Speaksmore than2languages.Hasattendedthe ChingayParade.Knows atraditionaldanceHas livedin morethan onecountryCan statethe threebranches ofgovernmentin SingaporeKnows howto cook atraditionaldish fromtheir culture.Participatedin acommunityserviceprojectHas visited agovernmentbuilding (e.g.city hall,Istana)Can state arecent localgovernmentdecisionHasparticipated ina heritage trailor cultural tourin Singapore.Hasparticipated in astudent councilor leadershipprogramCan explain arecent policychange and itsimpact on thecommunityCan name awoman whoholds/held asignificantpolitical positionHas attended aparliamentarysession orwatched oneonlineHasattended atraditionalChinese teaceremonyHas participated ina religiousceremony differentfrom their own(e.g., visiting amosque, temple,or church).Knows how to playa traditionalmusical instrumentfrom their culture(e.g., Erhu,Kompang, Tabla).Has a familymemberfrom adifferentcountryCan name anorganizationthat works forsocial justiceSpeaksmore than2languages.Hasattendedthe ChingayParade.Knows atraditionaldanceHas livedin morethan onecountryCan statethe threebranches ofgovernmentin SingaporeKnows howto cook atraditionaldish fromtheir culture.Participatedin acommunityserviceprojectHas visited agovernmentbuilding (e.g.city hall,Istana)Can state arecent localgovernmentdecisionHasparticipated ina heritage trailor cultural tourin Singapore.Hasparticipated in astudent councilor leadershipprogramCan explain arecent policychange and itsimpact on thecommunityCan name awoman whoholds/held asignificantpolitical positionHas attended aparliamentarysession orwatched oneonlineHasattended atraditionalChinese teaceremonyHas participated ina religiousceremony differentfrom their own(e.g., visiting amosque, temple,or church).Knows how to playa traditionalmusical instrumentfrom their culture(e.g., Erhu,Kompang, Tabla).Has a familymemberfrom adifferentcountryCan name anorganizationthat works forsocial justice

politcal awareness diversity bingo !! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Speaks more than 2 languages.
  2. Has attended the Chingay Parade.
  3. Knows a traditional dance
  4. Has lived in more than one country
  5. Can state the three branches of government in Singapore
  6. Knows how to cook a traditional dish from their culture.
  7. Participated in a community service project
  8. Has visited a government building (e.g. city hall, Istana)
  9. Can state a recent local government decision
  10. Has participated in a heritage trail or cultural tour in Singapore.
  11. Has participated in a student council or leadership program
  12. Can explain a recent policy change and its impact on the community
  13. Can name a woman who holds/held a significant political position
  14. Has attended a parliamentary session or watched one online
  15. Has attended a traditional Chinese tea ceremony
  16. Has participated in a religious ceremony different from their own (e.g., visiting a mosque, temple, or church).
  17. Knows how to play a traditional musical instrument from their culture (e.g., Erhu, Kompang, Tabla).
  18. Has a family member from a different country
  19. Can name an organization that works for social justice