28) Had awatchpartyforEURO202425) Had afamily memberwander into thebackground ofa call16) Gave ashoutout to acolleagueduring ameeting7) I havecollaboratedwith acolleague fromanotherdepartment19) Waspleasantlysurprised tosee resultsof the month5) I haveadvocated for anecessarychaange in aprocess orstrategy11) I havereflected onmy careeraspirations23) Have triedto explaincomplexfinancenumbers tonon-finance30) Havewatched aEURO2024matchLIVE/on TV15) Used thesentence "thiswas a centraldecision"locally12) I have takenactions basedon insightsduring thecareer month onmy career plan27) wasnervous aboutan E-Mail thatI was about tosend21) Had to digdeep to findexplanationsbehind anumber6) I have madea businessdecision byconsidering bothinternal andexternal factors9) I havementored orcoached acolleagues tohelp them grow2) I havelooked for waysto improve acurrent process4) I havecontributedto a long-term visionfor my team26) Heardabout thecostsincrease oforange juice8) I haveintentionallyincludeddiverseperspectives ina discussion13) I have had acareer conversationwith mymanager/colleague20) Wasunpleasantlysurprised tosee resultsof the month22) Feltdisplacedin ameeting10) I attendedan insightfulevent organizedwithin the careermonthorganizations3) I havepushed forprogress evenwhen theoutcome wasuncertain29) Have seena CokeEURO2024advertisement418) Worked ona task outsideof my coreresponsibilities24) Had abusinesstravel in thelast month14) I havegainedexperiencefor a newcapability/skill1) I haveempoweredothers to take arisk / I have beenempowered totake a risk17)Successfullymultitaskedduring ameeting28) Had awatchpartyforEURO202425) Had afamily memberwander into thebackground ofa call16) Gave ashoutout to acolleagueduring ameeting7) I havecollaboratedwith acolleague fromanotherdepartment19) Waspleasantlysurprised tosee resultsof the month5) I haveadvocated for anecessarychaange in aprocess orstrategy11) I havereflected onmy careeraspirations23) Have triedto explaincomplexfinancenumbers tonon-finance30) Havewatched aEURO2024matchLIVE/on TV15) Used thesentence "thiswas a centraldecision"locally12) I have takenactions basedon insightsduring thecareer month onmy career plan27) wasnervous aboutan E-Mail thatI was about tosend21) Had to digdeep to findexplanationsbehind anumber6) I have madea businessdecision byconsidering bothinternal andexternal factors9) I havementored orcoached acolleagues tohelp them grow2) I havelooked for waysto improve acurrent process4) I havecontributedto a long-term visionfor my team26) Heardabout thecostsincrease oforange juice8) I haveintentionallyincludeddiverseperspectives ina discussion13) I have had acareer conversationwith mymanager/colleague20) Wasunpleasantlysurprised tosee resultsof the month22) Feltdisplacedin ameeting10) I attendedan insightfulevent organizedwithin the careermonthorganizations3) I havepushed forprogress evenwhen theoutcome wasuncertain29) Have seena CokeEURO2024advertisement418) Worked ona task outsideof my coreresponsibilities24) Had abusinesstravel in thelast month14) I havegainedexperiencefor a newcapability/skill1) I haveempoweredothers to take arisk / I have beenempowered totake a risk17)Successfullymultitaskedduring ameeting

Europe Finance TH Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 28) Had a watchparty for EURO2024
  2. 25) Had a family member wander into the background of a call
  3. 16) Gave a shoutout to a colleague during a meeting
  4. 7) I have collaborated with a colleague from another department
  5. 19) Was pleasantly surprised to see results of the month
  6. 5) I have advocated for a necessary chaange in a process or strategy
  7. 11) I have reflected on my career aspirations
  8. 23) Have tried to explain complex finance numbers to non-finance
  9. 30) Have watched a EURO2024 match LIVE/on TV
  10. 15) Used the sentence "this was a central decision" locally
  11. 12) I have taken actions based on insights during the career month on my career plan
  12. 27) was nervous about an E-Mail that I was about to send
  13. 21) Had to dig deep to find explanations behind a number
  14. 6) I have made a business decision by considering both internal and external factors
  15. 9) I have mentored or coached a colleagues to help them grow
  16. 2) I have looked for ways to improve a current process
  17. 4) I have contributed to a long-term vision for my team
  18. 26) Heard about the costs increase of orange juice
  19. 8) I have intentionally included diverse perspectives in a discussion
  20. 13) I have had a career conversation with my manager/colleague
  21. 20) Was unpleasantly surprised to see results of the month
  22. 22) Felt displaced in a meeting
  23. 10) I attended an insightful event organized within the career month organizations
  24. 3) I have pushed for progress even when the outcome was uncertain
  25. 29) Have seen a Coke EURO2024 advertisement4
  26. 18) Worked on a task outside of my core responsibilities
  27. 24) Had a business travel in the last month
  28. 14) I have gained experience for a new capability/skill
  29. 1) I have empowered others to take a risk / I have been empowered to take a risk
  30. 17) Successfully multitasked during a meeting