateda repetitivetask tosave time.Delivereda projectahead ofschedule.Lead ateammeetingProactivelycommunicateda potentialissue to yourmanager.Free!Presenteda BoldIdea in aMeeting

Shift4 BINGO: Embracing the Way - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Identified an area where you can improve your skills and created a plan to do so.
  2. Brainstormed with colleagues to generate new ideas for a current project.
  3. Took the initiative to solve a customer issue on my own.
  4. Asked for feedback on my performance.
  5. Shared a learning resource or article with your team.
  6. Took a calculated risk to improve a process or outcome.
  7. Offered a solution to a team challenge.
  8. Read an industry article or blog post to stay informed.
  9. Shared a process improvement idea with your team.
  10. Created or updated a standard operating procedure (SOP).
  11. Volunteered for a project outside my usual role.
  12. Streamlined a process to save time & resources.
  13. Took the lead in resolving a conflict with a colleague or customer.
  14. Helped a teammate overcome a challenge or obstacle.
  15. Attended a training session to upskill.
  16. Learned a new skill or tool to improve my work efficiency
  17. Proactively communicated a potential issue to your manager, along with a proposed solution.
  18. Identified and eliminated a "part" that wasn't adding value.
  19. Documented a process improvement I made.
  20. Automated a repetitive task to save time.
  21. Delivered a project ahead of schedule.
  22. Lead a team meeting
  23. Proactively communicated a potential issue to your manager.
  24. Free!
  25. Presented a Bold Idea in a Meeting