EstiniensweatsWe willcamp atsome placeoutside thecityOne Foodscene will be asdetailed as thepost EWdumpling sceneNewclothes forthe Scions(at least 1)2 MSQQuests,where wecontrolsomeone elseSomeNewFriendbetrays usAt least 8"NPC followsyou" MSQObjectivesThe villainwon't take theWoL seriouslyat the firstmeetingY'shtola willthreatensomeone inan annoyedmannerWe will beremindedthatHydaelyn isgoneAsciansreturnOne of theScions sacrificesthemselves forsomething onlyto come back abit laterLyse willpop up inany wayonceFirst Trialwill be atlevel 94EstiniengetslostG'raha willrush for thefood at the firstmoment wehave free timeRole Questswill unlockartifact geardyesAlphinaudwill belaughed atfor his sizeAt leastone otherViper inthe MSQG'raha willbe kid-likehappy totravel withthe WoLZenosreturnsOne of theScions willscream formore than asecondThere willbe snowon somemapFinal Boss willgrow beforefighting us (beingsummoneddoesn't count asgrowing)EstiniensweatsWe willcamp atsome placeoutside thecityOne Foodscene will be asdetailed as thepost EWdumpling sceneNewclothes forthe Scions(at least 1)2 MSQQuests,where wecontrolsomeone elseSomeNewFriendbetrays usAt least 8"NPC followsyou" MSQObjectivesThe villainwon't take theWoL seriouslyat the firstmeetingY'shtola willthreatensomeone inan annoyedmannerWe will beremindedthatHydaelyn isgoneAsciansreturnOne of theScions sacrificesthemselves forsomething onlyto come back abit laterLyse willpop up inany wayonceFirst Trialwill be atlevel 94EstiniengetslostG'raha willrush for thefood at the firstmoment wehave free timeRole Questswill unlockartifact geardyesAlphinaudwill belaughed atfor his sizeAt leastone otherViper inthe MSQG'raha willbe kid-likehappy totravel withthe WoLZenosreturnsOne of theScions willscream formore than asecondThere willbe snowon somemapFinal Boss willgrow beforefighting us (beingsummoneddoesn't count asgrowing)

Dawntrail 7.0 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Estinien sweats
  2. We will camp at some place outside the city
  3. One Food scene will be as detailed as the post EW dumpling scene
  4. New clothes for the Scions (at least 1)
  5. 2 MSQ Quests, where we control someone else
  6. Some New Friend betrays us
  7. At least 8 "NPC follows you" MSQ Objectives
  8. The villain won't take the WoL seriously at the first meeting
  9. Y'shtola will threaten someone in an annoyed manner
  10. We will be reminded that Hydaelyn is gone
  11. Ascians return
  12. One of the Scions sacrifices themselves for something only to come back a bit later
  13. Lyse will pop up in any way once
  14. First Trial will be at level 94
  15. Estinien gets lost
  16. G'raha will rush for the food at the first moment we have free time
  17. Role Quests will unlock artifact gear dyes
  18. Alphinaud will be laughed at for his size
  19. At least one other Viper in the MSQ
  20. G'raha will be kid-like happy to travel with the WoL
  21. Zenos returns
  22. One of the Scions will scream for more than a second
  23. There will be snow on some map
  24. Final Boss will grow before fighting us (being summoned doesn't count as growing)