Present Perfect:Have you evermet a famousperson? Whathappened?  PresentSimple: Whatkind of musicdo you likeand why?Past Simple:When didyou learn toride a bike?Future Simple:Where will yougo on yournext vacation?  Say the rulesfor thepresentperfect tensePresentSimple:Describeyour dailyroutine.Past Simple:What was thelast book youread and didyou like it?  PresentPerfect: Haveyou ever tried anew sport?What was itlike?FutureSimple: Whatwill you do ifit rains thisweekend?Present Simple:What’s yourfavorite hobbyand how oftendo you do it?Future:What willyou studyin college?FutureSimple: Whatwill you do ifyou win thelottery?PresentPerfect: Haveyou ever donesomething youregretted?What was it?PresentPerfect: Haveyou ever eatensomethingreally unusual?What was it?Past Simple:What did youdo on yourlast birthday?  Present Perfect:Have you evertraveled toanothercountry? Tell usabout it.Say therules for 2pasttensesPresentPerfect: Haveyou ever playeda musicalinstrument?Which one?Say therules for 3futuretensesPast Simple:Tell me abouta movie youwatched lastweekend.Present Simple:What is yourfavorite foodand how oftendo you eat it?Present Simple:What do you doevery morningbefore school?  PresentSimple: Howdo youspend yourfree time?Future Simple:How do youthinktechnology willchange in thenext 10 years?Future: Whatwill you donextsummer?  Past Simple:Describe atrip you wenton recently.Past Simple:Tell meabout a timeyou helpedsomeone.Present Perfect:Have you evermet a famousperson? Whathappened?  PresentSimple: Whatkind of musicdo you likeand why?Past Simple:When didyou learn toride a bike?Future Simple:Where will yougo on yournext vacation?  Say the rulesfor thepresentperfect tensePresentSimple:Describeyour dailyroutine.Past Simple:What was thelast book youread and didyou like it?  PresentPerfect: Haveyou ever tried anew sport?What was itlike?FutureSimple: Whatwill you do ifit rains thisweekend?Present Simple:What’s yourfavorite hobbyand how oftendo you do it?Future:What willyou studyin college?FutureSimple: Whatwill you do ifyou win thelottery?PresentPerfect: Haveyou ever donesomething youregretted?What was it?PresentPerfect: Haveyou ever eatensomethingreally unusual?What was it?Past Simple:What did youdo on yourlast birthday?  Present Perfect:Have you evertraveled toanothercountry? Tell usabout it.Say therules for 2pasttensesPresentPerfect: Haveyou ever playeda musicalinstrument?Which one?Say therules for 3futuretensesPast Simple:Tell me abouta movie youwatched lastweekend.Present Simple:What is yourfavorite foodand how oftendo you eat it?Present Simple:What do you doevery morningbefore school?  PresentSimple: Howdo youspend yourfree time?Future Simple:How do youthinktechnology willchange in thenext 10 years?Future: Whatwill you donextsummer?  Past Simple:Describe atrip you wenton recently.Past Simple:Tell meabout a timeyou helpedsomeone.

Verb tenses - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Present Perfect: Have you ever met a famous person? What happened?
  2. Present Simple: What kind of music do you like and why?
  3. Past Simple: When did you learn to ride a bike?
  4. Future Simple: Where will you go on your next vacation?
  5. Say the rules for the present perfect tense
  6. Present Simple: Describe your daily routine.
  7. Past Simple: What was the last book you read and did you like it?
  8. Present Perfect: Have you ever tried a new sport? What was it like?
  9. Future Simple: What will you do if it rains this weekend?
  10. Present Simple: What’s your favorite hobby and how often do you do it?
  11. Future: What will you study in college?
  12. Future Simple: What will you do if you win the lottery?
  13. Present Perfect: Have you ever done something you regretted? What was it?
  14. Present Perfect: Have you ever eaten something really unusual? What was it?
  15. Past Simple: What did you do on your last birthday?
  16. Present Perfect: Have you ever traveled to another country? Tell us about it.
  17. Say the rules for 2 past tenses
  18. Present Perfect: Have you ever played a musical instrument? Which one?
  19. Say the rules for 3 future tenses
  20. Past Simple: Tell me about a movie you watched last weekend.
  21. Present Simple: What is your favorite food and how often do you eat it?
  22. Present Simple: What do you do every morning before school?
  23. Present Simple: How do you spend your free time?
  24. Future Simple: How do you think technology will change in the next 10 years?
  25. Future: What will you do next summer?
  26. Past Simple: Describe a trip you went on recently.
  27. Past Simple: Tell me about a time you helped someone.