learningintention6:I have exploreddifferent skills forbuilding positiverelationshipswith otherpeople. (6)learningintention5:I can map thechanges indifferentrelationships inmy life as I havegrown up. (5)learningintention13:I can take onboard andmake changesfromconstructivefeedback. (13)learningintention12:I can summarisethe keyrequirements ofmy assessment.(12)learningintention9:I understand howI can empathisewith people whohave a differentperspective tome. (9)learningintention11:I know how Ican impact mylocalcommunity, andthe wider globalcommunity. (11)Learningintention2:I know how toplan my timeand learningstrategies tocomplete thisterm. (2)learningintention4:I have analysedhow experiencesshape a person’sself andaspirations. (4)learningintention3:I identifiedimportantexperiences andaspirations for myown and differentgenerations. (3)Learningintention1:I understandwhat I’mgoing to learnthis term, andwhy.(1)learningintention7:I have practicedthese skills forbuilding positiverelationshipswith new people.(7)learningintention8:I can recognisesocial contextsthat can shapeperspectivesandrelationships. (8)learningintention10:I understand eachgeneration’s powerwithin our society,and how thisimpactscommunity life.(10)learningintention6:I have exploreddifferent skills forbuilding positiverelationshipswith otherpeople. (6)learningintention5:I can map thechanges indifferentrelationships inmy life as I havegrown up. (5)learningintention13:I can take onboard andmake changesfromconstructivefeedback. (13)learningintention12:I can summarisethe keyrequirements ofmy assessment.(12)learningintention9:I understand howI can empathisewith people whohave a differentperspective tome. (9)learningintention11:I know how Ican impact mylocalcommunity, andthe wider globalcommunity. (11)Learningintention2:I know how toplan my timeand learningstrategies tocomplete thisterm. (2)learningintention4:I have analysedhow experiencesshape a person’sself andaspirations. (4)learningintention3:I identifiedimportantexperiences andaspirations for myown and differentgenerations. (3)Learningintention1:I understandwhat I’mgoing to learnthis term, andwhy.(1)learningintention7:I have practicedthese skills forbuilding positiverelationshipswith new people.(7)learningintention8:I can recognisesocial contextsthat can shapeperspectivesandrelationships. (8)learningintention10:I understand eachgeneration’s powerwithin our society,and how thisimpactscommunity life.(10)

Introduction to term 3 learning: - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I have explored different skills for building positive relationships with other people. (6)
    learning intention 6:
  2. I can map the changes in different relationships in my life as I have grown up. (5)
    learning intention 5:
  3. I can take on board and make changes from constructive feedback. (13)
    learning intention 13:
  4. I can summarise the key requirements of my assessment. (12)
    learning intention 12:
  5. I understand how I can empathise with people who have a different perspective to me. (9)
    learning intention 9:
  6. I know how I can impact my local community, and the wider global community. (11)
    learning intention 11:
  7. I know how to plan my time and learning strategies to complete this term. (2)
    Learning intention 2:
  8. I have analysed how experiences shape a person’s self and aspirations. (4)
    learning intention 4:
  9. I identified important experiences and aspirations for my own and different generations. (3)
    learning intention 3:
  10. I understand what I’m going to learn this term, and why.(1)
    Learning intention 1:
  11. I have practiced these skills for building positive relationships with new people. (7)
    learning intention 7:
  12. I can recognise social contexts that can shape perspectives and relationships. (8)
    learning intention 8:
  13. I understand each generation’s power within our society, and how this impacts community life. (10)
    learning intention 10: