I end updrunk bythe end ofthe debateAmericalosesBiden oldmanpunchesTrump.Biden babblesa wholesentence andthe audienceclapsMicheleObamatakesBiden’s spotVideo of JoeBiden smokingHunter Biden’scrack surfacesTrumps VPpick isliterally justChatGPTEithercandidatessays a slurTrumpshair literallyruns offstageA designatedsurvivor typeevent happensand MarcoRubio becomespresident.Trump eats aMcDonaldsquarterpounder anddrinks a DietCoke on stageRFK Jr somehowgets on stageand is promptlyassassinated bythe CIA like hisuncle and fatherThe moderatorscommit suicideat theconclusion ofthe debateTrumpsays “Theblackslove me.”To standupright Bidengrips thepodium for dearlife all of thedebateWhile everyoneis distractedanother 100billion is sent toUkraine orIsraelBidenannounceshe’s the firsttransgenderpresidentBiden staresout intospace for atleast 10secondsTrumpsays“China”Eithercandidate talksabout howmuch they loveminorities in anoff putting wayChinainvadesTaiwanBiden says“Come on,man.” Atleast fivetimesMarvinsalutes thescreen whenTrump stepson stageBidenliterallyfallsasleepI end updrunk bythe end ofthe debateAmericalosesBiden oldmanpunchesTrump.Biden babblesa wholesentence andthe audienceclapsMicheleObamatakesBiden’s spotVideo of JoeBiden smokingHunter Biden’scrack surfacesTrumps VPpick isliterally justChatGPTEithercandidatessays a slurTrumpshair literallyruns offstageA designatedsurvivor typeevent happensand MarcoRubio becomespresident.Trump eats aMcDonaldsquarterpounder anddrinks a DietCoke on stageRFK Jr somehowgets on stageand is promptlyassassinated bythe CIA like hisuncle and fatherThe moderatorscommit suicideat theconclusion ofthe debateTrumpsays “Theblackslove me.”To standupright Bidengrips thepodium for dearlife all of thedebateWhile everyoneis distractedanother 100billion is sent toUkraine orIsraelBidenannounceshe’s the firsttransgenderpresidentBiden staresout intospace for atleast 10secondsTrumpsays“China”Eithercandidate talksabout howmuch they loveminorities in anoff putting wayChinainvadesTaiwanBiden says“Come on,man.” Atleast fivetimesMarvinsalutes thescreen whenTrump stepson stageBidenliterallyfallsasleep

Debate Night - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I end up drunk by the end of the debate
  2. America loses
  3. Biden old man punches Trump.
  4. Biden babbles a whole sentence and the audience claps
  5. Michele Obama takes Biden’s spot
  6. Video of Joe Biden smoking Hunter Biden’s crack surfaces
  7. Trumps VP pick is literally just ChatGPT
  8. Either candidates says a slur
  9. Trumps hair literally runs off stage
  10. A designated survivor type event happens and Marco Rubio becomes president.
  11. Trump eats a McDonalds quarter pounder and drinks a Diet Coke on stage
  12. RFK Jr somehow gets on stage and is promptly assassinated by the CIA like his uncle and father
  13. The moderators commit suicide at the conclusion of the debate
  14. Trump says “The blacks love me.”
  15. To stand upright Biden grips the podium for dear life all of the debate
  16. While everyone is distracted another 100 billion is sent to Ukraine or Israel
  17. Biden announces he’s the first transgender president
  18. Biden stares out into space for at least 10 seconds
  19. Trump says “China”
  20. Either candidate talks about how much they love minorities in an off putting way
  21. China invades Taiwan
  22. Biden says “Come on, man.” At least five times
  23. Marvin salutes the screen when Trump steps on stage
  24. Biden literally falls asleep